Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "Time series application question"
2011 Feb 08
Recuperate Spectrum() amplitude
Dear list,
I apologies first for my English, hope you will understand well my question.
I am working on 1/2 hour piezometric data, time unit is second. They
present daily oscillation when using the spectrum() function. What I am
really interested in, is to find the amplitude corresponding to this
I work with a college using Matlab, and although we apply the same
methodology, our
2006 Oct 19
spectral analysis of time series
Dear List-Members,
I would like to draw the amplitudes of different frequencies from a time
series as shown in the attached figure. Does anybody has an idea how to
do it?
Best wishes
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2006 Jan 24
spec.pgram() normalized too what?
Dear list,
What on earth is spec.pgram() normalized too? If you would like to skip my
proof as to why it's not normed too the mean squared or sum squared
amplitude of the discrete function a[], feel free too skip the rest of the
message. If it is, but you know why it's not exact in spec.pgram() when it
should be, skip the rest of this message. The issue I refer herein refers
only too a
1999 Jul 08
new time series package available
Fritz just put the first version of a new time series package to the
contrib section at CRAN.
The package is called "tseries.tgz" and provides a library for time
series analysis. It contains
acf Autocorrelation Function
adf.test Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
amif Auto Mutual Information Function
bds.test BDS Test
1999 Jul 08
new time series package available
Fritz just put the first version of a new time series package to the
contrib section at CRAN.
The package is called "tseries.tgz" and provides a library for time
series analysis. It contains
acf Autocorrelation Function
adf.test Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
amif Auto Mutual Information Function
bds.test BDS Test
2005 Dec 01
squared coherency and cross-spectrum
Hi All,
I have two time series, each has length 354. I tried to calculate the
coherency^2 between them, but the value I got is always 1. On a website,
it says: " Note that if the ensemble averaging were to be omitted, the
coherency (squared) would be 1, independent of the data". Does any of
you know how to specify properly in R in order to get more useful
coherency? The examples in
2009 Nov 13
Questions: FLAC performance, compression ratio and extra documentation
On Nov 12, 2009, at 16:32, Fernando Alberto Marengo Rodriguez wrote:
> I' m studying FLAC performance, and I'd like to know how much
> compression can be achieved for different audio files.
> 1) It seems that for nontonal sound (wideband noise), the
> compression factor is better than for compound sound (tones +
> nontonal components), which is typically 2. The
2006 Feb 02
How do I normalize a PSD?
Dear Tom,
Short answer, if your using spec.pgram(), use the smoothing kernel to get a
better estimate at the frequency centered in the bandwidth. If your
frequency bin of interest is wider than the bandwidth of the kernel, average
across frequencies (I think). The estimate appears to be normalized already.
If you are calculating your PSD independently, then oversample (e.g. 2,
perhaps 4 or more
2002 May 18
checkerboard plot?
I've been doing a lot of CA modeling lately and am now wanting to make some
checkerboard plots in R.
Let's say I have a matrix:
> is.matrix(junk)
[1] TRUE
> junk
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 0 0 1 0 0
[2,] 0 1 1 1 0
[3,] 0 1 0 0 1
[4,] 0 1 1 1 1
[5,] 0 1 0 0 0
and I want to make a
2006 Jan 31
How do I "normalise" a power spectral density
I have done a fair bit of spectral analysis, and hadn't finished collecting my thoughts for a reply, so hadn't replied yet.
What exactly do you mean by normalize?
I have not used the functons periodogram or spectrum, however from the description for periodogram it appears that it returns the spectral density, which is already normalized by frequency, so you don't have to worry about
2009 Feb 10
Fast fourier transformation
here is a practical problem we would like to solve. In a pneumatic post the
acceleration of the capsule is measured and plotted over time. From the
graph achieved we would like to derive some kind of statistic value that
describes the stress the capsule, or what is in it, is exhibited to.
The amount of stress introduced to the capsule will probably depend on two
things, the maximum
2011 Sep 23
Cross Spectrum : Conversion of 2-D spectrum into a single complex array
Hi, I'm wondering why the spectrum() phase of quadrature
couple isn't purely +/-pi.
But mostly, I'm looking for a recommended way to take a 2-D
spectrum and convert it into a single complex array.
Kindly consider:
# 10 Hz sine wave 10 seconds long sampled at 50 Hz
deltaT = 1/50
t = seq(0, 10, deltaT)
w = 2 * pi * 10
x = ts( sin( w * t ), deltat = deltaT )
y = ts( sin(
2008 Nov 25
Frequency Spectrum fft plot dillema
I have more questions about the fft. The application in Excel is very
In Excel I can adjust graphs and calibrate the x and y-axis. The input and
process, however, is limited compared to R.
With a Dataset table where one column is the hour difference and the second
are the values with hidden frequencies, how is it possible to plot a
frequency spectrum with the x-axis calibrated to
2011 Feb 13
calculate phase/amplitude of fourier transform function in R
I did a fourier transform on a function in time domain to get the following
functions in frequency domain (in latex):
$Y_1[\omega] = \frac{1}{1-\phi_1 e^{-jw}}$
$Y_2[\omega] = \frac{1}{1-(\phi_1 + \phi_2)e^{-jw} +\phi_1\phi_2e^{-2jw}}$
How do I find the spectrum of this function for given $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$
coefficients and in the discretization interval $w = [-\pi:.1*\pi: \pi]$?
Then, how
2001 Jan 05
A masking test program
There's a new module in CVS called 'masktest'.
I spent the last few weeks writing this program. It can measure masking
based on input from people. We need it to obtain better masking curves than we
have right now (from Ehmer...).
It's not finished yet, but you can get a feeling of what it's supposed to
do. It will measure the masking between tone and tone, noise /tone,
2000 Feb 01
plotting spectrum of time series etc
Hi, everyone, I tried to use "spectrum()" or "spec.pgram()" to get a
periodogram of a time series but they didn't work.
Even the examples given in the help file didn't work (all with the same
error message, below). And the 'ts'ibrary was
loaded with "library(ts)" or "library("ts"). I also tried
library(tseries) but got the same problem.
2007 Mar 09
Deconvolution of a spectrum
Dear useRs,
I have a curve which is a mixture of Gaussian curves (for example UV
emission or absorption spectrum). Do you have any suggestions how to
implement searching for optimal set of Gaussian peaks to fit the curve?
I know that it is very complex problem, but maybe it is a possibility
to do it? First supposement is to use a nls() with very large functions,
and compare AIC value, but it is
2009 Nov 13
Questions: FLAC performance, compression ratio and extra documentation
Dear list,
I' m studying FLAC performance, and I'd like to know how much
compression can be achieved for different audio files.
1) It seems that
for nontonal sound (wideband noise), the compression factor is better
than for compound sound (tones + nontonal components),
which is typically 2. The reason for this result could be the following: the
LPC filter is more suitable for
2002 Aug 30
Partitioning an nxp Time series matrix
I have an nxp data set of time series. For my final year project, I would
like to partition this data set into a smaller number of units ( < n). Where
each of the units contains time series that move closely together (i.e. in
unison), and the "simmilarity" (in terms of occurence & amplitudes of peaks
and troughs) between the segregated units is "low".
I know
2003 May 13
Sorting a matrix in an odd way
Hi, I have a matrix not unlike this:
foo <- matrix(,5,5)
foo[5,1] <- 1
foo[1:3,2] <- 1
foo[3:4,3] <- 1
foo[4:5,4] <- 1
foo[2:4,5] <- 1
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] NA 1 NA NA NA
[2,] NA 1 NA NA 1
[3,] NA 1 1 NA 1
[4,] NA NA 1 1 1
[5,] 1 NA NA 1 NA
I want to get a vector that is the column numbers as sorted