Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Controlling graphics parameters in lattice"
2010 Nov 17
Color on trellis device
I try to make a xyplot withou colors. I try:
Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number=8, overlap=.1)
xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes)
the graphic is showed without colors in a X device but it dont work
saving directly on pdf device.
How I made to put color off in trellis device?
2ยช lei - Na
2005 Mar 09
Lattice device page options-margins
I am using lattice to make figures as pdfs:
trellis.device(device = "pdf",file = "Figure6.pdf",color = FALSE)
I need to specify some blank space on the left-hand margins (the pages
will be bound so we need about 0.5 inch)). I have tried a number of
solutions but none seems to work (e.g. par.set). Can this be done when
initiating the plotting device? Or is the some other way
2008 Dec 28
Using a constant scale across X-Y plots
I am working off an example from Deepayan Sarkar's
Lattice:Multivariate Data Visualiization with R. I am trying to create
Figure 5.6, essentially, but I would like to be able depict different
metro areas. These of course have different lat/longs, so I need to
make different graphs. BUT (and this has been the tricky part), I
would like to produce graphics for each metropolitan
2004 Sep 29
lattice .ps graphic is rotated in LaTeX slides
I've generated a version of the classic dotplot of the barley data with
trellis.device("postscript", color=TRUE, file="barley2x3.ps")
old.settings <- trellis.par.get()
trellis.par.set("background", list(col = "white"))
lset(list(superpose.symbol=list(pch=c(19, 1, 25, 2, 15, 22, 23),
2002 Jan 09
lattice problems under Win2K and R-1.4.0
I'm having problems copying and saving lattice graphs using R-1.4.0 under
Win2k. It seems I've see this alluded to recently in R-help.
If I do the following example:
> data(quakes)
> xyplot(long ~ lat , data = quakes)
And then try to copy or save the graph as either a metafile or bitmap or if
I use any of the bitmap/metafile devices via (for example)
2010 Apr 04
One question about saving graph by using xyplot
Hey, folk.
I am trying to get many figures by using the function "xyplot" in the library "lattice". I tried to using the loop to finish it quickly. But I cannot open the saved file after I run the program. But if I use the function "plot" to get other simply figures, it can work. So I want to ask how I can get the saved figures by using "xyplot".
2010 Mar 10
calling map() in xyplot()
Hi All,
I'm trying to add a map on the following lattice plot, but not correctly...
can anyone help please...
R Code:
us.map <- map(plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number=8, overlap=.1)
xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes,
panel = function(...) {
Any help would be
2003 Oct 19
problem with win.metafile( ): traceback()
For the first error message:
> win.metafile(file = "//.../plot1.wmf",
+ width = 8.5, height = 6.25)
> lset( list( background = list(col = "white")))
Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) :
variable "win.metafile://.../plot1.wmf" was not found
> traceback()
4: get(device)
3: trellis.device(device = .Device, new = FALSE)
2: trellis.par.get(item)
2009 Apr 08
how to adjust titles on sub-plots in levelplot / contour plot?
I have a (relatively long) function script that generates a levelplot.
I don't want to include all of the code, so I have attached in file
"miniDataSet.csv" an example for the data set "miniDataSet" that is called
The function works OK, except that when the variables in the "splitCol"
column get very large (as they are in this data set I
2004 Jul 18
gray background in png
Hi all,
I'm having a problem creating png images with trellis.device. I would
like to create many plots with a white background using a sequence
number in the file argument (i.e. "%02d"). The first plot is as expected
with a white background. However, the second and all subsequent plots
have a gray background. I would like all plots to have a white (or
2005 Oct 09
background color of xyplot
Dear All,
I am wondering if there is a way to change the color of the panels of the xyplot (lattice package) from "gray" to "white" ...... Because the printing of the xyplot's graph is not visible with the gray color ... I've seen the xyplot help but without any success
Thanks lot in advance,
2003 Apr 04
trellis.graphic in for-loop
Hi list,
I am unsuccessfully trying to produce a serious of trellis barcharts from
within a for-loop. The barcharts work outside the loop. What am I missing?
Example attached.
Thanks Herry
2005 Sep 25
xyplot main title question
When I use the xyplot function (lattice library) the titles are too long (i.e. part of the title are cut off). This fixes if I maximize the plot, but I would like the user of the program to not have to manually maximize the plotting window. I have tried to shrink the main title by using the "par(cex.main=.7)" before the xyplot function, but it seems any prior par options are ignored by
2006 Nov 27
[R-sig-Geo] plot() and Jpeg() increase font size and resolution
Thanks to Edzer and Roger,
I can now plot with increased font sizes. However, jpeg still does not
reproduce these, nor does it show up in high quality. What I would like
to do is produce some highresolution jpegs.
Any help would be appreciated
R2.4 on Mandriva 10.2 linux.
Dr Alexander Herr
Spatial and statistical analyst
CSIRO, Sustainable Ecosystems
Davies Laboratory,
2010 Nov 09
Lattice: xyplot group title format
Dear all,
if I plot a lattice xyplot like:
library(lattice); require(stats);
Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number=8, overlap=.1)
xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes)
How can I manipulate the group title format (here: Depth)? Like the font size, position, etc.
2009 Nov 26
Arrhenius Plot 2 with lattice
sorry for incomplete code...
with this I read the file and calculate my stuff. I have a plenty of
them 80-300K every 5 Kelvin. I start with 79K, 80K...300K
2013 May 21
Lattice, ggplot, and pointsize
When inserting R plots into a document using odfWeave, I fought for a
while to get Lattice plots use the same text size as base plots. I
eventually discovered that specifying a point size via e.g.
svg(pointsize=10) has no effect on Lattice plots. One needs to adjust
the size manually via:
trellis.par.set(fontsize=list(text=10, points=8))
This is also developed for both Lattice and ggplot2 by
2008 Sep 29
Lattice: don't draw unlabled tick marks
If I only want axis labels on the left and bottom I can set
alternating=F like in the following example:
Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number=8, overlap=.1)
xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes, scales=list(alternating=F)
I also would like to get rid of the unlabeled tick marks (top and
right). How can I do that?
Dr. Philipp Pagel
Lehrstuhl f?r Genomorientierte
2009 Dec 04
Apparent different in symbol scaling between xyplot and grid.points
Dear R-users,
For the past few days, I have been trying to find the reason why some of
my plots were showing symbols of different sizes, while I thought I was
using the same .cex arguments everywhere. The problem is exemplified by
the following example code where the xyplot and grid.points functions
are used. The scaling factor is set to 0.84 in both the functions
settings, but one can see
2002 Apr 22
lattice help
I'm new to lattice and can't figure out what the problem is with the
following example:
> library(lattice)
Loading required package: grid
Attaching package `lattice':
The following object(s) are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv :
The following object(s) are masked from package:base :
> test.data <- data.frame(x=rnorm(100),