similar to: Numerical Integration

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Numerical Integration"

2003 Mar 05
How to draw several plots in one figure?
Hey, I want to draw several plots sequently, but have to make them dispaly in one figure. So how to achieve this? Thanks. Fred
2003 Apr 08
Help on smooth.spline?
Hey, R-listers I was recommended to try using smooth.spline function for estimating 2-Dimensinal curve given a data set. So will you please tell me where to get this R function? Or which package provides this function? Thanks for your point. Fred
2003 Apr 10
How to plot several graphs in a single 2-D figure?
Hi, R-listers I tried to plot several graphs in a sigle x-y coordinate settings, like the following: |(y) s | ****** s | ***** s | sssssssssssssssssss |_______________________________(x) where "*" and "s" denote two diffrent plots. However, when I used plot(data1); % data1 is the data points of "*"
2003 Feb 06
Confused by SVD and Eigenvector Decomposition in PCA
Hey, All In principal component analysis (PCA), we want to know how many percentage the first principal component explain the total variances among the data. Assume the data matrix X is zero-meaned, and I used the following procedures: C = covriance(X) %% calculate the covariance matrix; [EVector,EValues]=eig(C) %% L = diag(EValues) %%L is a column vector with eigenvalues as the elements percent
2003 Aug 14
How to get the pseudo left inverse of a singular square matrix?
Dear R-listers, I have a dxr matrix Z, where d > r. And the product Z*Z' is a singular square matrix. The problem is how to get the left inverse U of this singular matrix Z*Z', such that U*(Z*Z') = I? Is there any to figure it out using matrix decomposition method? Thanks a lot for your help. Fred
2002 Nov 07
The integration of the square of the c.d.f of normal distribution
Assume F(x) is the cdf of stardard normal c.d.f, and want to get the integration of F(x)^2 over (-infinite, +infinite). So whats the value of this integration? And is there some function to achieve this? Thanks. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info",
2003 Feb 06
Réf. : About STEM Plot in R
hello, you can use the persp() function. The shade=0.7 option is very nice. With matlab, it is possible to change of colors automaticalli with the value to be plotted. Does someone know to do that ? Gr?gory f0z6305 at on 06/02/2003 07:05:04 Envoy? par : r-help-admin at Pour : r-help at cc : Objet : [R] About
2002 Oct 17
Trigamma function
Hey, all Do you how to calculate the trigamma function, that is d**2(log(gamma(x))) / dx**2. The second-order derivative of log(Gamma(x))? I cannot find it in the R package, and somebody knows who or where to get such one? Thanks. Fred -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2003 Jan 31
Help on Scatte Plot Matrix
Hey, All Now I have a data set which is n-dimensional. And want to plot the Scatter Plot Matrix which is n by n. Does R have such function to achieve this? Thanks for your point. Fred
2002 Oct 09
Summary: proc mixed vs. lme
Summary: proc mixed vs. lme The objective of this summary is to help people to get more familiar with the specification of random effects with proc mixed or lme. Very useful are the examples of Ramon Littell's book: "SAS System for Mixed Models (1996)" ( The same data set's are kindly made available by Douglas Bates in the
2004 Feb 10
How to compute the minimal distanct between a point and curve in N-dim space
Dear All, In the N-dimensional space, give a data point A and a curve f, how to write the explicit expression for calculating the minimal distance between A and f? Or have to use some nonlinear optimization method to calcualte it? Thanks for your point. Fred [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Jun 19
drawing ellipses
Hello again, First I want to thank all the people who answered my question about line width in graphs. I promise I will learn the 'par' help page by heart for the end of the month ! I now want to trace some ellipses to emphasize groups of data. I found how to trace circles with 'symbols()', but no ellipse. I'm planning on writing my own function based on
2009 Nov 03
multivariate numerical integration.
I am currently using the package 'adapt' for multivariate integration. However this package seems to be removed from CRAN (It is still referred to in the help file for integrate(stats) though). I assume it has been deprecated for a reason? Is there an alternative for multivariate numerical integration? ----- Jeroen Ooms * Dept. of Methodology and Statistics * Utrecht University Visit
2003 Jan 27
rmultinom() -- how \\ via own C code?
I've had a need for multinomial "random number generation" occasionally. And other people too. The following code is currently in the (very small ``not very high importance'') CRAN package normix --- which I will rename to "nor1mix" very seen because of a ``name registration'' problem I want to add "this" (well the functionality) to a
2010 Aug 29
Finding functions of large dataset for numerical integration
Hello everyone, I have been trying to figure out away to integrate under a spline produced by the package tps(fields). As the package does not output functions I am trying to do something similar to the trapezium rule. My data are 3D (x, y & z). I have extracted from the surface output by Tps the values of z at regular intervals so that I have a grid of figures, for example: 1 4 6 6 8 8
2004 Mar 04
Gelman-Rubin Convergence test
Dear friends, I run the Gelman-Rubin Convergence test for a MCMC object I have and I got the following result Multivariate psrf 1.07+0i, What does this mean? I guess (if I am not mistaken) that I should get a psrf close to 1.00 but what is 1.07+0i? Is that convergence or something else? Jorge [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jan 10
Package cluster
Hello, Someone use this package? I would like to know if this package has some method to classify images? Tks, Chico. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Francisco Júnior, Computer Science - UFPE-Brazil "One life has more value that the world whole" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2007 Oct 09
Multivariate chi-square distribution function
Dear All, Is there any function in R for computing "multivariate chi-square distribution"? How about "multivariate gamma distribution"? I appreciate any comment on this subject. Thank you, Amin Zollanvari PhD student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
2002 Sep 27
I've seen references to "polymars", an R implementation of Friedman's MARS algorithm. Can anyone tell me where I might be able to find this (doesn't seem to be in the contributed packages. Thanks, David -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send
2007 Nov 09
Multivariate integration with infinite limits
Dear All, Can R perform multivariate integration with infinite limits of integration? Thanks in advance, Paul