similar to: fixtures outside of rails

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "fixtures outside of rails"

2006 Jan 20
Pre-populate db with yaml outside of testing?
Hi. What is the best way to pre-populate your database with records while developing, not testing? For example, I want to: 1) > [run this command to populate db] 2) > ruby script/server 3) now I can surf to localhost:3000 and my app will already have relevant data I''m hoping to use yaml to suck it in. Is there a way to use the Fixture class to handle this even though this is
2005 Nov 26
activerecord rake test_mysql
Hi (I''m resubmitting this because First question: This is the rails dev list, correct? I''d like to submit a patch and am following the steps on this page: Here''s what I did (using mysql 5.0.15-nt): created 2 databases: activerecord_unittest activerecord_unittest2 created 1 user: rails (giving all priveleges to both databases) ran
2006 Jun 10
[REL] Manage Fixtures 2.0.0
Just released a new version of the _Managed Fixtures_ plugin, previously known as _Export Fixtures_. The name change comes with some added functionality for managing the fixtures, primarily with two new import tasks for importing specific Models or all of them within the test/fixtures directory. Both new import tasks take the exported fixtures, and allow you to directly import one, or all of
2005 Nov 10
Manually loading fixture data
Hi all, I''ve got some tables with fixed amounts of data in them (a "states" table, for example). For tables like this I can easily put *all* of the data in the fixture. For general futzing purposes, and for those times I want to reload a database from scratch outside of testing (for whatever reason), what''s the best approach? I thought perhaps ActiveRecord::Base had
2006 Jan 02
rake test_units not loading any fixtures
Hello All, If I run my unit tests individually using Ruby, they all work correctly. However, if I try to run them using "rake test_units", I get a bunch of error messages. The error messages appear to be caused by rake not loading any of the fixtures into the test database. I am using PostgreSQL on Windows. Does anyone have any suggestions? Many thanks, Bruce. -- Posted via
2006 Jun 29
TDD and migrations?
TDD, SVN and migrations seem to be a natural combination for model development: create a test, add the column with a migration, write the code, and check it all in when you''re done. The trouble is that this ends up creating one migration per field. I guess it''s not horrible in and of itself, but it does have a code smell to it. Has anyone come up with a different way of doing
2007 Aug 27
Foreign key constraints, fixtures, and rake task
I''ve got a spec that loads a fixture in the "before" block. This works fine running scripts/spec, but when I run rake spec instead, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''User in fixture :quentin with an IM service but no IM name should be invalid'' Mysql::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
2006 Oct 17
Should fixtures be transactional?
I started using the new Model.should_have(1).records expectation in rspec_on_rails, and quickly realized that my fixtures were remaining loaded, even in contexts that didn''t use them. Bug or feature? Jay Levitt
2007 Jul 22
db:fixtures:load order
I was trying to deal with foreign key issues related to order of fixture loading when I came across this: This got me looking deeper into rails and I noticed that db:fixtures:load calls Fixtures.create_fixtures once for each fixture file. However, Fixtures.create_fixtures is capable of taking multiple files and also handle the
2006 Jul 24
Creating performance test fixtures from development db? How?
Hi all! I''m looking into the testing chapter of Agile Web Development With Rails (2nd ed.). I want to performance test my app, but I''m too lazy to write fixtures for performance test. I''d rather use the data from my development db (because the data is so close to the production data). How do I get the data into the test db without writing fixtures? Could you please
2006 Feb 22
Fixtures and Relationships
In my daily development, I migrate back and forth between versions, and often do: rake load_fixtures... ... in order to populate my development database with fun data. Now, with any HABTM relationship, there are failures, as there is no way to say "which" fixtures to load first. Within an actual functional or unit test case, you could simply load them in the proper order, but
2006 Jan 27
Before I write this myself, is there already an easier way?
Recently I''ve wanted to be able to take the data I''ve painstakingly defined in my fixture files and slurp it up into my development database so I can play with my website (locally, in development mode) with the same data I use in my tests. In a similar vein, I want to take the table definitions in the development_structure.sql file and use it to re-define my development
2008 Jan 28
client first, top down, outside in, etc with rails
I''m starting a new project and I want to try writing the client first. I.e. I want to write my ''views'' first and I would like to mock out all the models in such a way that I can run the site and browse it with the mocked out models. Is it easy to use rspec''s mocking for this sort of thing and has anyone done it before? Does anyone know of a tutorial out there
2008 Jan 11
Role of stories vs specs, revisited
A couple months ago I asked how stories and specs might impact each other. [1] If you look at Dan North''s example of what''s in a story [2], and you imagine using the spec framework to drive the design, you can probably imagine a significant bit of overlap in the two. Is that a bad thing? I''m not sure. It has made me a bit uncomfortable though, and I''ve
2006 Jun 24
Rake vs Ruby for running tests (error discrepency)
I''m having (to me) a strange problem with errors when running my tests with rake as opposed to using ruby. If I do rake test:units I get this error for several tests, but not all: 13) Error: test_player_has_game_statistics_for_season(PlayerSeasonTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry ''22'' for key 1: INSERT INTO positions (`name`, `id`,
2006 Nov 24
Anyone know whats going on with PostgreSQL async_exec errors?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Anyone know what''s going on with ActiveRecord Edge and 1.2RC1 unit tests. I get 13 failures from the "async_exec" method call. ie: test_callback_rollback_in_save(ConcurrentTransactionTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: NoMethodError: undefined method `async_exec'' for #<PGconn:0xb75a8754>: SET
2008 Jan 31
reby-debug and rspec
How do I use the ruby debugger with a specific test (not the whole spec file)? I want to do something like this. $ rdebug spec/models/user_spec.rb -s "should error if not new_record" ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
2007 Apr 17
using rake db:fixtures:load with rspec fixtures
Hi, I''m new to rspec. I have some fixtures in /spec/fixtures. If they were in /test/fixtures they could be loaded with rake db:fixtures:load. Is there any way other than a symlink to load my rspec fixtures into the database with rake? Or, can I cause rspec to load the fixtures from /test/fixtures? Thanks, Paul
2007 Jan 18
problems testing a rails controller
I''m trying to test a rails controller, but my mock isn''t working. Everything looks right to me. Can someone take a look at it and see if I''m missing something obvious Domain.should_receive(:find_domain).once.and_return(domain) That line in the spec is failing but I don''t see why. If I comment out that line the test passes so it is
2007 Sep 04
Model Specs: Fixtures vs Mocks + Stubs?
What is the general opinion about fixtures versus mocking and stubbing in model specs? I heard from agile on IRC that they save the database testing for integration testing, but I also see that the caboose sample applicaiton uses fixtures. I also noticed that on the rspec site, it says "Ironically (for the traditional TDD''er) these are the only specs that we feel should actually