similar to: lme: cannot allocate vector

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "lme: cannot allocate vector"

2010 Nov 25
difficulty setting the random = argument to lme()
My small brain is having trouble getting to grips with lme() I wonder if anyone can help me correctly set the random = argument to lme() for this kind of setup with (I think) 9 variance/covariance components ... Study.1 Study.2 ... Study.10 Treatment.A: subject: 1 2 3 4 5 6 etc. 28 29 30 Treatment.B: subject: 31
2009 Jul 01
"Error: cannot allocate vector of size 332.3 Mb"
Dear R-helpers, I am running R version 2.9.1 on a Mac Quad with 32Gb of RAM running Mac OS X version 10.5.6. With over 20Gb of RAM "free" (according to the Activity Monitor) the following happens. > x <- matrix(rep(0, 6600^2), ncol = 6600) # So far so good. But I need 3 matrices of this size. > y <- matrix(rep(0, 6600^2), ncol = 6600) R(3219) malloc: ***
1999 May 04
smbpasswd question
Do you have to enable encrypted passwords for smbpasswd to work? I have yet to enable encryption because I wanted to test everything first, but have enabled 'update encrypted = Yes' so that this will update the smbpasswd file. I also have 'unix password sync = Yes'. However, I cannot get smbpasswd to change the passwords, either by user or root. Any suggestions? Carey
2001 Feb 23
as.formula and lme ( Fixed effects: Error in as.vector(x, "list") : cannot coerce to vector)
Using a formula converted with as.formula with lme leads to an error message. Same works ok with lm, and with lme and a fixed formula. # demonstrates problems with lme and as.formula demo<-data.frame(x=1:20,y=(1:20)+rnorm(20),subj=as.factor(rep(1:2,10))) demo.lm1<-lme(y~x,data=demo,random=~1|subj) print(summary(demo.lm1)) newframe<-data.frame(x=1:5,subj=rep(1,5))
2005 Aug 12
as.formula and lme ( Fixed effects: Error in as.vector(x, "list") : cannot coerce to vector)
This is a continuing issue with the one on the list a long time ago (I couldn't find a solution to it from the web): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Using a formula converted with as.formula with lme leads > to an error message. Same works ok with lm, and with > lme and a fixed formula. > > # demonstrates problems with lme and
1999 Jul 19
clearcase and samba
FYI:, I'm fairly new to samba (a couple of months now), and have experimented - unsuccessfully - with getting it to work with clearcase. Does anyone have a how-to, or a list of gotcha's for setting up clearcase with samba? Thanks in advance for any information you can send me. Ozzie,
2003 Apr 03
security = problems
Is there a way to have users of the samba server, but not add them by smbpasswd -a <UserID>? I want the samba server to be a domain member and the users to only authentic from the PDC. These are the steps that I have attempted: Users are in both the Windows domain and the UNIX NIS account 1. smbpasswd -j <Domain> -r PDC -U <admin> Joined the Domain 2. edited the
2003 May 14
Redhat firewall problem...
I've just tried setting up a Shrike (9) version of Redhat. Using the medium settings of lokkit, then adding manually accept commands for ports 137/udp 138/udp, 139/tcp and 445/tcp, I thought I should have been ready to go. This isn't the case, however. I know it's not the smb.conf settup because when I kill iptables samba works. When iptables IS running however, it will respond
2004 Mar 18
cannot allocate vector
Hi, I'm having trouble with glmmPQL. I'm fitting a 2 level random intercept model, with 90,000 cases and about 330 groups. I'm unable to get any results on the full data set. I can get it to work if I sample down to about 30,000 cases. But for models with N's much larger than that I get the following warning message:
2009 Apr 01
lme between-group and within-group covariance
Dear R users, I would be interested in using the lme() function to fit a linear mixed model to a longitudinal dataset. I know this function allows for the specification of a within-group covariance structure. However, does it allow for the explicit specification of a between-group covariance structure? Being able to specify both separately would be very important in the context of my project
2006 Jun 30
SAS Proc Mixed and lme
I am trying to use lme to fit a mixed effects model to get the same results as when using the following SAS code: proc mixed; class refseqid probeid probeno end; model expression=end logpgc / ddfm=satterth; random probeno probeid / subject=refseqid type=cs; lsmeans end / diff cl; run; There are 3 genes (refseqid) which is the large grouping factor, with 2 probeids nested within each refseqid,
2004 Sep 01
lme: howto specify covariance structure between levels of grouping factors
Dear all, I am studying the possibility of using the nlme package in R to analyse field trials of agricultural crops. I have a problem with the syntax for the modelling of variance covariance structures. I can model the within-group covariance structure using the correlation argument and the covariance structure between different random effects of the same grouping level using
2008 Aug 22
lme questions re: repeated measures & covariance structure
Hello, We are attempting to use nlme to fit a linear mixed model to explain bird abundance as a function of habitat: lme(abundance~habitat-1,data=data,method="ML",random=~1|sampleunit) The data consist of repeated counts of birds in sample units across multiple years, and we have two questions: 1) Is it necessary (and, if so, how) to specify the repeated measure (years)? As written,
2006 Sep 23
variance-covariance structure of random effects in lme
Dear R users, I have a question about the patterned variance-covariance structure for the random effects in linear mixed effect model. I am reading section 4.2.2 of "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-Plus" by Jose Pinheiro and Douglas Bates. There is an example of defining a compound symmetry variance-covariance structure for the random effects in a split-plot experiment on varieties of
2006 Jun 28
lme - Random Effects Struture
Thanks for the help Dimitris, However I still have a question, this time I'll be more specific, the following is my SAS code proc mixed data=Reg; class ID; model y=Time Time*x1 Time*x2 Time*x3 /S; random intercept Time /S type=UN subject=ID G GCORR V; repeated /subject = ID R RCORR; run; ** (Type =UN for random effects) The eqivalent lme statement I
2003 Nov 25
using pdMAT in the lme function?
Hello. I want to specify a diagonal structure for the covariance matrix of random effects in the lme() function. Here is the call before I specify a diagonal structure: > fit2<-lme(Ln.rgr~I(Ln.nar-log(0.0011)),data=meta.analysis, + random=~1+I(Ln.nar-log(0.0011)|STUDY.CODE,na.action=na.omit) and this works fine. Now, I want to fix the covariance between the between-groups slopes
2006 Jun 30
lme and SAS Proc mixed
I am trying to use lme to fit a mixed effects model to get the same results as when using the following SAS code: proc mixed; class refseqid probeid probeno end; model expression=end logpgc / ddfm=satterth; random probeno probeid / subject=refseqid type=cs; lsmeans end / diff cl; run; There are 3 genes (refseqid) which is the large grouping factor, with 2 probeids nested within each refseqid,
2007 Nov 12
Using lme (nlme) to find the conditional variance of the random effects
Using lmer in the lme4 package, you can compute the conditional variance-covariance matrix of the random effects using the bVar slot: bVar: A list of the diagonal inner blocks (upper triangles only) of the positive-definite matrices on the diagonal of the inverse of ZtZ+Omega. With the appropriate scale factor (and conversion to a symmetric matrix) these are the conditional variance-covariance
2003 Sep 25
LME problem
I am analyzing data on a study of the effects of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) on cognitive function, as measured by a score from an objective test. I have 140 people who receive the CABG surgery and 92 controls, with four measurements of cognitive function over time (at 0, 3, 12 and 36 months). I have fitted a linear mixed model using lme with a random intercept for subject and a random
2006 Jun 01
setting the random-effects covariance matrix in lme
Dear R-users, I have longitudinal data and would like to fit a model where both the variance-covariance matrix of the random effects and the residual variance are conditional on a (binary) grouping variable. I guess the model would have the following form (in hierarchical notation) Yi|bi,k ~ N(XiB+Zibi, sigmak*Ident) bi|k ~ N(0, Dk) K~Bernoulli(p) I can obtain different sigmas (sigma0 and