similar to: quasipoisson, glm.nb and AIC values

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "quasipoisson, glm.nb and AIC values"

2002 Oct 23
loglinear models
I am using the loglin function of the base package to fit log-linear models. I am interested in obtaining the parameter values and their standard errors. Parameters are easily obtained, but I haven't found the way of obtaining their standad errors. Is this possible with the loglin function? If not, is there any other function to get them? Many thanks, -- Vicente Piorno Departamento de Ecolox?a
2018 Jun 28
suma del resultado de multiplicar fila x columna
Buenas tardes, tengo 2 dfs: Dieta de (108x11) y Abund de (591x108). Necesito multiplicar cada columna de la 1ª (108 elementos) por cada fila de la 2ª (108 elementos) y crear una nueva df con las sumas de esas multiplicaciones. He hecho esto, pero no sale y creo que está lejos de estar bien: Res <- matrix(nrow=nrow(Abund),ncol=ncol(Dieta)) Res <- for(i in
2010 Oct 13
Wierd nlm behaviour in 2.10.1 and 2.12.0 [Sec=Unclassified]
Hi all, When upgrading to 2.11.1 recently I noticed different results being produced by my code. After much digging I have finally narrowed it to a call to nlm(). This can be replicated by: FixedRemovals<-1836180125888 AbStageInitial<-2223033830403 Rates<- 0.3102445 nlm(function(rootM,Abund,Loss,OtherM) {(Loss-(rootM/(rootM+OtherM)* (1-exp(-(rootM+OtherM)))*
2000 Jul 21
confint() error
Dear all, I have run the confint() function according to below and I get the following error message: > confint(stepAIC.glm.spe.var.konn2.abund, level=0.95) Waiting for profiling to be done... Error: missing value where logical needed In addition: Warning message: NaNs produced in: sqrt((fm$deviance - OriginalDeviance)/DispersionParameter) or > confint(stepAIC.glm.spe.var.konn2.abund,
2011 Nov 09
Help with tryCatch with a for loop
Hello all, I'm a beginner in R working on a script that will produce a set of models (linear, polynomial and logistic) for each location in a dataset. However, the self-starting logistic model often fails - if this happens I would like to just skip to the next iteration of the loop using tryCatch. I've looked at a few examples and read the help file, but didn't understand tryCatch
2008 Aug 17
before-after control-impact analysis with R
Hello everybody, In am trying to analyse a BACI experiment and I really want to do it with R (which I find really exciting). So, before moving on I though it would be a good idea to repeat some known experiments which are quite similar to my own. I tried to reproduce 2 published examples but without much success. The first one in particular is a published dataset analysed with SAS by
2008 Mar 04
Plot with two different coloured regression lines and legend
It is a trivial problem, but in the book I couln`t figure out how to put different colours at different regression lines plot(bif,abund,type="n", xlab= "number_bifurcations", ylab="abundances") sbif<-split(bif,stage) sabund<-split(abund,stage) points(sabund[[2]],sbif[[2]],pch=16, col="red") for(i in 1:2) abline(lm(sabund[[i]]~sbif[[i]])) Thanks in
2011 Mar 03
Error in model.frame.default
Dear R- Community, to learn i reanalysed some data provided and analysed by Zuur et. al. in their book "Mixed effect models and Extensions in Ecology with R". When i run the last command i get a warning message i dont understand. Loyn<- read.table(file = "loyn.txt",header = TRUE) Loyn$L.AREA<- log10(Loyn$AREA) fGRAZE <-factor(Loyn$GRAZE) M0<- lm(ABUND~ L.AREA
1999 Dec 10
orthogonal and nested model
I'm working with a orthogonal and nested model (mixed). I have four factors, A,B,C,D; A and B are fixed and orthogonal C is nested in AB interaction and finally, D is nested in C. I would like to model the following Y_ijklm=Mu+A_i+B_j+AB_ij+C_k(ij)+D_l(k(ij))+Error_m(...) I used the next command >summary(aov(abund~A*B + C % in % A:B + D % in % C % in % A:B ,datos)) Is it the correct
2006 Jun 06
[OFF] The "best" tool for a space-temporal analyses?
Hi, I try to make an analyses to discover what is the time that an area begin to have spacial autocorrelation. And after, what is the number of individuals responsible for this autocorrelation. The main idea is to discover if exist a contamination of a quadrat from others quadrats and how is the population needed to make this contamination. This is very common to use automata to simulate
2013 Feb 28
help for an R automated procedures
Dear, I would like to post the following question to the r-help on Nabble (thanks in advance for the attention, Gustavo Vieira): Hi there. I have a data set on hands with 5,220 cases and I'd like to automate some procedures (but I have almost no programming knowledge). The data has some continuous variables that are grouped by 2 others: the name of species and the locality where they were
2013 Jun 07
error running mvabund package
Dear All, This is my first post, and probably (and hence apologies that) my question is very silly! I'm having issues with a the mvabund package (, and would be great to get some help! Here is the code (and files are attached): library(mvabund) ##visualizing data florabund <- read.csv("CPL_floristics_abund_v1d.csv",
2003 Oct 08
binomial glm warnings revisited
Dear all, Last autumn there was some discussion on the list of the warning Warning message: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: (if (is.empty.model(mt)) else = X, y = Y, when fitting binomial GLMs with many 0 and few 1. Parts of replies: "You should be able to tell which coefficients are infinite -- the coefficients and their standard errors will
2011 Jan 12
Hello, Just wondering why I am unable to run this in parallel. A dput of my dataset is attached at the end. Please use to create my data object. I want to run this function in parallel (not sure if this is an efficient implementation): #Function to calculate the time to maturity for the option require(fCalendar,quietly=TRUE) #Trying to calculate the trading days
2010 Sep 12
R-equivalent Stata command: poisson or quasipoisson?
Hello R-help, According to a research article that covers the topic I'm analyzing, in Stata, a Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood (PPML) estimation can be obtained with the command poisson depvar_ij ln(indepvar1_ij) ln(indepvar2_ij) ... ln(indepvarN_ij), robust I looked up Stata help for the command, to understand syntax and such: Which simply says
2010 Sep 11
confidence bands for a quasipoisson glm
Dear all, I have a quasipoisson glm for which I need confidence bands in a graphic: gm6 <- glm(num_leaves ~ b_dist_min_new, family = quasipoisson, data = beva) summary(gm6) library('VIM') b_dist_min_new <- as.numeric(prepare(beva$dist_min, scaling="classical", transformation="logarithm")). My first steps for the solution are following: range(b_dist_min_new)
2009 Aug 13
Fitting a quasipoisson distribution to univariate data
Dear all, I am analyzing counts of seabirds made from line transects at sea. I have been fitting Poisson and negative binomial distributions to the data using the goodfit function from the vcd library. I would also like to evaluate how well a quasi-poisson distribution fits the data. However, none of the potentially suitable functions I have identified (goodfit(vcd), fitdistr(MASS),
2007 Aug 03
extracting dispersion parameter from quasipoisson lmer model
Hi, I would like to obtain the dispersion parameter for a quasipoisson model for later use in calculating QAIC values for model comparison.Can anyone suggest a method of how to go about doing this? The idea I have now is that I could use the residual deviance divided by the residual degrees of freedom to obtain the dispersion parameter. The residual deviance is available in the summary
2010 Oct 19
Strange glm(, quasipoisson) error
Dear list, I have recently encountered an odd error when running glm(dep~indep, quasipoisson): while, with a subset of my data, I could get a perfectly reasonable model, once I include all of my data (17K+ observations, 29 variables), I get the following error: Error in if (any(y < 0)) stop("negative values not allowed for the quasiPoisson family") : missing value where
2008 Dec 01
Comparing output from linear regression to output from quasipoisson to determine the model that fits best.
R 2.7 Windows XP I have two model that have been run using exactly the same data, both fit using glm(). One model is a linear regression (gaussian(link = "identity")) the other a quasipoisson(link = "log"). I have log likelihoods from each model. Is there any way I can determine which model is a better fit to the data? anova() does not appear to work as the models have the