Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Problem with legend"
2004 Mar 15
norm of complex number
I want o calc the norm of a complex number ( |c| where c is complex). Does the function abs() this ?
Frank G. Zoellner
AG Angewandte Informatik
Technische Fakult"at
Universit"at Bielefeld
phone: +49(0)521-106-2951
fax: +49(0)521-106-2992
email: fzoellne at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
2004 Mar 09
SVM unbalanced classes
I am using R 1.8.1 and the svm of the e1071 package for classification.
The problem is that I have unbalanced classes e.g. the first one is much bigger than the second one and therfore the svm is biased to the first class.
If I manually adjust the class size the bias disappears.
The question is then how to include this unequal class distribution to the svm (e.g. via wheights or costs)?
2004 Mar 11
fft question
I am using the fft() function the base package to transform some 1d signal.
If I use this standar fucntion I get a very huge first fourier coeficient.
I think this dues to the handling of the borders of the signal.
Usually in fft especially in image processing the signal is simulated to be continuous by adding the signal several times periodically. My question is, is there some function
2000 Aug 31
make problem
Dear R People:
I have the source for R version 1.1.1
on a UNIX system alpha-dec-osf4.
The ./configure works fine.
When I do the make, it works fine until it tries to build the
package tcklc.
I get an error of
Tk_Saf_Init not identified
Then it kicks out.
Any suggestions, please?
Erin M. Hodgess, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
2009 Mar 24
Legend containing maths symbol and values of variables
I need to have the maths symbol for >= in the legend, and to
substitute threshold variable with its value. Somehow, various
attempts weren't successful. Please help.
threshold <- 0.5
plot(NA, xlab="", ylab="", main="", axes=F, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
legend(x=0, y=1, fill=c("orange", "white",
2009 Jun 06
stars (as fourfold plots) in plot (symbols don't work)
I have a dataset with three columns -the first two refer to x and y
coordinates, the last one are odds ratios.
I'd like to plot the data with x and y coordinates and the odds ratio shown
as a fourfold plot, which I prefer to do using the stars function.
Unfortunately the stars option in symbols is not as cool as the stars
function on its own, and now i can't figure out how to do it!
2010 May 26
persp(); help with 'tck' option
Hi All,
I'm using 'tck' option to *reduce* the length of tick marks but it is not
working, can anyone please tell me where I'm going wrong...
x <- seq(-10, 10, length= 30)
y <- x
f <- function(x,y) { r <- sqrt(x^2+y^2); 10 * sin(r)/r }
z <- outer(x, y, f)
z[is.na(z)] <- 1
# 'bg' works but 'tck' is not showing
2012 Sep 23
Background color in a grid plot seems to interfere with plot()
Why does the upper left panel (in the plot below) not have a gray background?
pdf(file="Rplot.pdf", width=8, height=8, onefile=FALSE)
## set up the grid layout
gl <- grid.layout(5, 5, widths=unit(c(1.8, 8, 0.8, 8, 0.8), "cm"),
heights=unit(c(0.8, 8, 0.8, 8, 1.5), "cm"))
if(FALSE) grid.show.layout(gl)
2012 Aug 08
Confidence bands around LOESS
Hi Folks,
I'm looking to do Confidence bands around LOESS smoothing curve.
If found the older post about using the Standard error to approximate it
Also found this one
But they both seem to be approximations of confidence intervals and I was
wonder if there was
2006 Oct 31
6409257 /etc/vfstab isn''t properly aligned
Author: sjelinek
Repository: /hg/zfs-crypto/gate
Revision: e2d8706d226b8bdada8284689c37d35a33396b15
Log message:
6409257 /etc/vfstab isn''t properly aligned
6409251 typo in stmsboot
6409254 unused variables in svc-syseventd
6409228 typo in aclutils.h
Contributed by Rainer Orth <ro at TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>.
update: usr/src/cmd/initpkg/vfstab.sh
2011 Oct 19
Square ended segments
Good Afternoon R Community,
I am working on plotting behavior codes over short durations of time (a few seconds at a time over 1-2 hrs). I am utilizing as.POSIXct to store the time. I wanted to make a quasi time line using these time. I utilized the segments function to represent these times. However the segments rounds off at the ends and does not have the crisp look I need for my purposes.
2002 Aug 29
PATCH: Fix IRIX 6 testsuite failures
Having built rsync 2.5.5 on IRIX 6.2 with gcc 3.1, I ran into two failures
when running the testsuite with make check: both the chgrp and hardlinks
tests fail:
The failure in the chgrp test occurs here:
+ rsync -rtgvvv /amnt/callisto/volumes/obj-irix5/local/obj.irix5/rsync-2.5.5/testtmp.chgrp/from/ /amnt/callisto/volumes/obj-irix5/local/obj.irix5/rsync-2.5.5/testtmp.chgrp/to/
rsync: opendir
2009 Aug 03
use gnulib, and begin to pass its "make syntax-check" tests
Here's a patch series to make libguestfs use gnulib via a git submodule.
The first thing I did was to look at the failures from "make syntax-check"
and fix the config.h-related ones below. The others are now
temporarily disabled via a variable in cfg.mk.
I fixed the config-h problems and moved those change sets to precede
the test-adding one, so that bisection still works, even if
2000 Sep 06
reusing external functions across libs
I am searching for a way to solve the following problem:
I want to use an external function, defined in a dyn.load()ed shared
object, in another dyn.load()ed shared object.
Currently I have to take the sources (Fortran) from one libraries src/
directory and copy them into the src/ dir of the other library, resulting
in two copies of this function. This is bad for maintanance and maybe
1999 Apr 02
NAME Douglas Bates
EMAIL bates@stat.wisc.edu
VERSION 0.63.3
PLATFORM i386-unknown-linux
SYSTEM Debian 2.1
CC/FC/MAKE egcs/g77/make
NAME Martyn Plummer
EMAIL plummer@iarc.fr
VERSION 0.63.3
PLATFORM i386-unknown-linux
SYSTEM Redhat 5.1
CC/FC/MAKE gcc/egcs-g77/make
NAME Göran Broström
EMAIL gb@stat.umu.se
VERSION 0.63.3
2012 Mar 06
Reshape question
I have a data frame in wide format. There are six variables that represent two factors in long format 3x2, Valence and Temperature:
> head(dpts)
File Subj Time Group PainNeg.hot PainNeg.warm SociNeg.hot SociNeg.warm Positiv.hot Positiv.warm Errors
1 WB101_1_1_dp.txt 101 1 MNP 30.700000 13.75000 16.319048 35.166667 30.18333 14.383333 1
2009 Mar 11
Working up examples of barplots with customized marginal items
Hello, everybody:
I'm back to share a long piece of example code. Because I had trouble
understanding the role of par() and margins when customizing barplots,
I have struggled with this example. In case you are a student wanting
to place legends or textual markers in the outer regions of a barplot,
you might run these examples.
There are a few little things I don't quite understand.
2001 Feb 12
RODBC and connection parameters
I'm using the RODBC packages for connecting R and a mysql database.
To do this, i use the function odbcConnect(dsn,uid,pwd).
Is it possible to read the connection paramters from the odbc.ini file within R?
+Especially I'm interested in uid/pwd parameters because of security reasons.
Frank Gerrit Zoellner
2007 Mar 22
Cohen's Kappa
im little bit confused about Cohen's Kappa and i should be look into the
Kappa function code. Is the easy formula really wrong?
many thanks
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
now we have the mapping of color names to color codes (see below) and
conversion to rgb (something like Ben Bolker's function), but how to convert
rgb to hsv?
Thanks to Brian Ripley, Peter Dalgaard and Ben Bolker
Details below
etc/colors.big maps 455 names to rgb in S syntax
etc/rgb.txt maps 657 names to rgb in C syntax, but unlike colors() it has
mixed upper and