Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Helpers?"
2006 Feb 17
Why doesn''t this work!
I have this in my controller...
@tech_standards = TechStandard.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM tech_standards
WHERE subpoint <> 0")
Everything is fine except when I look at my view I still get supoints
that are 0. When I run this query in my query browser I don''t.
<select name="resource[tech_standard]" id="tech_standard">
2006 Mar 17
OT: Subversion folder cleanup
How do you clean up your app folder to place onto the server? I want to
get rid of all the .svn stuff.
Seth Buntin
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2006 Feb 21
Validation issues
I have a form. Everything submits into the database if I don''t have any
validation rules. When I put these rules:
validates_uniqueness_of :title, :message => "already exists in
validates_presence_of :title
I get this error (which seems weird because I am not validating against
You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it!
2006 Mar 01
Help with Many-To-Many insert
I am having issues with a many-to-many table. The table relates
resources to standards, but in my resources table has one-to-many
relationships so those also appear in my many-to-many table. I am
trying to insert into the table via:
@resource.core_contents << CoreContent.find(params[:core_content_ids])
But I get this error:
Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry
2006 Mar 16
ACLSystem and session variables
I am using the ACL System that is described on the Rails wiki and I have
a quick question. I want to set the "role" as a session variable so
that I can display certain navigation schemes and I was doing it like
@session[:user][:role] = @user.roles
When I print out this variable I get:
How can I turn this into a readable value? I tried .to_i
2006 Feb 21
Error, got String?
I am getting this error.
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in Resources#create
Focus expected, got String
I have a select menu named resource[focus]. My focus (belongs_to
:resources) table has a one-to-many relationship with the resources
(has_one :focus) table (A resource will have only one focus but one
focus will have many resources). I assume this error means that the
focus is
2006 Feb 10
RoR, Apache 2, FastCGI
I have everything working and I am really excited about learning Ruby
and Rails. But whenever I access my different defs in my controller it
takes ~ 5 seconds before they are returned. I am working locally so I
don''t know what the issue is.
System Details:
Windows XP
Apache 2.0.55
Ruby 1.8.2
Rails 1.0
Seth Buntin
Web Resources Coordinator
Kentucky Academy of Technology
2006 Feb 13
I have this:
<%= @tech_standard.category + " " + @tech_standard.point + "." +
@tech_standard.subpoint %>
I get this error:
cannot convert Fixnum into String
point and subpoint are number.
How do I concatenate those values?
Seth Buntin
Web Resources Coordinator
Kentucky Academy of Technology Education
Murray State University
2006 Feb 21
Select error
This code:
<label for="resource_type">Type</label><br/>
<%= select(:resource, :type, %w{ Web Data }, { :include_blank => true
}) %>
Produces this error:
TypeError in Resources#new
Showing app/views/resources/_form.rhtml where line #6 raised:
wrong argument type String (expected Module)
Extracted source (around line
2006 Mar 04
Get ID after save
This is simple (I am sure) but how do you get the id of the inserted
element after the element has been save?
I thought it was something like this:
@product = Product.new(params[:product]
if @product.save
add_image(product.id, params["image"])
flash[:notice] = ''Product was successfully created.''
redirect_to :action => ''list_products''
2006 Feb 22
Select menu validation
Is there a trick to validating select menus? I have this rule:
validates_presence_of :title, :type
:title is a text box and validates correctly but :type doesn''t:
<label for="resource_type">Type</label><br/>
<select name="resource[type]" id="resource_type">
<option value=""
2006 Feb 28
Accessing form array when errors display
Is there a way to access (from JavaScript preferably) the form array of
the information sent when errors are display? I want to be able to find
out what values were selected on the form before errors.
Seth Buntin
Web Resources Coordinator
Kentucky Academy of Technology Education
Murray State University
On March 1, 2006, Murray State University will begin moving all of its
2006 Mar 10
installing rails 1.0 on Windows
I ran the gem installer and it seemed to work, but i believe i''m still using
an older version. How can i tell what version I''m really using?
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2006 May 30
Hide parent element
I have some code that calls a partial to display one or more blocks
within a div tag. I want to have a close button (or cancel link) that
will fade that block but leave the others. Here is the code:
<%= link_to_remote "Add Miscellaneous Link", :url => { :action =>
:add_iyc_link } %>
page.insert_html :bottom, ''links'', :partial
2006 Feb 23
OT: Collaboa on Debian
I am running a subversion server (on Windows) but I would like to run
Collaboa. I am pretty familiar with the Linux world (not in a developer
sence) and I am having problems with installing the prereqs for
Collaboa. I have read the article "How to install Collaboa on Debian"
but it doesn''t seem to work for me. Has anyone gotten this working and
can help?
Seth Buntin
2006 Apr 10
Fix log files
What is the code I include in one of my files so that my log files are
easier to read? I am using Windows.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Feb 15
Applying list-item format depending on action
What would be the best way to do this? I have a list and I want one
item to be underlined (depending on the action that I am on). Do I?:
Have a bunch of if statements:
if :controller => ''admin'', :action => ''list''
<li id="current">Pages</li>
What do you think? Is there a
2006 Feb 13
So what is "best practice" using scaffolding and then manipulating it to
work for you or starting from scratch?
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2006 May 04
windows / migration issues
Running latest rails, etc on windows xp.
I can''t use "rake migrate" to migrate to latest version. I NEED to
specify, i.e. "rake migrate VERSION=11" for things to work
plain ''ol "rake migrate" never makes it to the latest version. no
errors, she just stops short of the latest version.
hasn''t been a problem until now --
2006 Mar 09
habtm questions
I''ve got some of this working but other parts are ellusive.
I have
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''',
CREATE TABLE `packages` (
`id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''',