Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "covariate data errors"
2005 Jan 20
Constructing Matrices
Dear List:
I am working to construct a matrix of a particular form. For the most
part, developing the matrix is simple and is built as follows:
Now to expand this matrix to be block-diagonal, I do the following:
sample.size <- 100 # number of individual students
I<- diag(sample.size)
2004 Jan 13
How can I test if a not independently and not identically distributed time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
I'm analizing the Argentina stock market (merv)
I download the data from yahoo
Argentina <- get.hist.quote(instrument="^MERV","1996-10-08","2003-11-03", quote="Close")
merv <- na.remove(log(Argentina))
I made the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to analyse
if merv have unit root:
Dickey-Fuller = -1.4645,
2004 Oct 15
Testing for normality of residuals in a regression model
Hi all,
Is it possible to have a test value for assessing the normality of
residuals from a linear regression model, instead of simply relying on
I've tried to use fitdistr to try and fit the residuals with a normal
distribution, but fitdsitr only returns the parameters of the
distribution and the standard errors, not the p-value. Am I missing
2009 Sep 01
understanding the output from gls
I'd like to compare two models which were fitted using gls, however I'm
having trouble interpreting the results of gls. If any of you could offer
me some advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Short explanation of models: These two models have the same fixed-effects
structure (two independent, linear effects), and differ only in that the
second model includes a corExp structure for
2004 Aug 11
Advice on picking a regression method
Dear R-users,
There are tons of methods out there for fitting independant variables to a
dependent variable. All stats books tell you about the assumptions behind
OLS (ordinary least squares) and warn against abusive use of the method
(which many of us do disregard by lack of a better knowledge). Most
introductory text books stop there and don't tell you what the next best
option might be. I
2010 Jan 21
Anova unequal variance
I found this paper on ANOVA on unequal error variance. Has this be
incorporated to any R package? Is there any textbook that discuss the
problem of ANOVA on unequal error variance in general?
2001 Dec 27
A couple of questions:
How to be sure that gls allowes errors to be correlated and/or have
variances? (is this on auto or is there a switch?)
How to calculate confidence limits for a linear regresssion?
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2010 Jan 07
faster GLS code
Dear helpers,
I wrote a code which estimates a multi-equation model with generalized
least squares (GLS). I can use GLS because I know the covariance matrix of
the residuals a priori. However, it is a bit slow and I wonder if anybody
would be able to point out a way to make it faster (it is part of a bigger
code and needs to run several times).
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
2007 May 09
generalized least squares with empirical error covariance matrix
I have a bayesian hierarchical normal regression model, in which the
regression coefficients are nested, which I've wrapped into one
regression framework, y = X %*% beta + e . I would like to run data
through the model in a filter style (kalman filterish), updating
regression coefficients at each step new data can be gathered. After
the first filter step, I will need to be able to feed
2012 May 25
Problem with Autocorrelation and GLS Regression
I have a problem with a regression I try to run. I did an estimation of the
market model with daily data. You can see to output below:
/> summary(regression_resn)
Time series regression with "ts" data:
Start = -150, End = -26
dynlm(formula = ror_resn ~ ror_spi_resn)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.0255690 -0.0030378 0.0002787
2004 Mar 09
corARMA and ACF in nlme
Hi R-sters,
Just wondering what I might be doing wrong. I'm trying to fit a multiple
linear regression model, and being ever mindful about the possibilities of
autocorrelation in the errors (it's a time series), the errors appear to
follow an AR1 process (ar(ts(glsfit$residuals)) selected order 1). So,
when I go back and try to do the simultaneous regression and error fit with
2008 May 09
Which gls models to use?
I need to correct for ar(1) behavior of my residuals of my model. I noticed
that there are multiple gls models in R. I am wondering if anyone
has experience in choosing between gls models. For example, how
should one decide whether to use lm.gls in MASS, or gls in nlme for
correcting ar(1)? Does anyone have a preference? Any advice is appreciated!
[[alternative HTML
2009 Sep 22
odd (erroneous?) results from gls
A couple weeks ago I posted a message on this topic to r-help, the response
was that this seemed like odd behavior, and that I ought to post it to one
of the developer lists. I posted to r-sig-mixed-models, but didn't get any
response. So, with good intentions, I decided to try posting once more, but
to this more general list.
The goal is (1) FYI, to make you aware of this issue, in case it
2009 Feb 16
assuming AR(1) residuals in OLS
Hi to all,
In other statistical software, such as Eviews, it is possible to
regress a model with the Least Squares method, assuming that the
residuals follow an AR(q) process.
For example the resulting regression is something like
y = 1.2154 + 0.2215 x + 0.251 AR(1)
How is it possible to do the same in R?
Thank you very much in advance,
Constantine Tsardounis
2008 Jan 06
how to get residuals in factanal
In R factanal output, I can't find a function to give me residuals e.
I mannually got it by using x -lamda1*f1 -lamda2*f2 - ... -lamdan*fn, but the e
I got are not uncorrelated with all the f's.
What did I do wrong? Please help.
Be a better friend, newshound, and
2004 Sep 23
R vs EViews - serial correlation
Dear all,
I met with some problems when dealing with a time series with serial correlation.
FIRST, I generate a series with correlated errors
y=x+arima.sim(n = 50, list(ar = c(0.47)))
SECOND, I estimate three constants (a, b and rho) in the model Y=a+b*X+u, where u=rho*u(-1)+eps
gls(y~x,correlation = corAR1(0.5)) # Is it the right procedure?
2012 Nov 28
Weight matrix in linear regression
Hi all,
I would
like to do a weighted linear regression, when the error of the dependent variable
is correlated. So I have a weighting (covariance) matrix instead of a vector. As
I understood the „weights” argument in the lm function should be a vector and
not a matrix. Can anyone suggest me a function (package) which would do the
Thanks a
2006 Nov 06
question about function "gls" in library "nlme"
The gls function I used in my code is the following
fm<-gls(y~x,correlation=corARMA(p=2) )
My question is how to extact the AR(2) parameters from "fm".
The object "fm" is the following. How can I extract the correlation parameters
Phi1 and Phi2 from "fm"? These two parametrs is not in the "coef" componenet of "fm".
Thanks a
2007 Mar 13
AR(1) and gls
Hi there,
I am using gls from the nlme library to fit an AR(1) regression model.
I am wondering if (and how) I can separate the auto-correlated and random
components of the residuals? Id like to be able to plot the fitted values +
the autocorrelated error (i.e. phi * resid(t-1)), to compare with the
observed values.
I am also wondering how I might go about calculating confidence (or
2010 Jun 03
Nested ANOVA with covariate using Type III sums of squares
I have been trying to get an ANOVA table for a linear model containing a
single nested factor, two fixed factors and a covariate:
carbonmean<-lm(C.Mean~ Mean.richness + Diversity + Zoop + Diversity/Phyto +
where, *Mean.richness* is a covariate*, Zoop* is a categorical variable (the
species), *Diversity* is a categorical variable (Low or High), and