Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "X axis series labels?"
2013 Feb 06
First R Package --- Advice?
Dear R experts---
after many years, I am planning to give in and write my first R
package. I want to combine my collection of collected useful utility
as my guide, I am planning to use Friedrich Leisch's "Creating R
Packages: A Tutorial" from Sep 2009. Is there a newer or better
tutorial? this one is 4 years old.
I also plan on one change---given that the
2013 Apr 04
categorized complete list of R commands?
every time I read the R release notes for the next release, I see many
functions that I had forgotten about and many functions that I never knew
existed to begin with. (who knew there were bibtex facilities in R?
obviously, everyone except me.)
I wonder whether there is a complete list of all R commands (incl the
standard packages) somewhere, preferably each with its one-liner AND
2012 Mar 30
list assignment syntax?
Dear R wizards: is there a clean way to assign to elements in a list?
what I would like to do, in pseudo R+perl notation is
f <- function(a,b) list(a+b,a-b)
(c,d) <- f(1,2)
and have c be assigned 1+2 and d be assigned 1-2. right now, I use the clunky
x <- f(1,2)
c <- x[[1]]
d <- x[[2]]
which seems awful. is there a nicer syntax?
regards, /iaw
Ivo Welch
2011 Oct 10
multicore by(), like mclapply?
dear r experts---Is there a multicore equivalent of by(), just like
mclapply() is the multicore equivalent of lapply()?
if not, is there a fast way to convert a data.table into a list based
on a column that lapply and mclapply can consume?
advice appreciated...as always.
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at gmail.com)
2013 Feb 07
Hard Stop?
is it possible to throw a stop() that is so hard that it will escape
even tryCatch?
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at gmail.com)
2012 May 31
print.data.frame to string?
dear R experts---is there a function that prints a data frame to a string?
cat() cannot handle lists, so I cannot write cat("your data frame is:\n",
df, "\n").
regards, /iaw
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch@gmail.com)
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2010 Jan 08
fast lm se?
dear R experts---I am using the coef() function to pick off the coefficients
from an lm() object. alas, I also need the standard errors and I need them
fast. I know I can do a "summary()" on the object and pick them off this
way, but this computes other stuff I do not need. Or, I can compute (X'
X)^(-1) s^2 myself. Has someone written a fast se() function?
incidentally, I think
2010 Jun 11
lm without error
this is not an important question, but I wonder why lm returns an
error, and whether this can be shut off. it would seem to me that
returning NA's would make more sense in some cases---after all, the
problem is clearly that coefficients cannot be computed.
I know that I can trap the lm.fit() error---although I have always
found this to be quite inconvenient---and this is easy if I have only
2011 Jul 02
%dopar% parallel processing experiment
dear R experts---
I am experimenting with multicore processing, so far with pretty
disappointing results. Here is my simple example:
A <- 100000
randvalues <- abs(rnorm(A))
minfn <- function( x, i ) { log(abs(x))+x^3+i/A+randvalues[i] } ?## an
arbitrary function
ARGV <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
if (ARGV[1] == "do-onecore") {
?discard <-
2013 Feb 09
character strings with embedded commands: perl "/gee" ?
dear R experts---I am trying to replicate a perl feature. I want to be
able to embed R commands inside a character string, and have the
string be printed with the command executed. my perl equivalent is
my $a=10;
my $teststring = "the expression, $a+1, is ::$a+1::, but add one
more for ::$a+2::\n";
$teststring =~ s/::(.*?)::/$1/gee;
print $teststring;
of course, R does not use
2004 Jul 07
fast NA elimination ?
dear R wizards: an operation I execute often is the deletion of all
observations (in a matrix or data set) that have at least one NA. (I
now need this operation for kde2d, because its internal quantile call
complains; could this be considered a buglet?) usually, my data sets
are small enough for speed not to matter, and there I do not care
whether my method is pretty inefficient (ok, I
2012 May 09
big quasi-fixed effects OLS model
dear R experts---now I have a case where I want to estimate very large
regression models with many fixed effects---not just the mean type, but
cross-fixed effects---years, months, locations, firms. Many millions of
observations, a few thousand variables (most of these variables are
interaction fixed effects). could someone please point me to packages, if
any, that would help me estimate such
2010 Aug 30
different interface to by (tapply)?
dear R experts:
has someone written a function that returns the results of by() as a
data frame? ??of course, this can work only if the output of the
function that is an argument to by() is a numerical vector.
presumably, what is now names(byobject) would become a column in the
data frame, and the by object's list elements would become columns.
it's a little bit like flattening the by()
2013 Nov 16
contour plot axis correspondence
I am struggling with a contour plot. I want to place a cross over the
minimum. alas, I don't seem to be able to map axes appropriately.
here is what I mean:
N <- 1000
rm <- rnorm(N, mean=0.0, sd=0.4)
rx <- rnorm(N, mean=0.0, sd=0.4)
rt <- rnorm(N, mean=0.0, sd=0.4)
exploss <- function(hdgM,hdgX) {
## this could be any function that is not vectorized
losscosts <-
2010 Aug 22
on abort error, always show call stack?
Dear R Wizards---is it possible to get R to show its current call
stack (sys.calls()) upon an error abort? I don't use ESS for
execution, and it is often not obvious how to locate how I triggered
an error in an R internal function. Seeing the call stack would make
this easier. (right now, I sprinkle "cat" statements everywhere, just
to locate the line where the error appears.) Of
2010 Aug 20
strange behavior of ifelse with factors
Dear R experts: this is probably correct behavior, but I do want to
point out that it is unexpected to someone not too well versed:
> test=factor("A","B","C","A")
> ifelse(test=="A", as.factor("A"), test)
[1] 1 2 3 1
ok, my factor was just coerced into integers, even though I have a
logical vector as my condition and factors as
2011 Jul 24
split data frame temporary and work with only part of it?
dear R wizards: I have a large data frame, a million rows, 40
columns. In this data frame, there are some (about 100,000) rows
which I want to recompute (update), while I want to leave others just
as is. this is based on a condition that I need to compute, based on
what is in a few of the columns. what is the right R way to do this?
I could subset out the rows that I want to recompute into a
2013 Feb 04
Contract Syntactic Sugar
## the following is a dream: add some sugar syntax to allow for
contracts with teeth (in and out checking)
> is.positive <- function(x) (all(x>0))
> exponentiate <- function( x ::is.data.frame , exponent ::is.numeric is.positive) :: is.vector is.numeric {
x$base :: is.positive ## error also if base does not exist
in x; may need some special IQ
2012 Dec 24
parallelized version of "by" and "ave"
Dear R experts---
Has anyone written parallel versions of "by" (i.e., mcby) and "ave"
(i.e. mcave) ? I did ask a question like this a year ago, and then
the answer was no.
for those who are googling the group for the answer to this question,
in the meantime, the poor man's version of "by" is mclapply( split(
ds, factor ), FUN )
I don't know the poor
2012 Aug 03
embedding data frame in R code?
I would like to insert a few modest size data frames directly into my
R code. a short illustration example of what I want is
d <- read.csv( _END_, row.names=1 )
, "col1", "col2"
right now, the data sits in external files. I could put each column
into its own vector and then combine into a data frame, but this seems