Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Regression slopes"
2003 Feb 10
Factor level comparisons in lme
I''m trying to fit a linear mixed effects model of the form:
lme(y ~ x * Sex * Year, random=x|subject)
where Sex and Year are factors with two and three levels respectively. I
want to compare the fixed effects for each level to the overall mean, but
the default in R is to compare to the first level. This can be changed by
adding the term -1 to the righthand side of the model
2005 Jun 02
nls.control: increasing number of iterations
I'm using the nls function and would like to increase the number of
iterations. According to the documentation as well as other postings on
R-help, I've tried to do this using the "control" argument:
nls(y ~ SSfpl(x, A, B, xmid, scal), data=my.data,
but no matter how much I increase "maxiter", I get the following error
2003 Aug 20
Weighted circular mean
Once again, I posted a message without a subject line. Sorry.... here is
the question again.
Is there a simple way to modify the circ.mean function in the CircStats
package to include a vector of weights to obtain a weighted average angle?
Martin Biuw
Sea Mammal Research Unit
Gatty Marine Laboratory, University of St Andrews
St Andrews, Fife KY16 8PA
2001 Sep 25
blues in c
I'm a little confused why the c function has the followng effect on
classes - is this a feature ? My workround [ class(cc) <- c("POSIXt",
"POSIXct") ] seems to do the job.
Many thanks
Bernie McConnell
"R version 1.3.1, 2001-08-31" on NT
> aa <- as.POSIXct("2001-09-23")
> bb <- as.POSIXct("2001-09-24")
> cc
2001 May 10
memory blues
G'Day again,
I am attempting to read a large MSAccess file into R, but get memory
problems. With the first 100 rows of the table ("Macca99") things, as
shown below, are fine and the resulting object is 33,780 bytes. But when I
read the entire table ("MaccaDiv99") which is 218,000 rows R falls over
with the message:
Rgui.exe - Application error
The instruction at
2003 Oct 23
Stochastic dynamic programming
Hello all,
Does anyone know of any already written functions for carrying out
stochastic dynamic programming in R?
Martin Biuw
Sea Mammal Research Unit
Gatty Marine Laboratory, University of St Andrews
St Andrews, Fife KY16 8PA
Ph: +44-(0)1334-462637
Fax: +44-(0)1334-462632
Web: http://smub.st.and.ac.uk
2009 Mar 19
nth root
Is there a function in R to calculate the nth root, similar to the
MATLAB function NTHROOT()?
Martin Biuw
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2003 Jul 30
Comparing two regression slopes
I've written a simple (although probably overly roundabout) function to
test whether two regression slope coefficients from two linear models on
independent data sets are significantly different. I'm a bit concerned,
because when I test it on simulated data with different sample sizes and
variances, the function seems to be extremely sensitive both of these. I am
wondering if
2001 Apr 20
map projections
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2001 Apr 25
POSIX revisited
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2003 Sep 10
insert eps into microsft word
it seems that word can not read encapsupalted postscripts generated by R
I used this command
since onefile=TRUE produces an encapsualted postscript
actually what I'm trying to do is to insert the postsript file into a
word document
since other formats like jpeg and bmp do not reproduce the same quality
like postscript
2012 Sep 13
Keeping R active when launching external application
This may or may not be slightly off topic, but I'll stick my neck out...
I want to launch an external application from R while retaining R as the active application window (with R console as the active R window).
I'm using shell.exec() to sequentially open and evaluate the contents in all jpeg images in a specific folder, using the viewer specified by the file association (in my case
2010 Nov 06
SMATR common slopes test
Hi All,
I am confused with SMATR's test for common slope. My null hypothesis here is
that all slopes are parallel (common slopes?), right?
So if I get a p value < 0.05 means that we can have confidence to reject it?
That slopes are different?
Or the other way around? it means that we have statistical confidence that
the slopes are parallel?
Eugenio Larios
PhD Student
2010 Nov 06
3-way interaction simple slopes
Can anyone show me how to test for significant simple slopes of a 3-way
interaction, with covariates.
my equation
tmod<-(glm(PCL~ rank.f + gender.f + MONTHS + CEXPOSE.M + bf.m +
data=mhatv, family=gaussian ,na.action=na.omit))
Thank you
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2006 Nov 01
Compare linear regressios for significant differences of the slopes
I have (8 measures * 96 groups) = 768 datasets for which I did linear
regressions using lm().
Now I want to compare the slopes for each of the 8 measures in each of
the 96 groups. As I understand , I can not use
> anova(lm1, ..., lm8)
as the lm1 ... lm8 are based on different datasets.
I also read in previous discussions in this list, that I can see if the
slope +- stddev(slope)
2009 Sep 15
Compare a group of line slopes
Hi, all,
I am thinking to compare a group of slopes from regression lines to see if
they are different overall, and then make specific comparisons between
groups. How can I achieve that in R? I searched the archives and there are
only discussions about comparing two lines a time. Thanks.
A sample data set is like the following. I would like to compare the
regression slopes between the five
2011 Jul 02
The test of randomized slopes(intercepts)
Hi all:
I perform the linear mixed model for 300 persons, y is CD4 count,x is time.
I randomized slope and intercept,so I can get 300 slopes and 300 intercepts.Now I wanna test wheter the variance of 300 slopes and 300 intercepts differs from zero. If the variance of 300 slopes(or intercepts) differs from zero at 0.05 significant level,I should randomize the slope(or intercept), and if not,I
2002 Jul 23
Comparing slopes of several linear models
Dear all
I have the following data (a shortened extract
shown; some replictates of time deleted) to which I
fitted the linear model given below:
time group mass
11 control 0.019
11 control 0.014
14 control 0.0306
14 control 0.0289
14 control 0.0236
17 control 0.0469
17 control 0.0709
11 five 0.0077
11 five
2010 Oct 18
specifying lme function with a priori hypothesis concerning between-group variation in slopes
I want to specify a 2-level mixed model using the lme function in order to
test an a priori hypothesis about the between-group values of the slopes but
don't know how to do this . Here is the problem.
Consider first the case of a single group. The model is: Y_i= a +bX_i +
error where I indexes the different values of X and Y in this group . The
a priori hypothesis of the slope is: b=K.
2009 Feb 16
incl.non.slopes=FALSE does not work at predict.lm
Dear all,
I am trying to estimate the prediction from a fixed effects model and their
confidence intervals as well. Though I do not want to include in the
prediction and at the confidence intervals the intercept. For that reason I
used the argument incl.non.slopes=FALSE. But either if it is TRUE or FALSE
it does not have any difference and also the system does not provide any
warning. I really