Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "Access Object's Objects HELP"
2004 Feb 15
Maximum likelihood estimation in R
Dear Sir,
I am a new user of R and I am doing a tast, which is: find the maximum
likelihood estimate of the parameter of Gaussian distribution for generated
100 numbers by using >x=rnorm(100, mean=3, sd=1).
I tried to use following Maximum Likelihood function
but it did not work.
I am
2004 Jan 22
Fitting compartmental model with nls and lsoda?
Dear Colleagues,
Our group is also working on implementing the use of R for pharmacokinetic compartmental analysis. Perhaps I have missed something, but
> fit <- nls(noisy ~ lsoda(xstart, time, one.compartment.model, c(K1=0.5, k2=0.5)),
+ data=C1.lsoda,
+ start=list(K1=0.3, k2=0.7),
+ trace=T
+ )
Error in eval(as.name(varName), data) : Object
2004 Jan 30
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In MATLAB, I can write:
for J=1:M
Y(J+1)=Y(J)+ h * feval(f,T(J),Y(J));
In R, I can write above as:
for (J in 2:M)
y = y + h * f(t,y)
In MATLAB, I can write:
for J=1:M
k1 = feval(f,T(J),Y(J));
k2 = feval(f,T(J+1),Y(J)+ h * k1
How do I write k2 in R?
k1 = f(t,y)
k2 = ?
2003 May 22
Plot observed vs. fitted values (weighted nls)
Dear WizaRds,
Given the experimental data,
weighted nls is applied,
wt.MM<- function(resp, time,A1,a1,A2,a2)
pred <- A1*exp(-a1*time)+A2*exp(-a2*time)
(resp - pred) / sqrt(pred)
cs.wt <- nls( ~ wt.MM(conc, time,A1,a1,A2,a2), data=csdata,
2013 Mar 13
multi-comparison of means
Hi all:
I have a question about multi-comparison.
The data is in the attachment.
My purpose:
Compare the predicted means of the 3 methods(a,b,c) pairwisely.
I have 3 ideas:
result_aov<-aov(y~ method + x1 + x2)
diff lwr upr p adj
b-a 0.845 0.5861098 1.1038902 0.0000001
c-a 0.790 0.5311098 1.0488902 0.0000002
c-b -0.055 -0.3138902
2007 Oct 29
biserial correlation with pkg polycor
Een ingesloten tekst met niet-gespecificeerde tekenset is
van het bericht gescrubt ...
Naam: niet beschikbaar
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20071029/b29e9bd5/attachment.pl
2012 Nov 29
Analysis of Variance
Hi, I am encountering a difficulty I don't understand. Be patient, I'm very
new to analysis of variance.
If I load this data:
The run the oneway.test:
I get these results:
data: time and drug
F = 4.1881, num
2010 May 11
kernel density to smooth plots
Hi r-sers,
I have a data of relative frequencies for the interval of 0-20, 20-40,...380-400. I would like the two data on the same graph using the same x-axis label. My question is how to get a smooth curve using kernel density code if it possible for this data.
> cbind(rel_obs,rel_gen)
rel_obs rel_gen
[1,] 0.000000000 0.0000
[2,] 0.092534175 0.0712
[3,] 0.105152471 0.1092
2001 May 28
normality test ks.test
here are some problems with ks.test.
Do you think these values are consistent?
(2 e^{-1} means 0.2 )
data file name& sample size& D & pvalue
A&10.000&0.4202&<2.2 e^{-16}\\
B&10.000&04294&<2.2 e^{-16}\\
C &10.000&0.4484&<2.2 e^{-16}\\
D&10.000&0.4569&<2.2 e^{-16}\\
E&50.000&0.4015&<2.2 e^{-16}\\
2001 Nov 26
Sorting Posix Data
I have a fairly large set of data with the following attributes:
`data.frame': 1429 obs. of 16 variables:
$ TStamp :`POSIXlt', format: chr "2001-11-25 02:00:00" "2001-11-25
01:55:00" "2001-11-25 01:50:00" "2001-11-25 01:45:00" ...
$ iPDT.AHU14.14: num 0.0122 0.0125 0.0120 0.0120 0.0122 ...
$ iPDT.AHU14.15: num 0.0121
2010 Mar 12
Data frame question
I have the following question about creating data frames. I want to
create a data frame with 2 components: a vector and a matrix.
Let me use a simple example:
y <- rnorm(10)
x <- matrix(rnorm(150), nrow=10)
Now if I do
dd <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
I get a data frame with 16 colums, but if, according to the documentation,
I do
dd <- data.frame(x=I(x), y=y)
then str(dd)
2013 Apr 06
arrange data
Hello all!
I have a problem to arrange data in another form. My initial data is like
'data.frame': 421 obs. of 58 variables:
$ 01A: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 01B: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 03A: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 03B: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 05A: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 05B: num NA NA NA NA
2010 Jan 23
wifi doesnt work on centos 5.4
hi all,
this is my first hit on the mailing list. hope i m posting in the right
well, i have a dell vostro 1510 laptop with broadcom wifi adapter. n it
doesnt work! :(
i installed the wifi drivers with ndiswrapper.
iwconfig shows the following.
[root at laptop ~]# iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
sit0 no wireless extensions.
2014 Oct 15
Test K-S con distribuciones LogNormales
Hola Ruben,
Sí precisamente es lo que comentas, en matemáticas no se suele llamar
bucketización (este término se emplea más en informática) sino datos
agrupados. Pero la idea es la que tu mismo dices.
Respecto a las gráficas que has puesto, me han aclarado mucho sobre el
tema, gracias.
Si realizo lo mismo, por ejemplo con nbucket=1000 sigo obteniendo un
p-valor de 1. Es decir, que casi le
2010 Sep 28
Very slow plot rendering with X11 on CentOS 5.5
I am connecting from a PC to a Linux system running CentOS
release 5.5 (Final) and it is extremely slow to render plots
to the X11 device.
This is not R's fault but I wonder if anyone can offer
guidance so I can help the system administrators address
the problem.
I can connect to the Linux server using a NoMachine NX client
for Windows or using X-Win32. I also have access to R running
2010 Jun 22
Lattice legend
I have a moderately complex graph with three panels. There are data points
plotted, and fitted lines are added using a panel function, which includes
"with(alt.data[[which.packet()[1]]]" statements. It all graphs out
beautifully, but none of the usual tricks to get the proper legend to plot
are working, i.e., using auto.key, key, etc.
One message I keep getting is
Error in
2007 Jun 28
mixed-effects model using lmer
Hello R-users,
I have been trying to fit what I think is a simple mixed-effects model using lmer (from lme4), but I've run into some difficulty that I have not been able to resolve using the existing archives or Pinheiro and Bates (2000).
I am measuring populations (of birds) which change with time at a number of different sites. These sites are grouped into regions. Sites are not measured
2011 May 15
Question on approximations of full logistic regression model
I am trying to construct a logistic regression model from my data (104
patients and 25 events). I build a full model consisting of five
predictors with the use of penalization by rms package (lrm, pentrace
etc) because of events per variable issue. Then, I tried to approximate
the full model by step-down technique predicting L from all of the
componet variables using ordinary least squares
2010 Jan 05
[LLVMdev] [Help] How can we call an object's virtual function inside IR?
Hi Gyounghwa Kim, try pasting C++ code into http://llvm.org/demo/
in order to see the LLVM IR that llvm-g++ turns it into. That way
you will see how this can be done.
Best wishes,
2015 Mar 06
res_pjsip endpoint config object's 'identify_by' option needs new value "uri".
On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 2:06 PM, Dmitriy Serov <serov.d.p at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> Asterisk 13.2.
> I transfer configs from chan_sip to res_pjsip.
> In chan_sip i have "match_auth_username=yes" and have nothing in pjsip.
> I have a lot of endpoints and registrations on same SIP server. And it's
> problem in pjsip now. Is not it?
> I