similar to: Version 0.8.0 of the gregmisc package is now available

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Version 0.8.0 of the gregmisc package is now available"

2002 Oct 31
Re: gregmisc version 0.7.3 now available
Dear Greg, Thanks for the new release. The decomposition of the SSQ is just what I need! Regards, Martin. Martin Hoyle, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK Webpage: >>> gregory_r_warnes at 10/30/02 07:16PM >>> Version 0.7.3 of the gregmisc package
2002 Sep 23
New version of gregmisc package
Version 0.6.0 of the gregmisc package has just been released on CRAN. Description: =========== Package: gregmisc Description: Misc Functions written/maintained by Gregory R. Warnes Title: Greg's Miscellaneous Functions Version: 0.6.0 Date: 2002/09/23 Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes <Gregory_R_Warnes at> Author: Gregory R. Warnes. Includes code provided by Ben
2002 Sep 23
New version of gregmisc package
Version 0.6.0 of the gregmisc package has just been released on CRAN. Description: =========== Package: gregmisc Description: Misc Functions written/maintained by Gregory R. Warnes Title: Greg's Miscellaneous Functions Version: 0.6.0 Date: 2002/09/23 Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes <Gregory_R_Warnes at> Author: Gregory R. Warnes. Includes code provided by Ben
2003 Jan 21
bug in CrossTable (package:gregmisc) (PR#2480)
Full_Name: John Hendrickx Version: 1.6.0 OS: Windows 98 Submission from: (NULL) ( CrossTable in the "gregmisc" package fails when the fisher.exact test produces an error (I suspect this is because the number of cases is too large). This can be fixed using "FTt <- try(fisher.test(t, alternative = "two.sided"))" or by making the test optional.
2008 Jul 11
Problems with Package Installation.
I am having difficulty installing packages. For example, here I have tried to install "gplots" but to no avail. I have tried multiple mirrors and different packages (errbar) but after installation I seem to be unable to access any of the commands or help pages. I am a little concerned about the 'lib' missing message but this has been present for previous successful package
2007 Nov 02
gplots 2.5.0
Announcing gplots 2.5.0 --------------------------------- gplots provides additional plotting functions, including several enhanced versions of base R functions. Provided functions include: balloonplot, bandplot, barplot2, boxplot.n, colorpanel, heatmap.2, hist2d, lowess, ooplot, overplot, plot.lm2, plotCI, plotmeans, qqnorm.aov, residplot, rich.color, sinkplot, smartlegend, space,
2007 Nov 02
gplots 2.5.0
Announcing gplots 2.5.0 --------------------------------- gplots provides additional plotting functions, including several enhanced versions of base R functions. Provided functions include: balloonplot, bandplot, barplot2, boxplot.n, colorpanel, heatmap.2, hist2d, lowess, ooplot, overplot, plot.lm2, plotCI, plotmeans, qqnorm.aov, residplot, rich.color, sinkplot, smartlegend, space,
2004 Jun 09
gregmisc 1.11.2 including read.xls()
Release 1.11.2 of the gregmisc() package of functions is now available on CRAN at for both Unix and Windows systems. The most notable enhancement provided by this release is: - read.xls(), a function to read Microsoft Excel files by translating them to csv files via the script has been added. I've also provided
2004 Jun 09
gregmisc 1.11.2 including read.xls()
Release 1.11.2 of the gregmisc() package of functions is now available on CRAN at for both Unix and Windows systems. The most notable enhancement provided by this release is: - read.xls(), a function to read Microsoft Excel files by translating them to csv files via the script has been added. I've also provided
2003 Aug 07
Hi How do I install "gregmisc" packages? I did- % sudo R > install.packages("gregmisc") . . > barplot2() but, Error: couldn't find function "barplot2" -- atuya Mac OSX 10.2.6 R 1.7.1
2003 Nov 24
Enhanced heatmap, barplot functions
I've just uploaded gregmisc 0.8.6 to CRAN, it should show up in the package tree shortly. It contains both an enhanced barplot() [named barplot2 in my code] and an enhanced heatmap() function that I would like to see propagate to the base and mva packages respectively. I've checked the code for both functions against the code in R 1.8.1, and these functions have all of the latest
2004 Apr 12
new version of gregmisc package
gregmisc 0.10.1 --------------- gregmisc 0.10.1 is now available at and will move to the regular contributed packages location ( as soon as the CRAN administrators get caught up. Recent Changes --------------- Version 0.10.1 - Fixed bug in textplot() reported by Kevin Wright <kevin.d.wright at
2004 Apr 12
new version of gregmisc package
gregmisc 0.10.1 --------------- gregmisc 0.10.1 is now available at and will move to the regular contributed packages location ( as soon as the CRAN administrators get caught up. Recent Changes --------------- Version 0.10.1 - Fixed bug in textplot() reported by Kevin Wright <kevin.d.wright at
2005 Jun 17
wapply from gplots -- How do I get a local estimate of variance?
Dear list, I am trying to plot the local variance in a moving window on a dataset. The function that I am trying to use for this is wapply from gtools. However, from the lattice panel function code: <snip> cat(x) cat(y) wapply(x,y,method="range",width=1/10,fun=sd,na.rm=TRUE) -> outvar </snip> I get: <snip> 109 109 109 109 109 109 116 116 116 116 119 119 123
2001 Oct 28
extract element, row, etc from general array structure
This one has me a bit stumped, and I know there may well be a really simple way of doing it in R. Sorry for the long-winded explanation. Short version: given an array of arbitrary number of dimensions D, how can we retrieve the Nth element of dimension D without knowing in advance what D will be? For example, given that array A has dimensions c(3,4,5), and N=2, can we write a function that
2004 Oct 01
gregmisc 2.0.0 release
gregmisc 2.0.0 =========== gregmisc 2.0.0 has been released and is now available on CRAN. Important Changes --------------------------- - Now a package bundle For this release, gregmisc has been split into a bundle containing 4 separate packages: gdata, gmodels, gplots and gtools. All of your favorite functions are still present, but they are now better organized into thematic groups,
2004 Oct 01
gregmisc 2.0.0 release
gregmisc 2.0.0 =========== gregmisc 2.0.0 has been released and is now available on CRAN. Important Changes --------------------------- - Now a package bundle For this release, gregmisc has been split into a bundle containing 4 separate packages: gdata, gmodels, gplots and gtools. All of your favorite functions are still present, but they are now better organized into thematic groups,
2003 Apr 16
Hello, I get a nice looking barplot using the barplot2 function in the gregmisc package: body2 <- barplot2(hh3, beside = TRUE, col = c("mistyrose", "lightcyan"), .... cex.names = 1.0, = TRUE, ci.l = cil, ci.u = ciu, plot.grid = TRUE) box() However, obviously I lose the collors when converting from ps to a pdf (outside of R)
2003 Aug 12
Hello all, i think i am to silly. I have installed R 1.7.1 (2003-06-16). Installed some packages like xtables ore xml. I tried out this to installing packages. Then i tried to make a crosstable like i know it from spss. They say in this list that it would be going. I made a table in asci-format, seperated with tabs or blanks and than i use something like this:
2001 May 24
New Package: gregmisc
I've thrown a couple of useful functions into a new package "gregmisc" and uploaded them to Here's DESCRIPTION: Package: gregmisc Description: Misc Functions written/maintained by Gregory R. Warnes Title: Greg's Miscellaneous Functions Version: 0.1 Date: 2001/05/24 Depends: R Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes