similar to: newbie question: p.values in a column

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "newbie question: p.values in a column"

2005 Sep 21
win.metafile on linux?
Dear R-help, Is it possible to use win.metafile() on *nix versions of R? I tried R 2.1.1 on FreeBSD and R 1.9.0 on redhat with no success. I need to give some graphs generated in R to my boss so that he can modify them in Powerpoint to fit he style of his presentation. Recommendations on other methods are appreciated as well. Hao -- : Hao Chen, Ph.D. : Instructor : Department of
2023 May 07
[PATCH] virtio_net: set default mtu to 1500 when 'Device maximum MTU' bigger than 1500
On Sat, May 06, 2023 at 04:56:35PM +0800, Hao Chen wrote: > > > ? 2023/5/6 10:50, Xuan Zhuo ??: > > On Sat, 6 May 2023 10:15:29 +0800, Hao Chen <chenh at> wrote: > > > When VIRTIO_NET_F_MTU(3) Device maximum MTU reporting is supported. > > > If offered by the device, device advises driver about the value of its > > > maximum MTU. If
2003 Jul 16
The two chisq.test p values differ when the contingency table is transposed! (PR#3486)
Full_Name: Tao Shi Version: 1.7.0 OS: Windows XP Professional Submission from: (NULL) ( > x [,1] [,2] [1,] 149 151 [2,] 1 8 > c2x<-chisq.test(x, simulate.p.value=T, B=100000)$p.value > for(i in (1:20)){c2x<-c(c2x,chisq.test(x, simulate.p.value=T,B=100000)$p.value)} > c2tx<-chisq.test(t(x), simulate.p.value=T, B=100000)$p.value > for(i in
2012 Oct 08
[LLVMdev] A Java version of LLVM Core for LLVM IR Analysis: JLLVM
Hi all, I'm Hao Liu, a 3rd year graduate student of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. We've build a project named JLLVM, and it's a java version of LLVM Core for Java developers. Our motivation is simple: The LLVM project is a great job. But it is for C++ developers. *It's difficult for Java developers to analysis LLVM IR*(intermediate representation). So we
2012 Oct 19
[LLVMdev] A Java version of LLVM Core for LLVM IR Analysis: JLLVM
Hi Liu, Take a look on [1], maybe you can put your project link on that page. ;) Regards, chenwj [1] -- Wei-Ren Chen (陳韋任) Computer Systems Lab, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel:886-2-2788-3799 #1667 Homepage:
2008 Mar 26
Slow code display in R console
Hi When I copy a block of code to R console, the code would be displayed line by line very slowly. I am using R version 2.6.2(2008-2-8). Does anybody know what is the reason for the slow display? It was not like this when I used earlier versions. Huilin
2020 Nov 06
How to find the root causes of compiler bugs in practice?
Hi, developers, Recently, I read two papers [1], [2] about finding the root causes of compiler bugs. However, I do not find any information in these paper about how compiler developers find the root causes of compiler bugs in practice. So I am curious whether these techniques are useful in practice. For my experience, the outputs of compilers are always used to isolate the causes of compiler
2006 Sep 07
barplot: different colors for the bar and the strips
Hi, I am using barplot and would like to know if it is possible to have bars filled with one color while use a different color for the shading lines. The following code colors the shading lines, leaving the bars in white: barplot(1:5, col=c(1:5), density=c(1:5)*5) while the colors are applied to the bars when density is removed. barplot(1:5, col=c(1:5)) I did check ?barplot and found the
2003 Jul 07
P-value for F from summary.lm (was RE: (no subject))
[Please use the subject line!] In the help page for summary.lm, the "Value" section says that the returned object has a component called "fstatistic", which has the F-statistic and the associated numerator and denominator degrees of freedom. You can get the p-value by something like: fstat <- summary(speciallinearmodel)$fstatistic pval <- pf(fstat[1], fstat[2],
2006 Mar 26
Newbie clustering/classification question
My laboratory is measuring the abundance of various proteins in the blood from either healthy individuals or from individuals with various diseases. I would like to determine which proteins, if any, have significantly different abundances between the healthy and diseased individuals. Currently, one of my colleagues is performing an ANOVA on each protein with MS Excel. I would like to analyze
2023 May 07
Re: [PATCH] virtio_net: set default mtu to 1500 when 'Device maximum MTU' bigger than 1500
On 6 May 2023 09:56:35 BST, Hao Chen <chenh at> wrote: >In the current code, if the maximum MTU supported by the virtio net hardware is 9000, the default MTU of the virtio net driver will also be set to 9000. When sending packets through "ping -s 5000", if the peer router does not support negotiating a path MTU through ICMP packets, the packets will be discarded.
2010 Feb 12
Function Fstats and p value
Hello, I used the function Fstats (in the package strucchange) and would like to transform the F probability given by Fstats in P value. This transformation can be made while making a plot, but I need to have the numerical P value which are ploted... and I can't find out how to do. Here a is an exemple, to plot the P value. let's take data as a array fs <-fstats(data ~ 1, from = 4,
2013 Mar 03
Kolmogorov-Smirnov: calculate p value given as input the test statistic
Dear all, I calculate the test statistic for the KS test outside R, and wish to use R only to calculate the corresponding p-value. Is there a way for doing this? (as far as I see, ks.test() requires raw data as input). Alternatively, is there a way to provide the ks.test() the two CDFs (two samples test) rather than the (x, y) data vectors? Thanks in advance, Rani
2005 Jul 11
exact values for p-values
Hi there, If I do an lm, I get p-vlues as p-value: < 2.2e-16 Suppose am interested in exact value such as p-value = 1.6e-16 (note = and not <) How do I go about it? stephen
2010 Apr 26
Error in pf(q, df1, df2, lower.tail, log.p) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
inputfille snpid indid genotype gvariable probeid gene geneexpression rs1040480 CHB_NA18524 C/T 2 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.850586 rs1040480 CHB_NA18526 C/C 1 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 6.028641 rs1040480 CHB_NA18529 C/C 3 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.944392 rs1040481 CHB_NA18532 C/C 1 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.938578 rs1040481 CHB_NA18537 C/C 2 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.874439 rs1040481 CHB_NA18540 C/C 3 GI_19743926-I
2017 Jul 12
How to make a figure plotting p-values by range of different adjustment values?
Hi all, Thank you for taking the time to read my message. I'm trying to make a figure that plots p-values by a range of different adjustment values. (Using the **logit** function in package **car**) My Statistical analyses were conducted on probability estimates ranging from 0% to 100%. As it's not ideal to run linear models on percentages that are bounded between 0 and 1, these
2008 Mar 27
dreaded p-val for d^2 of a glm / gam
OK, I really dread to ask that .... much more that I know some discussion about p-values and if they are relevant for regressions were already on the list. I know to get p-val of regression coefficients - this is not a problem. But unfortunately one editor of a journal where i would like to publish some results insists in giving p-values for the squared deviance i get out from different glm and
2006 Mar 24
How to capture t-score and p-values from t.test
When I do t.test on two distributions (see example below), it outputs numerous data about the t.test. What I'd like to do is individually capture some of this data and assign it to other variables. However, I am unable to find anything in the help section. In the example below, the t value is -4.0441 and the p-value is 0.006771 How can I assign these values to two variables, let's
2011 Dec 06
convert p-values into z-scores
Is there a program to convert p-values into z-scores for meta-analysis purpose? Thanks
2008 Dec 13
Obtaining p-values for coefficients from LRM function (package Design) - plaintext
Sent this mail in rich text format before. Excuse me for this. ------------------------ Dear all, I'm using the lrm function from the package "Design", and I want to extract the p-values from the results of that function. Given an lrm object constructed as follows : fit <- lrm(Y~(X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7)^2, data=dataset) I need the p-values for the coefficients printed by calling