Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "New package on CRAN"
2004 Sep 17
Problems with Rcmd check in rw2000dev
I am doing some minimal changes on the package SenSrivastava to make it
fit for
R2.0.0 (This package passed Rcmd check on earlier versions of R,
and are passing the CRAN daily checks!) I am using
rw2000dev from CRAN. Now i get (running in an Xemacs shell):
installing R.css in C:/R/rw2000dev/src/gnuwin32/SenSrivastava.Rcheck
---------- Making package SenSrivastava ------------
2003 Nov 28
problem with nls()
I wanted to use the nls() module to solve a Problem from Sen & Srivastava
(1990, p.209). Here is the (basic) code used to perform the estimation:
# Use Linear Least Square for estimating start values
lm.obj <- lm(R.1 ~ I.1 + S.1, data = E9.8)
nls1.obj <- nls(R.1 ~ b.0 + b.1*(I.1^a.1-1)/a.1 + b.2*(S.1^a.2-1)/a.2,
2003 Jul 17
Minor nuisance with rw1071
Starting with rw1071, just after starting Rgui the scope is not with
Rconsole, but some other place. This means I have to do a mouse click
in the Rconsole before starting to write the first command. Since I
always forget this, I end up writing the first command twice.
This is of course only a minor nuisance, but why is focus no longer
set to Rconsole window when start-up?
This is on
2003 Sep 02
identify with image
I will want to identify pixels in an image with the mouse, for
so getting the image data from the matrix(es), for use in subsequent
discriminant analysis. But the following bombs R:
(windows XP, rw1071)
> str(baboon)
- attr(*, "size")= int [1:2] 512 512
- attr(*, "cellres")= num [1:2] 1 1
- attr(*, "bbox")= num [1:4] 0 0 512 512
- attr(*,
2003 Jun 07
table( , exclude=NULL) for factor objects
The NEWS file for R-1.7.0 says:
table() now allows exclude= with factor arguments (requested by
Michael Friendly).
But in a recent R-1.7.1beta:
> test <- c(1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,NA,NA,1,2,3,4,5)
> table(test)
1 2 3 4 5
3 3 3 3 3
> table(test, exclude=NULL)
1 2 3 4 5 <NA>
3 3 3 3 3 2
> table( as.factor(test), exclude=NULL)
1 2
2003 Aug 16
Have I been sleeping in class?
rw1071 from CRAN, windows XP
incidencia is made by a call to tapply
> class(incidencia)
[1] "array"
> incidencia <- unclass(incidencia)
> class(incidencia)
[1] "array"
Kjetil Halvorsen
1997 Oct 01
R-beta: Error message from library install
I am trying to install a library for my linear models class. (The
name "st849" comes from the course identification, Statistics 849.)
# R INSTALL st849
Installing package `st849' ...
>>> Building help index for package `st849' ... done.
>>> Building help pages for package `st849'
NONE:0: m4: ERROR: EOF in argument list
2004 Mar 09
bug(?) in chisq.test
This is a message for whoever maintains "chisq.test": For an
outcome more extreme than 2000 simulations, a Monte Carlo p-value of "<
2.2e-16" was printed. Ripley said the proper p-value for such cases
should be 1/(B+1) = 1/2001. This can be easily fixed by adding
"if(PVAL==0)PVAL <- 1/(B+1)" right after the following line in the code
for chisq.test (in R
2004 Oct 04
Off-Topic: LaTeX package listings
I ask here since I learnt from this list that the LaTeX package listings
should be good
for typesetting R code. I encountered one problem:
X %*% V
in the output the * in %*% disappears! same with %/%, etc, the /
Any ideas?
Kjetil Halvorsen.
Peace is the most effective weapon of mass construction.
1998 Jan 23
S-Plus graphs to LaTeX picture commands
Well, R ( http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/R/CRAN/ )
has a pictex(..) driver.
>>>>> "kjetil" == kjetil halvorsen <kjetil@caoba.entelnet.bo> writes:
kjetil> Is there any possibility to write code which ``translates''
kjetil> from splus graphics to latex picture commands? Or somebody has
kjetil> written something like that?
kjetil> I did
2004 Nov 06
foreign(read.spss) in rw2000 and re2001beta
I encountered something strange with read.spss (package foreign, version
0.7 with R2.0.0 and
version 0.8 with R2.0.1 beta, windows XP)
I made a test file test.sav with SPSS version 11.5.1
containing only one numeric variable, with a value label
for one value not occuring in the file. According to ?read.spss
this should result in a factor, but it results in all NA. Using the
2004 Sep 24
rw2000dev: problems with library(foreign)
I get the following
> library(foreign)
Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) : undefined exports: write.foreign
Error in library(foreign) : package/namespace load failed for 'foreign'
with rw2000dev as of (2004-09-17
Kjetil Halvorsen.
Peace is the most effective weapon of mass construction.
-- Mahdi Elmandjra
2004 Dec 08
Strange error from R CMD INSTALL
I am trying to install a local package and get this unexpected
---------- Making package UMSA ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing R files
installing data files
installing man source files
installing indices
Error: couldn't find function "na.omit"
Execution halted
na.omit of course is in package stats, and that is listed in the
Depends field in
2005 May 28
Incompatibility with VGAM
I just discovered that when the VGAM package (not on CRAN) is loaded,
glm() doesn't work. This is because VGAM defines a family function()
which gets found
by glm() in place of the family function from stats.
Then VGAM:::family returns an object which doesn't have a $family
component, (it has a component
I thought namespaces should protect us from this happening?
2005 Mar 29
strange error with rw2010dev
With rw2010dev I get a strange protect(): protection stack overflow
error with a small data frame which otherwise is usable:
If anybody wants to have a look I can provide an RData file
with the problematic data frame.
Doesn't seem to be necessary, the following simulated example
generates the error:
> testmat <- matrix(1:80, 20,4)
> dim(testmat)
[1] 20 4
> str(testmat)
2003 Oct 12
Rd problems
I have the following in a .Rd file:
\eqn{\mbox{coef} = c(\mbox{coef}[1],\ldots, \mbox{coef}[n]) }
{coef = c(coef[1], coef[2], \dots, coef[n])}
However, both arguments come out in the latex file!
Whats happening?
Kjetil Halvorsen
2003 Mar 21
I am now downloading r-devel to compile it on windows XP. The CRAN
source code page says "you will prefere to use rsync". I am googling
around, and cannot find anything about rsync on windows.
Anybody has any experience with rsync on windows?
2004 Apr 21
segfault in approx() (PR#6809)
This is R1.9.0, windows XP
I run across the following:
It is admittedly silly, but it shouldn't segfault:
test <- list(y=1:100, x=rep(NaN, 100))
approx(test, xout=rep(NaN, 10))
Kjetil Halvorsen
2018 Mar 07
Aspirant for GSOC 2018 for Nouveau Vulkan driver
I am not been able to contact with mentor of this project.
Can someone else from the community help me with this ?
Anusha Srivastava
On 3 March 2018 at 11:16, Anusha Srivastava <sidd.sinha89 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Any update on this ?
> Regards,
> Anusha Srivastava
> On 28 February 2018 at 23:37, Anusha Srivastava <sidd.sinha89
2018 Mar 07
Aspirant for GSOC 2018 for Nouveau Vulkan driver
Hi Anusha,
Sorry, I was under the expectation that userspace developers would
answer you after your first message, and I missed your second one! My
sincere apologies.
Generally, the process is that the student should research the topic by
first asking questions to developers about the effort, then they would
make their own plan. Then you would present this plan while looking for
a mentor.