similar to: Still missing something on missing values...

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2002 Nov 26
[NB] lm problems
Hi, I have probably overlooked something obvious, but could anybody help me with following, please? Trying to make regression analysis. I have a huge dataframe with results from National Opinion Survey on Crime and Justice ( with two variables G5 and N3 which are imported to R as ordered factors: > levels(noscj$G5) [1] "Strongly agree" "Agree"
2002 Nov 21
Pearson's correlation coefficient?
How do I get non-squared correlation coefficient in some more sensible way than sqrt(summary(lm(y~x))$r.squared)? Thanks Matej -- Matej Cepl, matej at, Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC 138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488 The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets -- Will
2002 Oct 14
Another newbie question: curve of normal distribution
I would like to get a curve of normal distrubtion over the histogram. Something like the following (which obviously doesn't work; see attached example). maluj <- function() { vrhy=read.csv("pennies.csv",head=TRUE) hf=table(vrhy$HEADS) postscript("heads.eps",onefile=FALSE,width=4.134,height=3.445,pointsize=12) plot(hf,main="Frequency distribution of
2002 Nov 15
What's going on? (strange standard deviation)
I have probably misunderstood something (again :-(): > CEMPLOY<-TEMPLOY[!] > sum(CEMPLOY^2/length(CEMPLOY))-mean(CEMPLOY)^2 [1] 30877.28 > var(TEMPLOY,na.rm=TRUE) [1] 30981.25 Could anybody tell me, what's going on? I suppose that var=sum(x^2/N)-xbar^2 or what did I enter wrong? Thanks Matej -- Matej Cepl, matej at, Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A
2004 Apr 22
Selection of cities sample
Hi, I have a question, how to most properly select set of cities which would be as similar as possible in some particular variables with the City of Boston (which I use as my base line). I thought about ordering cities by sum of ((differences between value of that particular variable for that particular city and the value of same variable for Boston) divided by the standard deviation of the
2002 Nov 13
[Newbie] Is there any support for work with grouped frequencies?
Hi, I have this table (BTW, published by FBI and representing age distribution of the WTC tragedy victims): "LABEL" "FREQ" "MIDPOINT" "1" "Infant (under 1)" 0 "2" "1 to 4" 5 "3" "5 to 8" 1 "4" "9 to 12" 3 "5" "13 to 16" 0 "6" "17 to
2002 Nov 23
t-test for correlation matrix?
Hi, I understand that I can find t-test for the significance of the correlation coefficient on sample to population, but is there way how to make this test for more than one pair of variables together as easily as I can make a correlation matrix for more variables with cor(cbind(A,B,C,D))? Thanks, Matej -- Matej Cepl, matej at, Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964
2002 Dec 02
Crawley's book on S-Plus and one strangeness
Hi, I have got to my hands an excellent book by Michael J. Crawley ``Statistical Computing: An Introduction to Data Analysis using S-Plus'' (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, ISBN 0-471-56040-5). Its beauty for me is in the fact, that it is more of ``An Introduction to Data Analysis'' than ``using S-Plus'', but I guess that it may be of interest for many others. Most of the
2002 Oct 23
Counting NA?
Hi, how to do quickly equivalent of the following? counter = 0 for(i in 1:length(data$S2)) { if(!$S2[i])) { counter = counter + 1 } } I have imagined something like length(x,na.rm=TRUE). How can I get values usually taken from tables like z-score, values of t distribution etc.? I could not find them among values mentioned in info file. Thanks, Matej -- Matej Cepl,
2004 May 21
No load() from script
Hi, when I try to load data from a file _in a script_ (run either with R --vanilla < script.R, or R BATCH --vanilla script.R, or even with source() from inside R), then I got this error message and scripts halts > #data.multiple <- read.table(file="multiple.csv",sep="\t") > load(file="multiple.RData") Error in open.connection(con, "rb") :
2003 May 14
lme speedup question
I am hoping someone will be kind enough to have a look at the following piece of code and tell me if there is a way to run lme() so it is a lot faster. The inner loop, j in 1:15000, takes about 2 hrs on my 2.8GHz dual Xeon 4GB RAM machine. The timings I have done show the dominant execution time is in lme. options(contrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.sum"))
2002 Oct 31
Hi, I advertised gnuplot as a better alternative to the general graphing program. It came to my knowledge, that the website I have sent to this list is dead -- the correct one is Matej -- Matej Cepl, matej at, PGP ID# D96484AC 138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488 There is no reason to suppose that most human beings are engaged in
2012 Dec 17
simplifying code
Dear All,   I was wondering if you could help me with the following: I have the code:   tin <-0.5 tau <-24 output0 <-10 TIMELOW <-tin TIMEHIGH <-1*tau TIME1 <-c(seq(TIMELOW,TIMEHIGH, by = sign(TIMEHIGH-TIMELOW)*(tau-tin)/3))   then I would like to calculate:   cp1 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[1]) cp2 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[2]) cp3 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[3]) cp4
2003 Jan 08
samba and bin/text modes
Hello samba, I would like an advice on following: is there any way how to tell samba what transfer mode to use? I think I read that samba does only binary and to use text you have to use something else. We have windows machines using text files on linux samba server and i need to transfer those files in text mode. Can anyone help me please? -- Best regards, Martin
2009 Jan 10
Setting a contingency table
Hi, I want to set a make a contingency table which will look like this.. The problem is that I can't  set the table like the following.                      col1     col2       Total     row1              a         b         n10                      rp1       rp2        100                      cp1       cp2       rtp1   ---------------------------------------------     row2            
2024 Sep 17
(no subject)
Hmmm... typos and thinkos ? Maybe: mean_narm<- function(x) { m <- mean(x, na.rm = T) if (is.nan (m)) NA else m } -- Bert On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 4:40?PM CALUM POLWART <polc1410 at> wrote: > > Rui's solution is good. > > Bert's suggestion is also good! > > For Berts suggestion you'd make the list bit > > list(mean = mean_narm) >
2006 Aug 04
Lyrics stored in .ogg files?
Hi, I've heard somewhere that it is possible to store inside .ogg files text streams and thus it should be possible to store lyrics for the sond directly in the file. Is it true? Could anybody point me towards some code how to do it (Python preferable, but not required)? Is there any documentation for text streams in .ogg files? Thanks for any reply, Mat?j -- GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A
2002 Oct 09
Multiple plots
Hi, I would love to make multiple histograms transposed one on another in order to show relation between the sets. I tried to write a function like this, but R tells me, that I cannot use add=FALSE in high-level commands. That's nice but I am supposed to do? rm(list=ls()) # what's wrong with underscore? #getwd("/home/matej/docs/skola/stat\_anal-cj3534/assign01/")
2009 Jan 12
re tail case-pack ordering problem - can R help?
I'm a programmer, not a mathmatician. I heard about R, and I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if there is an existing R function that can help with a problem we're currently trying to find an algorithm for. If R is not the answer, but you can recommend a known algorithm, that would help a lot! I'm on a project in a retail corporation, working on a program to assist retail buyers
2024 Sep 16
(no subject)
Dear Contributors, I hope someone has found a similar issue. I have this data set, cp1 cp2 role groupid 1 10 13 4 5 2 5 10 3 1 3 7 7 4 6 4 10 4 2 7 5 5 8 3 2 6 8 7 4 4 7 8 8 4 7 8 10 15 3 3 9 15 10 2 2 10 5 5 2 4 11 20 20 2 5 12 9 11 3 6 13 10 13 4 3 14 12 6 4 2 15 7 4 4 1 16 10 0 3 7 17 20 15 3 8 18 10 7 3 4 19 8 13 3 5 20 10 9 2 6 I need to to average of groups, using the values of column