similar to: debug

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "debug"

2003 Jan 15
Exception Handling
R Users: How can I catch R errors and depend on this error call other R functions in Perl? The foolowing is the error message when I use perl call R. Error in nls(modout ~ exp(-b1 * modin)/(b2 + b3 * modin), trace = F, start = c(b1 = 0.005, : singular gradient Segmentation fault Thanks, Zhongming
2002 Dec 13
how to get Residual Standard Error
Hi, I use lm or loess to make smoothing. After smoothing I need "Residual Standard Error" in my script. Could you please tell me how can I get this information? Thanks,
2002 Dec 18
Can I build an array of regrssion model?
Hi, I am trying to use piecewise linear regression to approximate a nonlinear function. Actually, I don't know how many linear functions I need, therefore, I want build an array of regression models to automate the approximation job. Could you please give me any clue? Attached is ongoing code: rawData = scan("c:/zyang/mass/data/A01/1.PRN", what=list(numeric(),numeric())); len =
2003 Jul 14
Fwd: how to make exprSet
An embedded message was scrubbed... From: "Zhongming Yang" <Zhongming.Yang at> Subject: how to make exprSet Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:16:33 -0400 Size: 683 Url:
2011 Jun 16
Update: Is there an implementation of loess with more than 3 parametric predictors or a trick to a similar effect?
Dear R developers! Considering I got no response or comments in the general r-help forum so far, perhaps my question is actually better suited for this list? I have added some more hopefully relevant technical details to my original post (edited below). Any comments gratefully received! Best regards, David Kreil. ---------- Dear R experts, I have a problem that is a related to the question
2013 Mar 01
predict.loess() segfaults for large n?
Hi, I am segfaulting when using predict.loess() (checked with r62092). I've traced the source with the help of valgrind (output pasted below) and it appears that this is due to int overflow when allocating an int work array in loess_workspace(): liv = 50 + ((int)pow((double)2, (double)D) + 4) * nvmax + 2 * N; where liv is an (global) int. For D=1 (one x variable), this overflows at
2005 Mar 17
how to close trellis.device?
Dear All: I need draw some figure through trellis.device and save them as pdf files. How can I close trellis.device (something like in nonlattice figure)? Many thanks Zhongming Yang --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2001 May 31
failure in make check
I have a failure in 'make check' and I would appreciate assistance regarding what to do about it. Thanks -Don Installing R-1.2.3 on build[99]% uname -sr SunOS 5.8 (for those who may recall my previous request for help, I have updated GCC to 2.95.3, and configured with gcc, GCC's c++, and f77 [not g77]) Running 'make check' got this: creating `no-segfault.R'
2009 Mar 19
Testing loess fit versus linear fit.
I would like to experiment with testing the fit of a loess model against the fit from an ordinary linear regression. The 1988 JASA paper by Cleveland and Devlin *appears* to indicate that this can be done, at least ``approximately''. They, as I read it, advocate the use of an ANOVA type test with degree of freedom chosen to make the ``F ratio'' have an approximate F distribution
2012 Aug 08
Confidence bands around LOESS
Hi Folks, I'm looking to do Confidence bands around LOESS smoothing curve. If found the older post about using the Standard error to approximate it Also found this one But they both seem to be approximations of confidence intervals and I was wonder if there was
2009 Jun 17
how to interpolate time series data with missingness
Hi all, I have a vector, most of which is missing. The data is always increasing, but may do so in jumps. I would like to interpolate the NAs with 'best guesses', using something like filter(), which doesn't work due to the NAs. Here is an example: > x <- c(2,3,NA,NA,NA,3.2,3.5,NA,NA,6,NA) > x [1] 2.0 3.0 NA NA NA 3.2 3.5 NA NA 6.0 NA I would like a function that
2007 Sep 04
Q: selecting a name when it is known as a string
I am 100% certain that there is an easy way to do this, but after experimenting off and on for a couple of days, and searching everywhere I could think of, I haven't been able to find the trick. I have this piece of code: ... attach(d) if (ORDINATE == 'ds') { lo <- loess(percent ~ ncms * ds, d, control=loess.control(trace.hat = 'approximate')) grid <-
2008 Jul 08
R crash with ATLAS precompiled Rblas.dll on Windows XP Core2 Duo
I noticed a problem using R 2.7.1 on Windows XP SP2 with the precompiled Atlas Rblas.dll. Running the code below causes R to crash. I started R using Rgui --vanilla and am using the precompiled Atlas Rblas.dll from dated 17-Jul-2007 05:04 for Core2 Duo. The code that causes the crash: x <- rnorm(100) y <- rnorm(100) z <- rnorm(100) loess(z ~ x * y) loess(z ~ x) does
2005 Mar 15
question on xyplot
Dear All: In the attached file, I have 3 group patients, and there are 5 in each group (the groups are decided by the prefix of the idno). I want draw a repeat measurement comparison figure. My goal is to list 5 patients from same group on one horizontal line. But xyplot sounds pick them randomly (or I was confused?). Could you please help me modify the following code to accomplish this?
2003 Mar 11
R CMD check (again)
Hi, R-devel causes me still trouble. It dies with Error: couldn't find function "predict.loess" Execution halted for the package affy, but bash-2.04$ grep predict.loess ~/R-devel/src/library/modreg/R/*.R /misc/homes/laurent/R-devel/src/library/modreg/R/loess.R:predict.loess <- function(object, newdata = NULL, se = FALSE, ...) bash-2.04$ ..the function seems to be there...
2004 Jan 20
Combining several regressions
I've a situation where I need to perform different regressions on different subsets of my data and then combine the resulting fitted values back into the original dataset (partly this is because loess doesn't do grouping, but I'd also like to approximate the shrinkage estimators of mixed models by giving low weights to observations in the groups other than the one I'm
2005 Mar 16
how to draw xyplot figure like figure 4.18 of MASS (4th) ?
Dear All: Could you please tell me how I can draw figure formatted like figure 4.18 of MASS (4th) with the attached data set? Thanks Zhongming Yang --------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: sample.txt Url:
2010 May 05
A question regarding the loess function
Hello, I was hoping that someone familiar with the implementation details of the loess algorithm might be able to help me resolve some difficulties I am having. I am attempting to reproduce some of the functionality of the loess() function in C++. My primary motivation is that I would like to understand the algorithm in detail. So far I have managed to create a working port in C++ for the
2012 Apr 03
How does predict.loess work?
Dear R community, I am trying to understand how the predict function, specifically, the predict.loess function works. I understand that the loess function calculates regression parameters at each data point in 'data'. lo <- loess ( y~x, data) p <- predict (lo, newdata) I understand that the predict function predicts values for 'newdata' according to the loess regression
2010 Jul 12
Xyplot or Tin-R problem?
I ran the following script from xyplot Examples using Tin-R on Windows and saw no plot produced. EE <- equal.count(ethanol$E, number=9, overlap=1/4) xyplot(NOx ~ C | EE, data=ethanol, prepanel = function(x,y) prepanel.loess(x, y, span=1), xlab="Compression Ratio", ylab="NOx (micrograms/J)", panel = function(x,y) { panel.grid()(h = -1, v=2)