similar to: Various Errors using Survey Package

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2012 Oct 02
svyby and make.formula
Hello, Although my R code for the svymean () and svyquantile () functions works fine, I am stuck with the svyby () and make.formula () functions. I got the following error messages. - Error: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable # svyby () - Error in xx[[1]] : subscript out of bounds # make.formula () A reproducible example is appended below. I would appreciate if
2005 May 26
Survey and Stratification
Dear WizaRds, Working through sampling theory, I tried to comprehend the concept of stratification and apply it with Survey to a small example. My question is more of theoretic nature, so I apologize if this does not fully fit this board's intention, but I have come to a complete stop in my efforts and need an expert to help me along. Please help: age<-matrix(c(rep(1,5), rep(2,3),
2003 Feb 19
Subpopulations in Complex Surveys
Hi, is there a way to analyze subpopulations (e.g. women over 50, those who answered "yes" to a particular question) in a survey using Survey package? Other packages (e.g. Stata, SUDAAN) do this with a subpopulation option to identify the subpopulation for which the analysis shoud be done. I did not see this option in the Survey package. Is there another way to do this?
2012 Aug 10
Direct Method Age-Adjustment to Complex Survey Data
Hi everyone, my apologies in advance if I'm overlooking something simple in this question. I am trying to use R's survey package to make a direct method age-adjustment to some complex survey data. I have played with postStratify, calibrate, rake, and simply multiplying the base weights by the correct proportions - nothing seems to hit the published numbers on the nose. I am trying to
2005 Jun 16
Survey - Cluster Sampling
Dear WizaRds, I am struggling to compute correctly a cluster sampling design. I want to do one stage clustering with different parametric changes: Let M be the total number of clusters in the population, and m the number sampled. Let N be the total of elements in the population and n the number sampled. y are the values sampled. This is my example data: clus1 <-
2008 Sep 09
survey package
Version 3.9 of the survey package is now on CRAN. Since the last announcement (version 3.6-11, about a year ago) the main changes are - Database-backed survey objects: the data can live in a SQLite (or other DBI-compatible) database and be loaded as needed. - Ordinal logistic regression - Support for the 'mitools' package and multiply-imputed data - Conditioning plots,
2008 Sep 09
survey package
Version 3.9 of the survey package is now on CRAN. Since the last announcement (version 3.6-11, about a year ago) the main changes are - Database-backed survey objects: the data can live in a SQLite (or other DBI-compatible) database and be loaded as needed. - Ordinal logistic regression - Support for the 'mitools' package and multiply-imputed data - Conditioning plots,
2009 Apr 03
Survey Package with Binary Data (no Standard Errors reported)
Hi, I'm trying to get standard errors for some of the variables in my data frame. One of the questions on my survey is whether faculty coordinate across curriculum to include Arts Education as subject matter. All the responses are coded in zeros and ones obviously. For some of the other variables I have a 2 for those that responded with "Don't Know". I'm getting NA for
2012 Sep 21
Exactly Replicating Stata's Survey Data Confidence Intervals in R
Hi everyone, apologies if the answer to this is in an obvious place. I've been searching for about a day and haven't found anything.. I'm trying to replicate Stata's confidence intervals in R with the survey package, and the numbers are very very close but not exact. My ultimate goal is to replicate Berkeley's SDA website with R (, which seems to
2006 Jun 18
Post Stratification
Dear WizaRds, having met some of you in person in Vienna, I think even more fondly of this community and hope to continue on this route. It was great talking with you and learning from you. Thank you. I am trying to work through an artificial example in post stratification. This is my dataset: library(survey) age <- data.frame(id=1:8, stratum=rep(
2012 Oct 14
svyhist and svyboxplot
Hello, The following code is expected to produce 4 charts. But, I only get charts 1,2 ,& 4, NOT CHART # 3. For Chart# 3, I am getting the following error message: Error in tapply(1:NROW(x), list(factor(strata)), function(index) { : arguments must have same length I would appreciate if someone could help me resolve the issue. Thanks, Pradip # BELOW IS THE REPRODUCIBLE EXAMPLE setwd
2010 Aug 25
Surprising behaviour survey-package with missing values
Dear list, I got some surprising results when using the svytotal routine from the survey package with data containing missing values. Some example code demonstrating the behaviour is included below. I have a stratified sampling design where I want to estimate the total income. In some strata some of the incomes are missing. I want to ignore these missing incomes. I would have expected that
2012 Oct 05
Hello, I was trying to draw histograms of age at death and got the following 2 error messages: 1) Error in tapply(1:NROW(x), list(factor(strata)), function(index) { : arguments must have same length 2) Error in findInterval(mm[, i], gx) : 'vec' contains NAs In addition: Warning messages: 1: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf 2: In max(x) :
2003 Sep 20
using aggregate with survey-design and survey functions
Hi R users, I am trying to use the aggregate function with a survey design object and survey functions, but get the following error. I think I am incorrectly using the syntax somehow, and it may not be possible to access variables directly by name in a survey-design object. Am I right? How do I fix this problem? I have used aggregate with "mean" and "weighted.mean", and
2012 Apr 13
problem with svyby and NAs (survey package)
Hello I'm trying to get the proportion "true" for dichotomous variable for various subgroups in a survey. This works fine, but obviously doesn't give proportions directly: svytable(~SurvYear+problem.vandal, seh.dsn, round=TRUE) problem.vandal SurvYear FALSE TRUE 1995 8906 786 1997 17164 2494 1998 17890 1921 1999 18322 1669 2001 17623 2122 ...
2010 Jun 03
problem with 'svyby' function from SURVEY package
Hello, I'm using a complex survey dataset and my goal is to simply spit out a bunch of probability-weighted outcome variable means for the different levels of covariate. So I first define the structure of the study design (I'm using the CDC's NHANES data): dhanes <- svydesign(id=~PSU, strat=~STRATA, weight=~lab_weight, data=final, nest=TRUE) No problem there. Now I use the
2008 Aug 15
Design-consistent variance estimate
Dear List: I am working to understand some differences between the results of the svymean() function in the survey package and from code I have written myself. The results from svymean() also agree with results I get from SAS proc surveymeans, so, this suggests I am misunderstanding something. I am never comfortable with "I did what the software" does mentality, so I am working to
2008 Aug 26
svymeans question
I have the following code which produces the output below it clus1 <- svydesign(ids = ~schid, data = lower_dat) items <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", paste(lset, collapse= "+"))) rr1 <- svymean(items, clus1, deff='replace', na.rm=TRUE) > rr1 mean SE DEff W525209 0.719748 0.015606 2.4932 W525223 0.508228 0.027570 6.2802 W525035 0.827202
2006 Jul 07
Multistage Sampling
Dear WizaRds, dear Thomas, First of all, I want to tell you how grateful I am for all your support. I wish I will be able to help others along one day the same way you do. Thank you so much. I am struggling with a multistage sampling design: library(survey) multi3 <- data.frame(cluster=c(1,1,1,1 ,2,2,2, 3,3), id=c(1,2,3,4, 1,2,3, 1,2), nl=c(4,4,4,4, 3,3,3, 2,2), Nl=c(100,100,100,100,
2010 Mar 26
return.replicates in survey pkg
How do I retrieve the replicates estimates from a crosstab done using svyby? Here is an example from the help page for svyby in the package: > data(api) > dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc) > rclus1<-as.svrepdesign(dclus1) > > a <- svyby(~api99, ~stype, rclus1, svymean, return.replicates=TRUE) > a$replicates NULL But, compare to > b