Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "simple test on slope of lm()"
2002 Nov 18
vector of center of
I have a vector gd of 279 values of diameter of limpets.
Using 'hist(gd, breaks=seq(10,60,5),plot=F)' I can obtain a vector of
10 centers of size-class ($mids).
But I'd like to work on a vector of 279 values being the mids (centers
of size-classes) corresponding to the respective 279 values in gd.
I looked in the different manuals and in archives of list but didn't find
2003 Apr 02
randomForests predict problem
Hello everybody,
I'm testing the randomForest package in order to do some simulations and I
get some trouble with the prediction of new values. The random forest
computation is fine but each time I try to predict values with the newly
created object, I get an error message. I thought I was because NA values
in the dataframe, but I cleaned them and still got the same error. What am
2003 Apr 25
R compilation problem on Sun Solaris 2.5.1
Dear members,
I'm not very used with Unix systems, but I got an old Sun/UltraSparc
workstation running Solaris 2.5.1 and I tried to install R on it to able
able to do some batch R processing while working on my pc.
I downloaded and installed following required and recommanded programs
before installing R : perl 5.8.0, readline 4.3, gzip 1.3.5, zlib 1.1.4,
make 3.80, jpeg 6b, libpng 1.2.4
2002 Jun 18
Line width in graphs
I'm using R to plot some data and associated linear models, and I was
wondering if there was a parameter to fix the line width in the graphs (for
axis, lines, ...) because I explored the associated help pages and could
not find it.
Thx in advance,
Ir. Yves Brostaux - Statistics and Computer Science Dpt.
Gembloux Agricultural University
8, avenue de la Facult? B-5030 Gembloux
2004 Nov 30
Creating a factor from a combination of vectors
Dear list,
Here's a little problem I already solved with my own coding style, but I
feel there is a more efficient and cleaner way to write it, but had no
success finding the "clever" solution.
I want to produce a factor from a subset of the combination of two
vectors. I have the vectors a et b in a data-frame :
> df <- expand.grid(a=c(0, 5, 10, 25, 50), b=c(0, 25, 50,
2005 Mar 22
Lattice : factor levels in the margins
Hello !
I'm struggling again against lattice graprhics. ;) I'm trying to produce
a conditionnal xyplot with two conditionning factors (let's say A and
B). I want the levels of those factors (A1, A2, etc) to show in the
margins of the lattice plot, not in the strips between the panels.
A1 A2 A3
plot11 plot12 plot13 B1
plot21 plot22 plot23 B2
I managed to remove the
2002 Nov 13
[Newbie] Is there any support for work with grouped frequencies?
I have this table (BTW, published by FBI and representing age
distribution of the WTC tragedy victims):
"1" "Infant (under 1)" 0
"2" "1 to 4" 5
"3" "5 to 8" 1
"4" "9 to 12" 3
"5" "13 to 16" 0
"6" "17 to
2002 May 28
id & filter problems in data.frame
a questionaire data-set with more than one row for one Person make
me problems.
(1) i want create a function which count the used
row for the relevant id !
id c.row
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
4 1
4 2
4 3
4 4
4 5
(2) i have got a problem to filter & analyse , because the filter
criteria is unlucky
a row above or under the ratings which i would like to
2001 Oct 30
creating chron object aggregates (e.g. sums by day)
What is the recommended/optimal way to perform aggregates on data frames
with chron objects?
Here is an example:
1 07/09/01 4000
2 07/09/01 2000
3 07/11/01 1000
4 07/13/01 800
5 07/13/01 700
6 07/16/01 600
7 07/17/01 500
I'm trying to construct a function that would first aggregate the data
(second column) by day (grouping by the first column) according to a
2003 May 28
Slow computation in for loop
Dear members,
I'm using R to do some test computation on a set of parameters of a
function. This function is included in three for() loops, first one for
replications, and the remaining two cycling through possible parameters
values, like this :
for (k in replicates) {
data <- sampling from a population
for (i in param1) {
for (j in param2) {
result <- function(i,
2002 Jun 19
drawing ellipses
Hello again,
First I want to thank all the people who answered my question about line
width in graphs. I promise I will learn the 'par' help page by heart for
the end of the month !
I now want to trace some ellipses to emphasize groups of data. I found how
to trace circles with 'symbols()', but no ellipse. I'm planning on writing
my own function based on
2005 Jan 21
Selecting a subplot of pairs
I'm trying to plot a set of 3 dependant variables (y) against 4
predictors (x) in a matrix-like plot, sharing x- an y-axis for all the
plot on the same column/line :
y1/x1 y1/x2 y1/x3 y1/x4
y2/x1 y2/x2 y2/x3 y2/x4
y3/x1 y3/x2 y3/x3 y3/x4
In fact, this plot is a rectangular selection of the result of pairs(),
limited to the relations between x's and y's
2002 Jan 10
Test if beta is different from something other than 0
Is there a function/package that will allow you to test the hypothesis beta1
= x in a
simple linear regression, where x is a constant? The AOV tests if beta1 in
different from
0 but what if I want to know if beta1 one is different from 1?
With best wishes and kind regards I am
Corey A. Moffet
Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management
Mail Stop 2125
2005 Jan 10
Mixing portrait/landscape in a postscript file
Dear list,
I'm stuck with a little graphical problem. I'm generating several
lattice plots which are printed in a single postcript device opened by
> trellis.device(postscript, theme=canonical.theme("postscript",
color=F), file="an_phase2_graph.ps", paper="a4", pointsize = 10,
onefile=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE)
Everything works fine,but some of these
2003 Feb 04
testing slope
Hi all,
I try to test a linear slope using offset.
I have:
> m2 <- glm(Y~X*V)
> summary(m2)
glm(formula = Y ~ X * V)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.01688 -0.56028 0.05224 0.53213 3.60216
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.3673 0.8476 1.613 0.119788
2002 Sep 13
Contrasts in ANOVA table
Hello All,
Is there a way of producing an ANOVA table split into contrasts, thus showing the contrasts sums of squares and associated p-values?
Martin Hoyle,
School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Nottingham,
University Park,
NG7 2RD,
Webpage: http://myprofile.cos.com/martinhoyle
2002 Sep 23
New version of gregmisc package
Version 0.6.0 of the gregmisc package has just been released on CRAN.
Package: gregmisc
Description: Misc Functions written/maintained by Gregory R. Warnes
Title: Greg's Miscellaneous Functions
Version: 0.6.0
Date: 2002/09/23
Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes <Gregory_R_Warnes at groton.pfizer.com>
Author: Gregory R. Warnes. Includes code provided by Ben
2002 Sep 23
New version of gregmisc package
Version 0.6.0 of the gregmisc package has just been released on CRAN.
Package: gregmisc
Description: Misc Functions written/maintained by Gregory R. Warnes
Title: Greg's Miscellaneous Functions
Version: 0.6.0
Date: 2002/09/23
Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes <Gregory_R_Warnes at groton.pfizer.com>
Author: Gregory R. Warnes. Includes code provided by Ben
2004 Mar 29
Confidence Intervals for slopes
I'm trying to get confidence intervals to slopes from a linear model
and I can't figure out how to get at them. As a cut 'n' paste example:
# dummy dataset - regression data for 3 treatments, each treatment with
different (normal) variance
x <- rep(1:10, length=30)
y <- 10 - (rep(c(0.2,0.5,0.8), each=10)*x)+c(rnorm(10, sd=0.1),
2002 Oct 31
Re: gregmisc version 0.7.3 now available
Dear Greg,
Thanks for the new release. The decomposition of the SSQ is just what I need!
Martin Hoyle,
School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Nottingham,
University Park,
NG7 2RD,
Webpage: http://myprofile.cos.com/martinhoyle
>>> gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com 10/30/02 07:16PM >>>
Version 0.7.3 of the gregmisc package