similar to: How robust is mle in R?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How robust is mle in R?"

2011 Mar 28
maximum likelihood accuracy - comparison with Stata
Hi everyone, I am looking to do some manual maximum likelihood estimation in R. I have done a lot of work in Stata and so I have been using output comparisons to get a handle on what is happening. I estimated a simple linear model in R with lm() and also my own maximum likelihood program. I then compared the output with Stata. Two things jumped out at me. Firstly, in Stata my coefficient
2003 Jul 14
Hypothesis testing after optim
Hi folks: Does anyone know of a way to do (linear) hypothesis tests of parameters after fitting a maximum-likelihood model w/ optim? I can't seem to find anything like a Wald test whose documentation says it applies to optim output. Also, thanks again to everyone who gave me feedback on the robustness of ML estimation in R! Peter ********************************
2008 Aug 12
Maximum likelihood estimation
Hello, I am struggling for some time now to estimate AR(1) process for commodity price time series. I did it in STATA but cannot get a result in R. The equation I want to estimate is: p(t)=a+b*p(t-1)+error Using STATA I get 0.92 for a, and 0.73 for b. Code that I use in R is: p<-matrix(data$p) # price at time t lp<-cbind(1,data$lp) # price at time t-1
2004 May 10
Explaining Survival difference between Stata and R
Dear Everybody: I'm doing my usual "how does that work in R" thing with some Stata projects. I find a gross gap between the Stata and R in Cox PH models, and I hope you can give me some pointers about what goes wrong. I'm getting signals from R/Survival that the model just can't be estimated, but Stata spits out numbers just fine. I wonder if I should specify initial
2005 Jun 07
R and MLE
I learned R & MLE in the last few days. It is great! I wrote up my explorations as I will be most happy if R gurus will look at this and comment on how it can be improved. I have a few specific questions: * Should one use optim() or should one use stats4::mle()? I felt that mle() wasn't adding much value compared with optim, and
2006 Jan 29
Logit regression using MLE
I have used the following code to obtain a max likelihood estimator for a logit regression. The final command invokes ‘optim’ to obtain the parameter estimates. The code works OK but I want to use the ‘mle’ function in the ‘stats4’ package instead of directly calling ‘optim’. Can someone please figure out the command to do this? Thank you in advance. Martin # mlelo.r - maximum
2006 Feb 10
Fitdistr and MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution
Hello! I would like to get MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution. I can use fitdistr() for this. After looking a bit into the code of this function I can see that value for lambda and its standard error is estimated via estimate <- mean(x) sds <- sqrt(estimate/n) Is this MLE? With my poor math/stat knowledge I thought that MLE for Poisson parameter is (in mixture of LaTeX
2010 Jan 04
MLE optimization
Folks, I'm kind of newbie in R, but with some background in Matlab and VBA programming. Last month I was implementing a Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Matlab, but the algorithms didn't converge. So my academic advisor suggested using R. My problem is: estimate a mean reverting jump diffusion parameters. I've succeeded in deriving the likelihood function (which looks like a gaussian
2008 Jun 11
MLE Estimation of Gamma Distribution Parameters for data with 'zeros'
Greetings, all I am having difficulty getting the fitdistr() function to return without an error on my data. Specifically, what I'm trying to do is get a parameter estimation for fracture intensity data in a well / borehole. Lower bound is 0 (no fractures in the selected data interval), and upper bound is ~ 10 - 50, depending on what scale you are conducting the analysis on. I read in the
2008 Apr 10
Huber-white cluster s.e. after optim?
I've used optim to analyze some data I have with good results, but need to correct the var-cov matrix for possible effects of clustering of observations (respondents) in small groups (non-independence). Is there any function to adjust the matrix? I heard some time ago that the vcovHC function would have a cluster capability added to it, but I don't see that in my fairly recent version.
2004 Sep 01
error in mle
Friends I'm trying fit a survival model by maximum likelihood estimation using this function: flver=function(a1,a2,b1,b2) { lver=-(sum(st*log(exp(a1*x1+a2*x2)))+sum(st*log(hheft(exp(b1*x1+b2*x2)*t,f.heft))) -(exp(a1*x1+a2*x2)/exp(b1*x1-b2*x2))*sum(-log(1-pheft(exp(b1*x1+b2*x2)*t,f.heft)))) } emv=mle(flver,start=list(a1=0,a2=0,b1=0,b2=0)) where hheft and pheft are functions defined in
2011 Feb 22
Hi, I am looking for some help regarding the use of the mle function. I am trying to get mle for 3 parameters (theta0, theta1 and theta2) that have been defined in the the log-likelihood equation as theta0=theta[1], theta1=theta[2] and theta2=theta[3]. My R code for mle is: mle(Poisson.lik, start=list(theta=c(20,1,1), method="Nelder-Mead", fixed=list(w=w, t1=t1, t2=t2)) But I keep
2006 Feb 02
how to use mle?
>Y [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 0 1 0 [2,] 0 1 0 [3,] 0 0 1 [4,] 1 0 0 [5,] 0 0 1 [6,] 0 0 1 [7,] 1 0 0 [8,] 1 0 0 [9,] 0 0 1 [10,] 1 0 0 >X pri82 pan82 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 5 0 1 6 0 0 7 1 0 8 1 0 9 0 0 10
2005 Jan 18
Function to modify existing data.frame
I'm used to statistical languages, such as Stata, in which it's trivial to pass a list of variables to a function & have that function modify those variables in the existing dataset rather than create copies of the variables or having to replace the entire dataset to change a few variables. In R, I suppose I could paste together the right instructions in a function and then execute
2004 Jul 22
Programmation pour MLE
Bonjour, Je veux cherché l’estimateur de vraisemblance maximal (MLE)d’une fonction à 3 paramètre inconue étant donné une échantillon de taille 50 (les observations des valeurs de x) alors comment je peux procédé La fonction de densité est définie par : f(x)= 1/3(g(a1)+g(a2)+g(a3)) avec g(ai)=(exp(ai)*ai^x)/x! pour i=1,2,3. Je vous remercie beaucoup. A. Elhabti
2005 Jul 21
About object of class mle returned by user defined functions
Hi, There is something I don't get with object of class "mle" returned by a function I wrote. More precisely it's about the behaviour of method "confint" and "profile" applied to these object. I've written a short function (see below) whose arguments are: 1) A univariate sample (arising from a gamma, log-normal or whatever). 2) A character string
2012 Jul 05
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Poisson distribution mle {stats4}
Hi everyone! I am using the mle {stats4} to estimate the parameters of distributions by MLE method. I have a problem with the examples they provided with the mle{stats4} html files. Please check the example and my question below! *Here is the mle html help file *
2009 Apr 08
MLE for bimodal distribution
Hello everyone, I'm trying to use mle from package stats4 to fit a bi/multi-modal distribution to some data, but I have some problems with it. Here's what I'm doing (for a bimodal distribution): # Build some fake binormally distributed data, the procedure fails also with real data, so the problem isn't here data = c(rnorm(1000, 3, 0.5), rnorm(500, 5, 0.3)) # Just to check
2011 Nov 25
Unable to reproduce Stata Heckman sample selection estimates
Hello, I am working on reproducing someone's analysis which was done in Stata. The analysis is estimation of a standard Heckman sample selection model (Tobit-2), for which I am using the sampleSelection package and the selection() function. I have a few problems with the estimation: 1) The reported standard error for all estimates is Inf ... vcov(selectionObject) yields Inf in every
2006 Mar 15
Help on
Hi Can anybody please suggest me about the documentation of "" (Not factanal()------ searching in R always leads to factanal()). Is there any function for doing principal component factor analysis in R. Regards Souvik Bandyopadhyay JRF, Dept Of Statistics Calcutta University [[alternative HTML version deleted]]