Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "New R mirror in Brazil"
2002 Oct 10
CRAN mirror
how I must make to officialize my mirror in the main R website?
My CRAN's mirror is sited in Federal University of Vi?osa in Minas Gerais
State - Brazil.
The address is:
It is diary updated
Q: How does a hacker fix a function which
doesn't work for all of the elements in its domain?
A: He changes the domain.
| //|\\
2002 Jun 21
generating points over a function, its possible???
I have a new (for me) situation.
I have a function for one linear model:
y = 9.7909-0.035*x
I have the variance of system
var = 13.01403
Is possible to create a random vector points of Y (simulating the real data)
over this curve using the function and the variance? I need this to a
I have this:
| \
| \ -> y = 9.7909-0.035*x and var = 13.014
| \
| \
| \
| \
2002 May 02
plot survival points
Hi all,
I have a little problem.
I make an weibull survival analysis using the survival package. It,s OK, them
I have the functions. I plot this funcions with curve(). I want to make a
plot with the real survival points (proportion of alive x time) and them add
the curves to points. I have the time to dead, the censor data and my
trataments. To analysis the model is:
model1 <-
2003 Feb 04
testing slope
Hi all,
I try to test a linear slope using offset.
I have:
> m2 <- glm(Y~X*V)
> summary(m2)
glm(formula = Y ~ X * V)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.01688 -0.56028 0.05224 0.53213 3.60216
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.3673 0.8476 1.613 0.119788
2002 Nov 28
big model on modest computer.
I have a pentium III 600 with 128 ram running Linux.
I have a dataset with this variables in 12000 lines.
coleta = response (count data)
data = continuous data
latitude = continuous data
longitude = continuous data
variedade = categorical with 14 levels
solo = categorical with 22 levels
idade = continuous data
app = categorical with 4 levels
I want to test several models beginning by the
2002 Aug 28
segfault in RMySQL
Hi all,
I have experimented a segmentation fault error using
RMySQL_0.4-6 library in R 1.5.1.
Look the sequence:
> library(RMySQL)
> m <- dbManager("MySQL")
> m
> describe(m)
Driver name: MySQL
Max connections: 10
Conn. processed: 0
Default records per
2001 Oct 25
significance of glm complete model
Is possible to anova function on R calculate the significance of complete glm
I explain better.
I have a glm model:
> model1 <- glm(nsp~caules+mo,family=poisson)
I make an anova of this:
> anova(model1,test="F")
Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: poisson, link: log
Response: nsp
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
2001 Dec 27
[Off topic] time's statistic
Hi all,
I have a little doubt.
Is correct to make a regression when the independent variate is the time?
If not, why and how to analyse my data.
I dont want to know about time series or survival analysis.
For exemple:
Y(growing) X(days)
1 1
3 2
5 3
6 4
7 5
Mind your own business, then you don't mind mine.
| //|\\
2002 Jul 12
Warnings in plot(model)
Hi all,
I try to make a residuals plot in a model, but the warnings occur.
> anova(m2)
Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: Negative Binomial(5.6937), link: log
Response: nind
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|)
NULL 81 270.242
metros 1 0.005 80 270.237 0.943
2002 Jul 26
help with time series
Hi all,
I have an experiment that this:
Moths's behavior, where 0 is not behavior and 1 is behavior
I look the moths every 10 minutes for 960 minutes/day for 7 days.
Exist an interval of the 480 minutes between the days with no observations
My dataset is something like this:
| day | minutes | moth | behavior |
| 1 |
2002 Nov 19
a little questions
Hi all,
I have some little questions.
I make a function, with list's help, for make a map, its work OK,
but it show an extra output of this:
Is possible to eliminate any text output from an function?
I try to put an equation on a object to use in curve for example,
but it don't work, it possible to make a object of an equation?
2002 Dec 12
equation on the object
I try to put an equation on a object to use in curve for example,
but it don't work, it possible to make a object of an equation?
fx <- a + b*x
for(a in 0){for(b in 1){curve(fx,...)}}
Thanks you
ps. Exist in R any functions to estimate severals curves parameters (non
interactive) for a dataset? Something like table-curve 2d.
If Karl, instead of writing a lot about
2003 Jan 07
[off-topic] The better analysis
Hi all,
Firstly excuse-me by this off-topic question.
I'm very confused to decide what is the better analysis to use.
Whem the experiments is a tradicional design of manipulative experiments, it
is easy to decide. But in natural observations is too complicated.
I have 6 farms, each farm cultives some sugarcane's varieties (maybe or not
the same varieties by farm). For each farm I make
2002 Nov 28
output on glm.nb
I make a model and have compared with null model.
Model theta Resid. df 2xlog-lik test df LR stat. Pr(chi)
1 ... 0.39 161 -577.9129 NA NA NA
2 ... 1.30 150 -475.6839 1 vs 2 11 102.229 1.11e10-16
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|chi|)
NULL 161 282.139 9...
... ...
2002 Jul 04
doubt about DF in survival model
Hi all,
I have this,
Weibull distribution
n= 1000
> anova(pk.m0)
Df Deviance Resid. Df -2*LL P(>|Chi|)
NULL NA NA 999 1451.31 NA
> anova(pk.m0,pk.m1)
Terms Resid. Df -2*LL Test Df Deviance P(>|Chi|)
1 1 998 1451.310 NA NA NA
2 seed 996 1229.714 2 221.59557 7.605594e-49
2001 Dec 22
new.packages function for new packages
Hi all,
I use a function update.packages to update all packages in my R instalation.
But I need compare one by one packages to discovery new packages.
My question is: Exist in R any function that compare all installed packages
in my R and all packages available in CRAN and return a list of the new
packages (ie packages that I dont have im my installation) and automatic
download and install
2002 Aug 02
doubt about contrib...
I have a little doubt about contrib packages.
I make some little functions in a R package format, this functions are for my
personal use (envelopes for glm models and a plot bar routine).
Some friends ask me about the liberation of this functions in a web site, R
contrib etc.
what is the correct procedure for send a package to R contrib?
The functions is not create for me, is adaptaded to R
2002 Sep 20
warning in binomial analysis
I have make an analise with presence and absence, y=(1 e 0).
I have a area continuous data and a sp data with 25 levels. I have 300 points.
When I make
presenca is 0 or 1.
peso is the unit = 1.
area is the continuous data.
The analysis is OK.
When I put the sp and interactions in analysis this warning appear.
2002 Jul 02
error in plot residuals in a glm with iterations.
I make this model:
> moths.m6 <-
> anova(moths.m6,test="F")
Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: poisson, link: log
Response: nind
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F)
NULL 81 488.32
2001 Oct 07
plot logist
I make a glm analysis with binomial errors and its OK.
Now I need plot the ajusted logist line in my points. How do I make it?
| * * * * -> I need plot an ajusted
| * * line in this points.
| * *
| *
| * *
| * *
|* * * *
Exist an abline like function for ajust others formulas?
Exist in R