Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "R crashes with package SJava; was Memory leakage?"
2003 Jul 16
Fatal error in SJava.
Dear r-helpers,
I have been trying to invoke R from Java in a Windows 2000 computer
(unfortunately). All my environment variables seem to be properly set,
everything seems to be in order, but I obtaining a
Fatal error: unable to open the base package
error window.
Also, the output of the invoker is
Loading RInterpreter library
R_HOME: R_HOME=C:/Programas/R
RVersion: R_VERSION=1.6.1
2003 Apr 25
sjava w2k
..sorry for this "repeated" off-topic question, but i look
for any suggestion in the manuals, find nothing related?
Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) :
JAVA_HOME is not set
Error in library(Sjava) : .First.lib failed
...what i have to done?
many thanks & regards,christian
2003 Sep 24
SJava help
I installed SJava 0.66-1 on my linux RH 7.2 machine. I am using R-1.7.1.
I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH up then called library(SJava) and it was fine. But
when I called .JavaInit(), I got weird error that states it could not
find java/lang/Hashtable. The session is below and shows my java
configuration. I am using j2sdk1.4.2_01 from Sun.
Thank you very much.
Weiming Zhang
> .javaConfig
2004 Aug 06
q about jspeex
Hi Marc,
thanks for the quick reply.
Marc Gimpel wrote:
> It would appear the the 'pcm2speex.read(frame, 0, frame.length)' is
> blocking which means that it is waiting for data from the underlying
> inputstream (i.e.AudioInputStream(t.input)). If it could read
> sufficient data it would transcode it. If it recieved an EOF, it
> should do some zero padding and then
2002 Dec 10
Non-installation of Samba
I am attempting install of samba 2.2.7 on a Sequent (IBM) Dynix 4.4.6
I downloaded the samba-latest.tar from the samba website:
Having unzipped and untarred the file, I then started as per the "how to",
very first part.
I ran "./configure" which generated a number of messages before failing as
2006 Jul 24
Identifying peaks (or offsets) in a time series
Dear R-users,
We are monitoring the activity of animals during a few days period. The
data from each animal (crossing of infra-red beam) are collected as a
time series (in 30 min bins). An example is attached below.
y <-
2004 Sep 10
loading Sjava
I'm excited about SJava, and I'ld love to get it working, but can't get
past loading the package.
.First.lib fails on this statement:
> library.dynam("SJava", "SJava", "C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1091/library")
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
2007 Jan 03
troubles installing SJava for R
Hello all,
I am using R 2.4.0 and SJava 0.69-0 on linux.
I am not able to install SJava on R. The following errors appear when
** R
** inst
WARNING: use of install..R is no longer supported
** preparing package for lazy loading
Creating a new generic function for "merge" in "SJava"
** help
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package
2004 Jun 08
SJAVA error
I'm trying to use SJava and I have troubles.
I try to run examples from "Calling R from Java"
but,I have an error that
"fatal error: enable to open the base package"
I heard SJAVA bug,
so,could you send me your compiled SJava package with the modified
REmbed.c because
in Windows i'm not able to recompile!!!
package org.omegahat.R.Java;
2004 May 26
Hi again!
I'm trying to download SJava from the http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava/
I'm trying to get the binary.
I download the version from BDR's website.
When I unzip the file via unzip.exe, the new folder appears as SJAVA (upper
Error in library(SJava) : There is no package called 'SJava'
Error in library(SJAVA) :
2003 Jul 15
clearing some part of a graph
Hi R lovers
2 questions:
1) I'd like to know how to clean the title, the sub title or the labels of
a graph. I know how to redefine it with the function title() but it
overwrites the previous title and do not replace it
2) How could I clear a whole plot (for example in a multiple figure
thanks for your help
2010 Jan 12
trouble with installing SJava
How i can solve this error when i install SJava package
R CMD INSTALL -c /usr/local/lib/R/SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz
* installing to library ?/usr/local/lib/R/site-library?
* installing *source* package ?SJava? ...
checking for java... /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java
Java VM /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java
checking for javah... /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/javah
2007 May 16
Installing SJava - problem
Hi there.
I am trying to install SJava on my windows xp machine.
I downloaded the windows source file SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz from the web site
I have folloed the XP command line instructions as directed in the table
underneath the download link:
cd $RHOME/src/library
unzip SJava_0.69-0.zip
cd SJava
./configure.win $RHOME
cd $RHOME/src/gnuwin32
make pkg-SJava
2004 Oct 27
SJava loading --error!
Hi list,
I am having a problem in SJava. while loading the library I get the
folowing error.
> library(SJava)
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
libRSNativeJava.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
Error in library(SJava) : .First.lib failed for
2004 Mar 05
Problems with SJava instalation
I'm try to use the SJava package. The install is OK. In R I have this error
> library(SJava)
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
libRSNativeJava.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
Error in
2002 Aug 19
install the SJava package on unix
I've got a problem to use the SJava package with R.
I have a SUN solaris 8 machine.
Then I did R INSTALL -c SJava_0.65-0.tar.gz
without problem
Now I try the test provided on the web site:
and here I receive the error message:
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
2002 Aug 29
running SJava
Having problems getting started with SJava and request help.
I get this error when running .JavaInit() (within RGui 1.5.1, on Windows
Error in .JavaInit() : Couldn't start Java Virtual Machine: Cannot find
the Omegahat interface manager class. Check you classpath!
(Before you right back saying read the emails, please read further - in
short, been there, done that)
2005 Jul 27
Installing SJava (I'm almost there, just a little more help please!....please!)
Hi. Day three and Iām still struggling with this. Any advice to overcome the
final hurdle will be enormously appreciated. I now have all the right Java
applications etc. in their right places and have managed to get rid of most
errors but still get this:
ā Making package SJava ā
Building JNI header files...
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
running src/Makefile.win
(cd .. ;
2004 Nov 18
I failed to build SJava dure to teh error below. Any ideas?
# R CMD INSTALL -c SJava_0.68-0.tar.gz
* Installing *source* package 'SJava' ...
checking for java... /opt/j2sdk1.4.2_06//bin/java
Java VM /opt/j2sdk1.4.2_06//bin/java
checking for javah... /opt/j2sdk1.4.2_06//bin/javah
Looking in /opt/j2sdk1.4.2_06/include
Looking in /opt/j2sdk1.4.2_06/include/linux
checking for g++... no
2003 Mar 03
How to change the default library directory?
I installed SJava package at $R_HOME/lib/R/library/
When I conduct library(SJava), I always need to explicitly specify the
library path, how could I change the default library path?
I have included the SJava path in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable as:
The result in R is as: