similar to: packaged datasets in .csv format

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "packaged datasets in .csv format"

2003 Jul 10
RE: packaged datasets in .csv format (David Firth)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Message: 1 > Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 10:53:27 +0100 > From: David Firth <david.firth at> > Subject: [R] packaged datasets in .csv format > To: r-help at > Message-ID: > <307D34CE-B1F3-11D7-A8D2-0050E4C03977 at> >
2012 Mar 26
Export Created Variables to SPSS/.csv
I haven't been successful in converting my colleagues to the world of R yet they wish to share collected data so that they may analyze it in SPSS. I know how to write to an SPSS file and it opens fine, but my problem is that it only includes the existing data - none of the variables I created within R. The procedure followed thus far: 1. Collect Data via online system 2.
2008 Nov 06
Umlaut read from csv-file
Dear All! Reading character strings containing an "umlaut" from a csv-file I find a (to me) surprising behaviour in R 2.8.0, that I did not notice in R 2.7.2. A comparison by "==" results in FALSE, while grep does find the aggreement. See the example below. The crucial line is x=="div 1-2 Ver?nderungen", with the result [1] FALSE in R 2.8.0 but [1] TRUE in R
2007 Nov 11
reading csv files - SYLK : file format not valid
I am wanting to read EXCEL files into R. In the past I have saved EXCEL files as csv files without difficulty. Recently, when I have saved the files in this format I am then unable to open them again in EXCEL or though windows (XP). I receive a message stating - SYLK: file format not valid. R will read the file, but I cannot open it in windows. Csv files created and saved in the past (on
2002 Feb 04
ASCII characters: from decimal code to R octal?
Is there a straightforward way to convert character information from decimal representation to the octal one used by R? I'd like something like a function ascii(number,base=10), such that > ascii(91) [1] "\133" I can easily do the mapping from 91 to 133, but what is a good way to operate on 133 to deliver "\133"? Would a lookup table be a better solution? David
2000 Dec 06
No subject
Dear , I want to import Excel data (.XLS). Can you help me to this. Best regards. Nour-Eddine HAKIM -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at
2001 May 09
Fortran subroutines dblepr, realpr, intpr
I am making my first attempts at using some Fortran code with R, and so far it's going OK. To print from my Fortran programs, it seems I need subroutines dblepr, realpr and intpr. From the excellent "Writing R Extensions" document: "Three subroutines are provided to ease the output of information from FORTRAN code. subroutine dblepr(label, nchar, data, ndata)
2010 May 25
multivariate nonparametric test
Hi, I am doing my PhD and I usually use SPSS however now I need to do some multivariate nonparametric tests but SPSS don?t work with this. Recently I was aware of R and I saw that is possible using the MNM pack to perform multivariate nonparametric tests. I am learning step by step how to work in R meanwhile I need to perform the multivariate nonparametric tests for my PhD and I have no idea
2012 Mar 05
Random and fixed effect in linear model
Hello everybody, This is my firth question in this mailing list. The question is about the how to deal with a model with both random and fixed factors. I know to do the analysis using SPSS. The command line wit be as follows: UNIANOVA BY Line Year Rep /RANDOM=Year Rep /METHOD=SSTYPE(4) /INTERCEPT=EXCLUDE /PRINT=HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA=ALPHA(0.05) /DESIGN= Year Rep*Year Line
2001 Jun 09
spss-data import
Hello, at the moment i am using spss as my favorite statistics package, but R seems an atractive alternative. Thanks to the R-Team for their great work! (I use R on my windows98 laptop,P II and 64MB Ram). I have a big(?) data set, containing more than 470 variables and 3200 cases (size: 2.5MB). Whenever I use the command 'read.spss' (foreign-library), I got the the following
2012 Jul 23
CSV format issues
Dear all, I have some encoding problem which I'm not familiar with. Here is the case : I'm read data files which can have been generated from a computer either with global settings in french or in english. Here is an exemple ouf data file : * English output Time,Value 17,-0.0753953 17.05,-6.352454E-02 * French output. Time,Value 32,-7,183246E-02 32,05,3,469364E-02 In the first
2007 Apr 29
impossible to open SPSS file
Hi, I try to import a SPSS file with foreign but don't succeed. I looked into the help pages but find no answer. The file has been produced with SPSS 15 but I got the same error with a file in SPSS portable format. mydata<-read.spss("C:\Rdata\ESS1_ICT.SAV") Erreur dans read.spss("C:RdataESS1_ICT.SAV") : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier I guess the error is
2016 Apr 24
Using read.csv() to import data
I am just beginning to learn R, using _R for Dummies_ by Andrie de Vries and Joris Meys. I am using Windows 7, and RGui (64-bit) version 3.0.2. I have reached the chapter on "Getting Data Into and Out of R." But the code they use for importing data doesn't seem to be working for me. Their example is:> elements <- read.csv(file.path("f:", "elements.csv"))
2009 Feb 18
Running out of memory when importing SPSS files
Hello R-help, I am trying to import a large dataset from SPSS into R. The SPSS file is in .SAV format and is about 1GB in size. I use read.spss to import the file and get an error saying that I have run out of memory. I am on a MAC OS X 10.5 system with 4GB of RAM. Monitoring the R process tells me that R runs out of memory when reaching about 3GB of RAM so I suppose the remaining 1GB is used up
2011 Sep 13
import csv file into R, strange problem
Hi, I used read.csv(file name, header=T, sep=",") to bring in a csv file I saved in MS Excel. The strange thing is all the data ended up in one big column. The number of rows match with the number of observations, but all the variables got squeezed into one column. Also the first row where the header is, the variables names have a dot between them, replacing the comma that's in the
2000 Nov 25
assigning to data frames with whole columns of NAs
I suppose this could be described as a feature (it seems to be similar in S-Plus), but it looks to me more like a bug. Why can't the assignment below to a row of "emptyframe" (or "anotherframe") be made? This with R --vanilla (version info below). Regards -- David David Firth Phone +44 1865 278544 Nuffield College Fax +44 1865
2012 Aug 15
Reading one column .csv file
My friend sent an Excel file: I opened it in Excel, saved is as cyu01_iqscores.csv, then imported it into R with: iqscores=read.csv('cyu01_iqscores.csv',header=TRUE) The result was: > head(iqscores) IQ.Scores X 1 145 NA 2 101 NA 3 123 NA 4
2016 Apr 24
Using read.csv() to import data
On 24/04/2016 4:30 PM, Jason Hernandez via R-help wrote: > I am just beginning to learn R, using _R for Dummies_ by Andrie de Vries and Joris Meys. I am using Windows 7, and RGui (64-bit) version 3.0.2. I have reached the chapter on "Getting Data Into and Out of R." But the code they use for importing data doesn't seem to be working for me. > > Their example is:> elements
2018 Jul 07
Libreria para cargar datos
Buenas Una duda, ?existe alguna libreria que permita al usuario meter los datos directamente a mano en una hoja de calculo,como tienen programas como SPSS, Minitab, ...? Es decir, no quiero importar datos desde un excel ni csv o similar, sino que el usuario pueda meter los datos a mano directamente en una "tabla" del propio R... Gracias de antemano Jes?s [[alternative HTML version
2016 Apr 26
Using read.csv() to import data
Duncan, What about converting your anova results in R ?back into csv or excel? Thanks Charles ? From: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> To: Jason Hernandez <jason.hernandez74 at>; "r-help at" <r-help at> Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2016 2:05 PM Subject: Re: [R] Using read.csv() to import data On 24/04/2016 4:30