Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How to define a proper prior for an orthogonal matrix?"
2003 Apr 08
Help on smooth.spline?
Hey, R-listers
I was recommended to try using smooth.spline function
for estimating 2-Dimensinal curve given a data set.
So will you please tell me where to get this R function?
Or which package provides this function?
Thanks for your point.
2003 Apr 10
How to plot several graphs in a single 2-D figure?
Hi, R-listers
I tried to plot several graphs in a sigle x-y coordinate settings, like the
|(y) s
| ****** s
| ***** s
| sssssssssssssssssss
where "*" and "s" denote two diffrent plots.
However, when I used
plot(data1); % data1 is the data points of "*"
2003 Aug 13
A question on orthogonal basis vectors
Hey, R-listers,
I have a question about determining the orthogonal
basis vectors.
In the d-dimensinonal space, if I already know
the first r orthogonal basis vectors, should I be
able to determine the remaining d-r orthognal basis
vectors automatically?
Or the answer is not unique?
Thanks for your attention.
2003 Aug 14
How to get the pseudo left inverse of a singular square matrix?
Dear R-listers,
I have a dxr matrix Z, where d > r.
And the product Z*Z' is a singular square matrix.
The problem is how to get the left inverse U of this
singular matrix Z*Z', such that
U*(Z*Z') = I?
Is there any to figure it out using matrix decomposition method?
Thanks a lot for your help.
2003 Mar 05
How to draw several plots in one figure?
I want to draw several plots sequently, but have to make them dispaly in one
So how to achieve this?
2003 Aug 14
How to get the pseudo left inverse of a singular square m atrix?
I'm rusty, but not *that* rusty here, I hope.
If W (=Z*Z' in your case) is singular, it can not have inverse, which by
definition also mean that nothing multiply by it will produce the identity
matrix (for otherwise it would have an inverse and thus nonsingular).
The definition of a generalized inverse is something like: If A is a
non-null matrix, and G satisfy AGA = A, then G is called
2003 Aug 15
Is it possible to separate two independent components from arandom variable?
Dear Fred,
If x1 and x2 are *not* normally distributed, you can use
independent component analysis (ICA) which is based on the
idea that x will be "more normal" than either x1 and x2
following the central limit theorem. See package(fastICA)
by JL Marchini, C Heaton, and BD Ripley for details.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Feng Zhang [mailto:f0z6305 at
2003 Feb 06
Confused by SVD and Eigenvector Decomposition in PCA
Hey, All
In principal component analysis (PCA), we want to know how many percentage
the first principal component explain the total variances among the data.
Assume the data matrix X is zero-meaned, and
I used the following procedures:
C = covriance(X) %% calculate the covariance matrix;
[EVector,EValues]=eig(C) %%
L = diag(EValues) %%L is a column vector with eigenvalues as the elements
2007 May 03
Bayesian logistic regression with a beta prior (MCMClogit)
Dear all,
I am trying to use the logistic regression with MCMClogit (package:
MCMCpack/Coda) and I want to put a beta prior on the parameters, but it's
giving me error message (please see output below) no matter what shape 1 or
2 I use. It works perfect with the cauchy or normal priors. Do you know if
there is a catch there somewhere? Thanks
logpriorfun <- function(beta,shape1,shape2){
2003 Feb 28
How to generate multiple squre Orthogonal matrices?
Hey, all
Will you please tell me how to generate multiple
square orthogonal matrices for data transformation usage?
2002 Oct 29
Numerical Integration
Hey, all
Now I am using EM algorithm to do some
optimization. Within that E-step, I have to
calculate some multivariate integration
given some parameter values Theta and function form
of a probability density function f.
So I want to know if there are some package
in R to do such numerical integration given such
function form and parameter values?
Thanks for your kind support on this.
Have a
2011 Jul 30
search the clusterring tree using the branch and bound mathod!!!
hi, R users
here is my problem, i want to make a clusterring tree, than do the searching
through the tree using branch and bound method.
the code to make the tree, but i dont know how to do the searching part.
thanks for any helping...
d <- dist(data, method = "euclidean")
h1 <- hclust(d, method="ward")
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2011 Aug 16
to search the tree using the branch and bound mathod!!!
hi, R users
i have encountered a problem, i want to make a clusterring tree, than do the
searching through the tree using "branch and bound" method.
here is the code to make the tree, thanks for any ideas...
d <- dist(data, method = "euclidean")
h1 <- hclust(d, method="ward")
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2011 Aug 16
Bayesian Relative Survival Analysis in R?
Hi all,
May i know does R has packages or code to run "Bayesian Relative Survival Analysis"? I have look through Bayesian Survival Analysis(2001) by Joseph George Ibrahim<http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Joseph+George+Ibrahim%22>, Ming-Hui Chen<http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Ming-Hui+Chen%22>, Debajyoti
2003 Nov 03
A matrix is full rank is equal to having independent columns?
Dear R listers,
Just a simple question.
If we say an nxm matrix (n>m) is full rank of m,
does this mean that this matrix has linearly independent columns?
They are the same definition or needs some proof?
Thanks for your answer.
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2002 Oct 17
Trigamma function
Hey, all
Do you how to calculate the trigamma function, that is
d**2(log(gamma(x))) / dx**2.
The second-order derivative of log(Gamma(x))?
I cannot find it in the R package, and somebody knows who or where to get
such one?
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
2008 Dec 01
linear functional relationships with heteroscedastic & non-Gaussian errors - any packages around?
I have a situation where I have a set of pairs of X & Y variables for
each of which I have a (fairly) well-defined PDF. The PDF(x_i) 's and
PDF(y_i)'s are unfortunately often rather non-Gaussian although most
of the time not multi--modal.
For these data (estimates of gas content in galaxies), I need to
quantify a linear functional relationship and I am trying to do this
2002 Nov 07
The integration of the square of the c.d.f of normal distribution
Assume F(x) is the cdf of stardard normal c.d.f,
and want to get the integration of F(x)^2 over
(-infinite, +infinite).
So whats the value of this integration?
And is there some function to achieve this?
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info",
2003 Apr 21
Anyone familiar with Cumulants or good reference books?
Hey, R-listers
I want to get some statistical books on Cumulants for
So will you please give me some suggestions on
these related books?
Thanks for your point.
2004 Nov 02
Matrix decomposition: orthogonal complement
How I can compute in R the orthogonal complement of one matrix?
If A (n x m ) matrix of full column rank (n>m), its orthogonal
complement is denoted by A_ .
A_ is n X (n-m) matrix of full column rank and such that A'A_=0.
I need to compute A_. How I can compute A_ in R?
Best Regards,
Florin G. Maican
Ph.D. candidate, Department of Economics
School of