similar to: SciViews R GUI preview version available

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "SciViews R GUI preview version available"

2003 Apr 29
Feedback about SciViews?
Hello, This message is little off-topic in R-help. Sorry for that, but not all interested people are wired yet to r-sig-gui ( Thanks for your comprehension. A preview version of SciViews (a Graphical User Interface for R under Windows, was released a few weeks ago. Since then, the Web site recorded several
2003 Jun 26
assignment in lists
Hello, I do not understand the following behaviour. Could someone explain me what happens? > a <- NULL > a$item <- 1:3 > a$item [1] 1 2 3 > rm(a) > a <- NULL > a[["item"]] <- 1:3 Error: more elements supplied than there are to replace Why do I get an error message using list[["item"]], and not using list$item? Best, Philippe Grosjean
2002 Jul 01
GUIs (for teaching)
Sorry for entering late in the thread, but I was absent last week. I am developping an alternate GUI for R (and also Splus, Octave, Scilab, Matlab, Ox & Mathematica). The project started 3 years ago, but it is progressing slowly, since I am currently the only developer on the project and had to do it during my extra time. Now, it is going a little faster because I got some time and money
2003 Apr 24
RMySQL crash under R 1.7.0, but not 1.6.2
Hi, I was able to connect to a MySQL database (called "zooscan" and with a table "serie" under Win XP with R 1.6.2 using: > library(DBI) > library(RMySQL) Warning message: DLL attempted to change FPU control word from 8001f to 9001f > drv <- dbDriver("MySQL") > con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname="zooscan") > dbExistsTable(con,
2003 Jan 03
RE: stange behavior of subset [] (was: lowess + turnpoints = doubling integers?)
Tom Blackwell wrote: >... >I summarized this to myself as "computed subscripts need explicit >rounding in R, but not in S". Here's the sample code which gave >me different results with R than with Splus. I no longer have >Splus available, so I can't check it again. >look <- (10 * seq(14)) - 76 >chk.1 <- seq(1420)[ 10 * (73.1 + look) ] #
2003 Jan 08
Tools for tree naviguation
Sorry for this out-of-topic message. A while ago, somebody mentioned a software (an R interface xas in development at that time) to graphically look inside classification/regression trees and calculate various statistics on their nodes. Unfortunatelly, I lost the link and do not remember at all the name of the software. Could someone refresh my poor memory,... or perhaps point me on other
2003 Feb 03
[Out off-topic] SJava under Windows
Sorry for this off-topic subject. I am fighting for running SJava under Windows. SJava_0.64 (compiled by Simon Urbanek, thanks), R 1.6.2, Java JDK 1.4.0_02, Windows XP pro: > library(SJava) > .JavaInit() Error in .JavaInit() : Couldn't start Java Virtual Machine: Cannot find the Omegahat interface manager class. Check you classpath! > # And the second time... > .JavaInit() It
2003 Aug 04
^ operation much slower in R 1.7.1 than in R 1.7.0 ???
I do not understand what happens here (under Win XP): a <- abs(matrix(rnorm(800*800)/2, ncol=800, nrow=800)) system.time(b <- a^1000)[3] took about 1 sec on my computer with R 1.7.0 and it takes now 4.59 sec with R 1.7.1 Similarly, phi <- 1.6180339887498949 a <- floor(runif(750000)*1000) system.time(b <- (phi^a - (-phi)^(-a))/sqrt(5))[3] took about 0.9 sec with R 1.7.0, and it
2003 Aug 04
^ operation much slower in R 1.7.1 than in R 1.7.0 ???
I do not understand what happens here (under Win XP): a <- abs(matrix(rnorm(800*800)/2, ncol=800, nrow=800)) system.time(b <- a^1000)[3] took about 1 sec on my computer with R 1.7.0 and it takes now 4.59 sec with R 1.7.1 Similarly, phi <- 1.6180339887498949 a <- floor(runif(750000)*1000) system.time(b <- (phi^a - (-phi)^(-a))/sqrt(5))[3] took about 0.9 sec with R 1.7.0, and it
2003 Apr 22
Handling of upper/lowercase in package names (PR#2816)
Hi, This is (presumably?) a bug in R 1.7.0 under Windows. I have not tested it on other systems. Attachment of packages is case sensitive but not library(), resulting in multiple loadings of the same package if the library name is spelled differently. The following example loads the `tools' package, once as `tools' and once as `Tools'. This behavior is the same with all packages and
2003 Nov 12
Power (^) 10x slower in R since version 1.7.1... What next?
OK, I have made a little search about this "problem" that apparently occurs only on Windows platform... (but I am sure most of you are already aware of it): the slow down is due to the adoption of a different algorithm for pow in mingw 3.x. This is motivated by some other changes in mingw. Here is a quote of Danny Smith that did this change: >When mingw changed default FPU settings
2003 Jan 02
rounding errors in max.col()
Hello, I suppose this is a general behavior with external function calls, so I do not post (yet) a specific bug report. Could someone explain this? a <- rep(1, 20) + rnorm(20, mean=0.00001, sd=0.0001) b <- embed(a, 3) # I want to know where the item in column 2 is greated than both col 1 and 3 (peak) test1 <- max.col(b) == 2 # ... or I could use a less optimal code test2 <- apply(b,
2003 Jun 27
R-help Digest, Vol 4, Issue 27 ( -Reply)
Hi, I am out of town and will get back to you on the 13th of July. Leo >>> "r-help at" 06/27/03 00:32 >>> Send R-help mailing list submissions to r-help at To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body
2003 Jan 08
Undocumented bahavior of as.integer() (PR#2430)
as.integer() truncates doubles toward zero, as Splus does (at least v. 6.1 under Windows does). Thus: > look <- (10 * seq(14)) - 76 > 10 * (73.1 + look) [1] 71 171 271 371 491 586 681 791 886 981 1101 1201 1301 1401 > as.integer(10 * (73.1 + look)) [1] 70 170 270 370 490 586 681 791 886 981 1101 1201 1301 1401 ... It is not documented in R! I propose appending
2007 Jul 12
[Fwd: Re: How to activate the R commands in SciViews]
Well.. plans are there from a long time to rewrite SciViews completely and make it platform independent (to work on Linux/Unix and MacOS X, as well as Windows). I have done some work in this direction when time permitted, but I am pretty busy with other work. During the holidays, I will continue to work in this direction. I will try to package a first running version of SciViews compatible with
2004 May 18
SciViews-R, a GUI layer and companion applications for R
Hello, An alpha version (unstable, still in development) of SciViews-R can be downloaded from See also screenshots at The SciViews R package provides functions to implement GUI features (object explorer, script with context-sensitive help and completion lists, ...) and to ease the communication with external
2006 Aug 24
Lost command area in R-SciViews
Dear all I am writing with a question regarding SciViews for R. It's probably a slightly stupid question but I cannot find a solution to a very elementary problem. I am using SciViews 0.8.9 on with R 2.3.1pat on a Windows XP Home machine. R is set to SDI mode, I start R, enter "library(svGUI)", SciViews starts properly, I can access the docks and everything, but (i) the command
2003 Jun 19
Bonjour, J'ai t?l?charg? SciViews Insider que je trouve tr?s convivial. Par contre, je n'arrive pas ? comprendre comment enregistrer un script R en type de fichier R justement. Mes programmes fonctionnent tr?s bien, mais SciViews me propose uniquement de les enregistrer au format txt sous un type de fichier "bloc notes". Comment les enregistrer avec l'extension .R comme le
2005 Nov 30
SciViews-R_0.8-9 Console problem
Dear R users, I successfully installed SciViews the other day. However, when I try to run it now, the command/script window does not appear. Strange. Well, actually I see a tendency to a script window (in the lower part of the sciview window where it is suppose to be) during start up, but when the program is entirely open, the script window is gone. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall
2006 Sep 21
Command area in SciViews 0.8.9 - second try
Dear all I am writing again with a question I posted a few weeks ago (to no avail). I have a problem with SciViews for R. It's probably a slightly stupid question but I cannot find a solution to a very elementary problem. I am using SciViews 0.8.9 on with R 2.3.1pat on a Windows XP Home machine. R is set to SDI mode, I start R, enter "library(svGUI)", SciViews starts properly, I can