Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Plotting expressions with indicies"
2009 Oct 29
The 'subset matching' challenge
Dear all,
The following problem just has been submitted to me by an accountant.
In his new job, he has to close some old accounts. He has yearly
amounts, and a list of products that have been bought over the years, at
certain prices for which he has an exhaustive record. The problem is: He
does not know what product was bought this or that year (don't ask). He
does not want to find back
2000 Sep 29
Matrix inversion
I cannot find what is the function label for matrix inversion in R. I have
found 'ginv' for the moore-penrose in the MASS package, but there is
probably a simple inversion operator in the base package. Where can I find
Yvonnick Noel, PhD.
University of Lille 3
Department of Psychology
F-59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
(+33) 320 41 63 48
2003 Mar 31
point-biserial correlation
Dear list,
has anyone written a package/function in R for computing a point-
biserial resp. biserial correlation?
Thanks in advance
2001 Nov 09
Installing packages
I have upgraded from Mandrake Linux 8.0 to Mandrake 8.1 and try to reinstall
my favourite R... Everything is OK for the base software but I have trouble
to get some packages installed.
Specifically, for some packages, a "collect2" binary seems to be necessary
during the compilation/linking process of the library, and LD complains about
not finding it :
Installing source
2006 Jan 04
Replacing backslashes with slashes
I've seen this question asked in the archives but no clear reply or solution
provided. So, just to be sure it is not possible in R: Can I replace
backslashes with slashes in a string ?
I am writing a GUI for R with the Rpad library. I have a "browse" button for
data loading and Windows return a path string with backslashes. I need to
convert them into slashes to use the
2010 Nov 17
translate vector of numbers to indicies of 0/1 matrix
Hello All,
Searched around, haven't found a decent solution.
I'd like to translate a vector of numbers to a matrix (or to a list of
vectors) such that the vector values would serve as indicies of the 1's
in an otherwise-zero-filled matrix (or list of vectors). For example:
> a = c(1,3,3,4)
# perform operation
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1 0 0 0
[2,] 0 0 1
2013 Jan 23
New Book: Statistical Psychology with R [in French]
Dear useRs,
French reading people among you might be interested by the following book:
Noel, Y. (2013). Psychologie statistique avec R [Statistical psychology
with R, in French], coll. PratiqueR, Paris: Springer.
This book provides a detailed presentation of all basics of statistical
inference for psychologists, both in a fisherian
2010 Aug 13
Lattice: Superimposing histograms with different colors and transparency effects
Dear users,
I would like to plot several histograms superimposed on the same panel
with different colors, with superimposed polygons appearing with
transparency effects. I also want estimated densities to appear on the
same plot. For several reasons, including that I like it, I want to use
the lattice package.
I have several questions regarding the use of the 'histogram' function
with a
2007 Jul 19
Can I test if there are statistical significance between different rows in R*C table?
Dear friends,
My R*C table is as follow:
Can I test if there are statistical significant between Group1 and
Group2, Group2 and Group3, Group1 and Group2, taking into the multiple
The table can be set up using the following program:
2010 Jun 04
Wrong symbol rendering in plots (Ubuntu)
Hi I am having problems with the rendering of scientific symbols (mu and
degree) in my plots. Whenever I use these symbols they are rendered
changed (mu is changed to the proportionality symbol and degree is
changed to something resembling a gamma) in the X-device. If I make a
pdf of the plot and open the file in Evince or Okular symbols are also
rendered wrong, however if I open the file
2010 Jun 04
Wrong symbol rendering in plots (Ubuntu)
Hi I am having problems with the rendering of scientific symbols (mu and
degree) in my plots. Whenever I use these symbols they are rendered
changed (mu is changed to the proportionality symbol and degree is
changed to something resembling a gamma) in the X-device. If I make a
pdf of the plot and open the file in Evince or Okular symbols are also
rendered wrong, however if I open the file
2010 Jun 04
Wrong symbol rendering in plots (Ubuntu)
Hi I am having problems with the rendering of scientific symbols (mu and
degree) in my plots. Whenever I use these symbols they are rendered
changed (mu is changed to the proportionality symbol and degree is
changed to something resembling a gamma) in the X-device. If I make a
pdf of the plot and open the file in Evince or Okular symbols are also
rendered wrong, however if I open the file
2007 Mar 11
Dear R users,
I'm trying to have a gWiddgetsRGtk2 script run under R-2.4.1. The script
run OK under Linux but all accentuated characters appear as "?" when the
script is run under Windows.
As Gtk+ requires UTF-8, I thought it was the source of the problem and
tried to change the default encoding (1252) in the following way:
2003 Apr 17
Help with TCL packages
I am exploring the TCLTK package under R and try to load and use additional TCL libraries (under Windows, with TCL8.3). For example :
> addTclPath("C:/TCL/lib/bwidget1.5")
> tclRequire("BWidget")
<Tcl> 1.5
Loading seems to work, but when I try to create a specific widget :
# The main window appears correctly
> top=tktoplevel()
# Trying to insert a
2001 Nov 05
Item Response Analysis
Would someone have ever heard or developed any Item Response Models library
for R ? Of course, a Rasch model can be estimated through glm() but it is not
the case for more complex (polytomous) response models.
Similarly I would be interested in any R implementation of nonlinear
multivariate analyses a la GIFI (HOMALS, PRINCALS, OVERALS).
Thanks a lot in advance,
Yvonnick Noel, PhD.
2002 Jul 15
ReInstalling packages
I just have upgraded from Mandrake 8.1 to 8.2 and installed R 1.5.1. I now try
to reinstall all the packages but get the following error (for the multiv
package for instance) :
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lreadline
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [multiv.so] Erreur 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'multiv'
The readline library is under /lib on my system and I
2002 Apr 02
Repeated aov residuals
Are there any access functions to the various residual variables that should
result from a repeated measures ANOVA ? MyAOVObject$residuals does not exist,
and simply printing MyAOVObject gives a very long print of all fields in the
result list, many of which I can't see what they are exactly :
$error.qr$qraux, for instance.
What I would like basically is to inspect those residuals
2006 Jul 14
(Solved) Re: How to configure omega.cgi to search multiple flint dbs?
OK found it, omega.cc looks for multiple DB definitions and adds it to the search list. If the dbs are only one directory lower (e.g. not in default as in beta/default, but only "beta"), then modifying database_dir setting as follows will work:
database_dir /svr/hda1/xapian
./omega.cgi 'P=pda' FMT='xml' DB="beta" DB="gamma"
2019 May 02
llvm is illegally vectorizing with a recurrence on skylake
Hi -- I have found a bug in an HPC code where llvm is vectorizing a loop on
Skylake that has an obvious recurrence. I derived a small test case based
on the original benchmark below:
static void __attribute__ ((always_inline)) one(
const int *restrict in, const int *const end,
const unsigned shift, int *const restrict index,
2011 Feb 26
Weird behavior of a 2-by-2 matrix indicies
The real weird thing is I wrote "weird" and it comes out "wired"...
The background is that I did a lot of sparse matrices calculations.
Therefore need some indices tweaks, e.g subtract a block from a big matrix.
Then I just create an indicies matrix and use it directly as a vector since
a matrix is just a vector with dimensions attributed in R. I know I can
convert them to a