Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "french map"
2003 Nov 04
interfacing C into R and R packages
I would like to interface a C code into R. Is it possible to use in the C code, functions from a R package (for instance, to use pmvnorm within loops in the C code and to call the result in a R function)?
2004 Jul 28
problem with the .Rhistory
The history function doesn't seems to work when I am working with R.
I have a .Rhistory file in my working directory and I have tried
savehistory(file = ".Rhistory")
or the command given in the history help :
.Last <- function()
if(interactive()) try(savehistory(".Rhistory"))
and I get the same error message
Error in
2007 Jul 23
persp and greek symbols in the axes labels
I am plotting a 3D function using persp and I would like to use greek
symbols in the axes labels.
I have found examples like this one on the web:
this works well with plot but not with persp:
with the command
persp(M,theta = -20,phi =
2003 Oct 22
adjacency matrix
Dear R experts,
I am new to the list and R software. I need to convert arcview file to Winbugs having R has middle package. Got from friends that it is possible following the steps:
1. Converting arcview shapefile to "cgm clear text file"
2. Downloading "convert.r" to into R
2.1 use source("convert.r")
2.2 convert("filename_cgm") without the
2004 May 18
Isotopic notation in plots
I really like to use R for all my graphs, and as I work with stable
isotopes I want to have a proper chemical notation in my plots
I have looked at ?plotmath, but didn't find the answer and also searched
the R website.
plot(1:10,xlab=expression(^{14}*C)) # I want to have a superscript with
nothing in front, but it
2002 Mar 04
Plotting a x axis from a vector with rownames
Hi all,
suppose there is a vector y with rownames:
> y
cond1 cond2 cond3 cond4
78.952 87.308 86.490 74.040
how can I easily plot this vector using the rownames? plot(y) gives me a
plot with a x-axis from 1 to 4 in 0.5 steps, also plot(rownames(y), y)
and plot(y ~ rownames(y) don't work. I know I can build a x-axis with
axis(1, ...), but in this case I need a character string like
2019 Oct 16
message error NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND regulary in the log
Le 16/10/2019 ? 12:07, Rowland penny via samba a ?crit?:
> On 16/10/2019 10:59, nathalie ramat wrote:
>> ???????????? Checking file: /etc/samba/smb.conf
>> # Global parameters
>> [global]
>> ?????? dns forwarder = 192.168.xx.230
> You cannot forward to the DC itself, it needs to be a dns server
> outside the AD dns domain.
>> ?????? netbios name =
2002 Oct 10
Sweave (PR#2142)
In the 'RWeaveLatexSetup' function in the 'tools' package in R 1.6.0 , the
code below does not work (pdflatex can't find 'Sweave.sty'):
if (stylepath)
styfile <- file.path(R.home(), "share", "texmf", "Sweave")
else styfile <- "Sweave"
In R 1.5.1, that was:
styfile <-
2004 Feb 25
writing polygons/segments to shapefiles (.shp) or other ArCGIS compatible file
I am not sure a previous e-mail reached the list (no mail aknowledgement from R-boundle etc.). The question was how to write polygon
or segment coordinates into a shapefile set or any other ArcGIS supported format. The library shapefiles seems to do something but
the documentation is a bit beyond of my mind.... and I cannot get the meaning of the functions write**** and its application to the
2010 Jul 19
integral in R
Hello All,
I have to create a variable that is a function of another one (already
created), its cumulative distribution function and the integral of this
cumulative distribution, with limits: 0 and the value of the variable.
To be clear, I have the variable called “cip”. And its cdf called “cdfcip”
I need to create the variable:
bip = cip + ((1 – cdfcip)^4)*integral((1-cdf(u))^4*du, 0, value
2010 Jan 13
Problem fitting a non-linear regression model with nls
I'm trying to make a regression of the form :
formula <- y ~ Asym_inf + Asym_sup * ( (1 / (1 + (n1 * (exp( (tmid1-x)
/ scal1) )^(1/n1) ) ) ) - (1 / (1 + (n2 * (exp( (tmid2-x) / scal2)
)^(1/n2) ) ) ) )
which is a sum of the generalized logistic model proposed by richards.
with data such as these:
x <- c(88,113,128,143,157,172,184,198,210,226,240,249,263,284,302,340)
y <-
2004 Jun 03
Problem with par("usr")
I'm trying to use the "usr" argument but I see no effect of this option
on my plots. For example:
> par(usr=c(0,4,0,4))
> plot(1,1)
This plots one point fine, but the coordinates of the plotting region
are not those that I specified using par()...
I can check this with
> par("usr")
[1] 0.568 1.432 0.568 1.432
What can I change in order to have this
2004 Sep 28
S latex listings
I would like to insert S code to my latex document. I was looking for a
listings package that supports S. In www.r-project.or in the
software/other section there is an item with a link to latex package
listings, but it seems that the link is broken. Does anybody know an
alternative to get the package?
Thanks in advance,
2005 Feb 25
how to produce disease maps
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Subject: Re: producing maps
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2005 Sep 09
measurement unit
Dear R-list,
Could anybody tell me where to find information about changing the measurement
unit from inch to centimeters?
I read the help from X11, I read R-intro and I did some searhing in the R
archives, but I couldn't find the answer.
For example, I would like to produce a plot of a certain width and height:
X11(width=10, height=5)
and I would like these to be centimeters, rather
2007 Jan 03
Hershey fonts for musical notation?
I'd like to know if it is possible to use Hershey vector fonts to create very primitive musical notation.
If I can hang some whole notes on these lines
plot(0,0, xlim=c(0,10), ylim=c(0,10))
# Staves:
for (i in c(seq(from=2,to=2.8,by=0.2),seq(from=4,to=4.8,by=0.2)))
it is enough.
Best wishes,
Atte Tenkanen
University of Turku, Finland
2012 Mar 02
subseting a data frame
this is my problem I want to subset this file df, using only unique
df$exon printing the line once even if df$exon appear several times:
unique(df$exon) will show me the unique exons
If I try to print only the unique exon lines
with df[unique(df$exon),] -this doesn't print only the unique ones :(
could you help?
exon size chr start
2003 Jul 22
curves with shaded areas?
I want to make a plot with abline where the area below or above the
curve is shaded. I can't find any documentation on that. Can anybody
help me with that?
thanks, Juffi
2007 Jul 30
correlation and matrix
Dear everyone,
I am new in R and I've got difficulties in realizing the following
-I have variables (factors) with different numbers of levels, either 1,
2 or 3.
-I have a matrix containing these 204 factors and I have to correlate
them by groups of 4 variables.
-I have to delete the factors just having one level ( because when
correlating one-level factors, the output is NA)