similar to: Need computing of Correlation Integral

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Need computing of Correlation Integral"

2007 Aug 13
BDS test - results unclear to me
Hello, I would like to use the BDS test from the tseries package, but there is something I don't understand in the results of the test. Let's say, I want the BDS values for an embedding dimension equal to 2 : > bds.test(c, m = 2, eps = seq(0.5 * sd(c), 2 * sd(c), length = 4),trace=FALSE); Here are the outputs: data: c Embedding dimension = 2 Epsilon for close points = 0.0097
2006 May 18
Dear Sir, I’am a frensh student and i’am a new user of the R software. After using the command (x<-read.delim(“clipboard”) to read a spreadsheet of Excel, I want to run the bds test and calculate the Lyapunov exponent. I have charged the R software by the packages tseries and tseriesChaos. when i run bds.test(x,m=2) Unfortunately the R software displays “error in as.vector(x,mode= “double”) :
2004 Oct 04
UseRs, I want to do a bds.test but the function return this : > bds.test(erro.exp,m=15); Error in as.vector(x, mode = "double") : (list) object cannot be coerced to double How can I fix this problem? Thanks savano [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jun 06
irregular time-series
I make quite a lot of use of irregular time-series, and had already spent a bit of time writing an 'its' class when the 'irts' class was released via the package 'tseries'. I have experimented with the 'irts' class, and have some practical issues with its use. In some applications of irregular time-series (in my case these are financial and econometric) there are
2004 Jan 13
How can I test if a not independently and not identically distributed time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
I'm analizing the Argentina stock market (merv) I download the data from yahoo library(tseries) Argentina <- get.hist.quote(instrument="^MERV","1996-10-08","2003-11-03", quote="Close") merv <- na.remove(log(Argentina)) I made the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to analyse if merv have unit root: adf.test(merv,k=13) Dickey-Fuller = -1.4645,
2003 May 12
Zeitreihen problem
Hallo! I lese gro?e Zeitreihen in R ein z.B. mit: > disc<-read.table("F:/R/DATA/discount_rate_usa.txt") disc hat dann folgende Struktur: > disc[1:5] V1 V2 1 01/03/1955 1.5 2 01/04/1955 1.5 3 01/05/1955 1.5 4 01/06/1955 1.5 5 01/07/1955 1.5 ich will das disc als Zeitreihe erkannt wird und will z.B 01/03/1955 in ein Datum verwandeln, aber es wird als
2003 May 29
Comparison Operator
Does R have a comparison operator similar to the Like function, for example: a<-"Is a Fish" b<-"Fish" if(b in a){c<-TRUE} Michael R Howard Micron Technology Inc. Boise ID. Fab C Engineering Software (FCES) Software Engineer
2003 May 25
Problem in installing R add-on package(not from CRAN)
Hi all, I downloaded a R package (supclust, not from CRAN) in my directory, then type: markov:/home/pingzhao> R CMD INSTALL supclust_1.1.tar.gz -l ~/lib but met the following errors * Installing *source* package 'supclust' ... ** libs /usr/local/lib/R/bin/SHLIB: make: not found ERROR: compilation failed for package 'supclust' Does it mean the R has not properly installed?
2012 Jan 24
sampling weights in package lme4
Dear All I am trying to include sampling weights in multilavel regression analysis using packege lme4 using following codes print(fm1 &lt;- lmer(DC~sex+age+smoker+alcohol+fruits(1|setting), dataset,REML = FALSE), corr = FALSE) print(fm2 &lt;- lmer(DC~sex+age+smoker+alcohol+fruits(1|setting), dataset,REML = FALSE), corr = FALSE,weights=sweight) The problem is both the
2006 Sep 20
Stats question - cox proportional hazards adjustments
Hi useRs, Many studies of the link between red meat and colorectal cancer use Cox proportional hazards with (among other things) a gender covariate. If it is true that men eat more red meat, drink more alcohol and smoke more than women, and if it is also true that alcohol and tobacco are known risk factors then why does it make sense to "adjust" for gender? I would think that in this
2007 Apr 19
Problem installing packages
I tried to install the package "tseries" but could not do so. Any suggestions are welcome. I am using Ubuntu Linux and here is what I did: $ sudo R Then once in R, I did > install.packages("tseries", dep=TRUE) which gave a long list of errors. Going through them, I saw that the basic problem was that the package "grid" was not found by the packages (like
2003 May 15
strptime and non ISO date format
Dear all I have a character vector of dates something like: timevec<-c("15.5.2003 00:00", "15.5.2003 00:01", "15.5.2003 00:02", "15.5.2003 00:03","15.5.2003 00:04") and I would like to transform it to some more convenient date class. Is there a way how to do it directly without previous reformating to ISO like structure and adding a
2003 Mar 28
Testing for randomness
Dear all, Is there a test in R for the randomness of a sequence of observations (e.g. to test the random number generator)? Specifically I am looking for autocorrelations which are not necessarily linear in nature, which the acf function does not seem to be flexible enough to detect as it tests for linear autocorrelation. Thanks in advance, Paul.
1999 Jul 08
new time series package available
Fritz just put the first version of a new time series package to the contrib section at CRAN. The package is called "tseries.tgz" and provides a library for time series analysis. It contains acf Autocorrelation Function adf.test Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test amif Auto Mutual Information Function bds.test BDS Test
1999 Jul 08
new time series package available
Fritz just put the first version of a new time series package to the contrib section at CRAN. The package is called "tseries.tgz" and provides a library for time series analysis. It contains acf Autocorrelation Function adf.test Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test amif Auto Mutual Information Function bds.test BDS Test
2002 Jul 29
forecasting correlation with Garch
Hello R group, I'm using the tseries package to forecast variance and I would like to do the same with correlation. I can't find any way to do that with the function garch(). for example, I have a matrix of time series Date CACIndex SPXIndex DAXIndex NKYIndex 1 05/01/1998 3072.84 977.07 4384.81 14896.1 2 06/01/1998 3037.73 966.58 4352.63 14896.40 3
2005 May 26
a more elegant approach to getting the majority level
Hi, I have a factor and I would like to find the most frequent level. I think my current approach is a bit long winded and I was wondering if there was a more elegant way to do it: x <- factor(sample(1:0, 5,replace=TRUE)) levels(x)[ which( as.logical((table(x) == max(table(x)))) == TRUE ) ] (The length of x will always be an odd number, so I wont get a tie in max()) Thanks,
2007 Apr 08
[LLVMdev] C++ -> C translation problems
Hi All, I am trying to use llvm compiler to translate a non-trivial piece of code from C++ to C. I need this because I need to use part of the code as lib for another project that is strictly C. I am working under MSWin and I have choice to use either BCC or MSVC. After a good deal of tries I found out I had to somewhat massage llc -march=c output to make it *almost* compilable. I have one
2009 Dec 15
LVM, usb drives, Active Directory
I have a client with a handful of USB drives connected to a CentOS box. I am charged with binding the USB drives together into a single LVM for a cheap storage data pool (10 x 1 TB usb drives = 10 TB cheap storage in a single mount point). The next fun piece is how to incorporate that storage space into an existing Active Directory structure to apply AD acls for limited access. I'd rather
2009 Mar 29
re form data for aov()?
I have data in a file named hands.dat, which is given at the end of this question. (It's from a stats textbook example on anova). I'd like to do an aov on this, which I guess would be d <- read.table("~/hands.dat", header=TRUE) aov(Bacterial.Counts ~ Water + Soap + Antibacterial.Soap + Alcohol.Spray, data=d) but this fails. Do I need to break d$Method up into columns for