similar to: Apparent namespace problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Apparent namespace problem"

2003 May 22
Possible R CMD check problem (PR#3070)
Using R 1.7.0 I get * checking parcv-manual.tex ... ERROR Could not create DVI version. Although there is no apparent error. The dvi file exists. Possibly there is some problem with my TeX setup, but the following messages don't suggest that either. Here's the full log, which does show some documentation issues: sheep:~$R CMD check --library=.R/library/ src/parcv * checking for working
2001 Mar 07
The function crossval (in library bootstrap) works well for the first degree polynomial model, but in the case of the second degree model I got an error message (see below). I would be very greatfull if somebody could give some advices for the following: > library(bootstrap) > > x<-c(22,23.4,24.9,28.5,29.8,31.6,34.2,36.4,37.7,39) >
2006 Nov 23
loading libraries on MPI cluster
Dear R-users, we are using library(snow) for computation on a linux cluster with RMPI. We have a problem with clusterEvalQ: after launching clusterEvalQ it seems loading the required library on each node but if we type a function belonging to the loaded package R doesn't find it. > library(snow) # making cluster with 3 nodes > cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "MPI") Loading
2005 May 12
pls -- crossval vs plsr(..., CV=TRUE)
Hi, Newbie question about the pls package. Setup: Mac OS 10.3.9 R: Aqua GUI 1.01, v 2.0.1 I want to get R^2 and Q^2 (LOO and Leave-10-Out) values for each component for my model. I was running into a few problems so I played with the example a little and the results do not match up with the comments in the help pages. $ library(pls) $ data(NIR) $ testing.plsNOCV <- plsr(y ~ X, 6, data =
2007 Jun 22
two basic question regarding model selection in GAM
Qusetion #1 ********* Model selection in GAM can be done by using: 1. step.gam {gam} : A directional stepwise search 2. gam {mgcv} : Smoothness estimation using GCV or UBRE/AIC criterion Suppose my model starts with a additive model (linear part + spline part). Using gam() {mgcv} i got estimated degrees of freedom(edf) for the smoothing splines. Now I want to use the functional form of my model
2020 Nov 02
parallel PSOCK connection latency is greater on Linux?
On Mon, 2 Nov 2020 at 02:22, Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek at> wrote: > > It looks like R sockets on Linux could do with TCP_NODELAY -- without (status quo): How many network packets are generated with and without it? If there are many small writes and thus setting TCP_NODELAY causes many small packets to be sent, it might make more sense to set TCP_QUICKACK instead.
2007 Apr 08
Relative GCV - poisson and negbin GAMs (mgcv)
I am using gam in mgcv (1.3-22) and trying to use gcv to help with model selection. However, I'm a little confused by the process of assessing GCV scores based on their magnitude (or on relative changes in magnitude). Differences in GCV scores often seem "obvious" with my poisson gams but with negative binomial, the decision seems less clear. My data represent a similar pattern as
2011 Feb 24
parallel bootstrap linear model on multicore mac (re-post)
Hello all, I am re-posting my previous question with a simpler, more transparent, commented code. I have been ramming my head against this problem, and I wondered if anyone could lend a hand. I want to make parallel a bootstrap of a linear mixed model on my 8-core mac. Below is the process that I want to make parallel (namely, the boot.out<-boot(dat.res,, R = nboot) command).
2020 Nov 04
parallel PSOCK connection latency is greater on Linux?
I'm not sure the user would know ;). This is very system-specific issue just because the Linux network stack behaves so differently from other OSes (for purely historical reasons). That makes it hard to abstract as a "feature" for the R sockets that are supposed to be platform-independent. At least TCP_NODELAY is actually part of POSIX so it is on better footing, and disabling
2012 Feb 13
mgcv: increasing basis dimension
hi Using a ts or tprs basis, I expected gcv to decrease when increasing the basis dimension, as I thought this would minimise gcv over a larger subspace. But gcv increased. Here's an example. thanks for any comments. greg #simulate some data set.seed(0) x1<-runif(500) x2<-rnorm(500) x3<-rpois(500,3) d<-runif(500) linp<--1+x1+0.5*x2+0.3*exp(-2*d)*sin(10*d)*x3
2020 Nov 01
parallel PSOCK connection latency is greater on Linux?
I'm exploring latency overhead of parallel PSOCK workers and noticed that serializing/unserializing data back to the main R session is significantly slower on Linux than it is on Windows/MacOS with similar hardware. Is there a reason for this difference and is there a way to avoid the apparent additional Linux overhead? I attempted to isolate the behavior with a test that simply returns
2002 May 16
Hi, I have a 4 column file (long/lat/elev/variable) and I tried to fit the values of my variable to the XYZ space using Tps and I keep getting the following message: Warning messages: 1: GCV search gives a minumum at the endpoints of the grid search in: Krig.find.gcvmin(info, lambda.grid, gcv.grid$GCV, Krig.fgcv, 2: GCV search gives a minumum at the endpoints of the grid search in:
2005 Nov 17
loess: choose span to minimize AIC?
Is there an R implementation of a scheme for automatic smoothing parameter selection with loess, e.g., by minimizing one of the AIC/GCV statistics discussed by Hurvich, Simonoff & Tsai (1998)? Below is a function that calculates the relevant values of AICC, AICC1 and GCV--- I think, because I to guess from the names of the components returned in a loess object. I guess I could use
2008 Nov 14
Hi, I was trying to do cross-validation using the crossval function (bootstrap package), with the following code: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- function(x,y){ model <- svm(x,y,kernel = "linear") } theta.predict <- function(fit,x){ prediction <- predict(fit,x)
2012 Aug 08
mgcv and gamm4: REML, GCV, and AIC
Hi, I've been using gamm4 to build GAMMs for exploring environmental influences on genetic ancestry. Things have gone well and I have 2 very straightforward questions: 1. I've used method=REML. Am I correct that this is an alternative method for estimating the smooth functions in GAMMs rather than GCV that is often used for GAMs? I've read up on REML and it makes sense, but I'm
2012 Sep 25
REML - quasipoisson
hi I'm puzzled as to the relation between the REML score computed by gam and the formula (4) on p.4 here: I'm ok with this for poisson, or for quasipoisson when phi=1. However, when phi differs from 1, I'm stuck. #simulate some data library(mgcv) set.seed(1) x1<-runif(500) x2<-rnorm(500)
2006 Dec 04
GAM model selection and dropping terms based on GCV
Hello, I have a question regarding model selection and dropping of terms for GAMs fitted with package mgcv. I am following the approach suggested in Wood (2001), Wood and Augustin (2002). I fitted a saturated model, and I find from the plots that for two of the covariates, 1. The confidence interval includes 0 almost everywhere 2. The degrees of freedom are NOT close to 1 3. The partial
2009 Nov 17
SVM Param Tuning with using SNOW package
Hello, Is the first time I am using SNOW package and I am trying to tune the cost parameter for a linear SVM, where the cost (variable cost1) takes 10 values between 0.5 and 30. I have a large dataset and a pc which is not very powerful, so I need to tune the parameters using both CPUs of the pc. Somehow I cannot manage to do it. It seems that both CPUs are fitting the model for the same values
2020 Oct 29
Something is wrong with the unserialize function
Hi all, I am not able to export an ALTREP object when `gctorture` is on in the worker. The package simplemmap can be used to reproduce the problem. See the example below ``` ## Create a temporary file filePath <- tempfile() con <- file(filePath, "wrb") writeBin(rep(0.0,10),con) close(con) library(simplemmap) library(parallel) cl <- makeCluster(1) x <- mmap(filePath,
2013 Mar 02
caret pls model statistics
Greetings, I have been exploring the use of the caret package to conduct some plsda modeling. Previously, I have come across methods that result in a R2 and Q2 for the model. Using the 'iris' data set, I wanted to see if I could accomplish this with the caret package. I use the following code: library(caret) data(iris) #needed to convert to numeric in order to do regression #I