similar to: cumsum and subsets of a data frame?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "cumsum and subsets of a data frame?"

2011 May 06
Cumsum in Lattice Panel Function
I'm trying to create an xyplot with a "groups" argument where the y-variable is the cumsum of the values stored in the input data frame. I almost have it, but I can't get it to automatically adjust the y-axis scale. How do I get the y-axis to automatically scale as it would have if the cumsum values had been stored in the data frame? Here is the code I have so far:
2004 Jun 11
lattice: cumsum and xyplot
I want to display cumulative summary functions with lattice. First I tried to get cumulated data: library(lattice) data(barley) d.cum <- with( barley, by( yield, INDICES=list(site=site,year=year), FUN=cumsum ) ) I got a list of vectors. I tried to get a dataframe which I could use in xyplot. But neither of the following functions led to the goal: d.cum.df1 <-
2010 Jun 03
cumsum function with data frame
Dear list, I have a problem with the cumsum function. I have a data frame like the following one variable Year value EC01 2005 5 EC01 2006 10 AAO1 2005 2 AAO1 2006 4 what I would like to obtain is variable Year value cumsum EC01 2005 5 5 EC01
2006 Jun 07
Fw: Help needed using lattice for area plots lpolygon, xyplot.
I am trying to learn how to use the graphics from the lattice package ( and am very new to R). I am trying to replicate the example plot referenced below, by using the lattice xyplot & lpolygon to create panels. I get what appears to be the correct shape of the filled region, but cannot get the position to overlay properly. I have attempted with various settings of position. ( i.e.
2007 Jan 10
roc and lattice
Hello, I am afraid I do not fully understand all intricacies of programming in lattice plots. In the code below I try to plot an ROC curve, following R-news 4(1). When I condition on the variable 'group' I get the error message below, when I plot the curve for all data (i.e., y ~ pred.prob), I get the plot I want. Can someone point out why conditioning gives that message? Thanks, Ruud
2003 Jan 15
[lattice] lines for stripplot (like dotplot) or jitter for dotplot?
I'd like to use stripplot for some plots because I want to use the jitter parameter. On the other hand, I'd like to use dotplot because I'd like to have the horizontal lines that it includes. dotplot doesn't have a jitter option and I'm not having any success with getting panel.grid(h=-1) with stripplot. Can anyone show me how to make dotplot-like lines on a stripplot? Or
2003 Dec 31
Plot grouped data: How to change x-axis? (nlme)
Hallo! GENERAL QUESTION: I'm trying to change the tick marks of the x-axis in a grouped data plot (nlme). CONCRETE EXAMPLE: In the example (see below) I want the x-axis to have tick marks at 0, 6, 12, 18, 24. How can I do this? WHAT I TRIED I tried "normal" methods like axis(...) but this does not work with this plot. And I also tried xlim=c(0,24) but the ticks are unchanged and
2002 Jun 27
lattice and dates (correcting e-mail formatting glitch - sorry!!)
Hi I'm fairly new to R and the list, so please take what I say accordingly! Far as I can see, strptime gives you a string in some specified format. In order to do any kind of numerically-based modelling with that, you need to obtain a number to work with. One way to do this is by getting the time with Sys.time() instead and coercing it to a number using as.integer(): >
2009 Feb 26
Incorporating cumsum in for loop
Hello Hello i have this DF: > c CHR_NR diffdato1 x 1022 10395 1994-05-30 11.0 39 0 1994 1 1 0 0 24 1 1 24 29100 11377 2003-05-22 17.0 24 0 2003 1 1 0 0 15 1
2001 Jul 28
lattice and histogram
Hello again folks, Thanks to all for the advice on getting hold of "grid" and "lattice". I think I'm getting the hang of it. This produces very satisfying arrays of histograms. The typical command I am using is histogram( ~ DATA.df$X | DATA.df$F, \ type=c("count"), layout=c(5,5) ) Now I'd like to ask a question slightly more subtle than
2011 Feb 18
Scaling Lattice Graphics for tikzDevice
I'm trying to use lattice graphics to produce some small plots for inclusion in a LaTeX file. I want the LaTeX fonts to be used in the plots, but to be scaled down to match the size of the plot. I have written the following code to apply a scaling factor to all the "cex" and "padding" entries in the trellis parameters, but there is still a large white space between the key
2010 Oct 17
dpois().......bizarre warning messages
Dear Masters, I have a question to submit consider the following script m<-4.95 obs<-rpois(36,m) # i generate 36 realization from a poisson(m) hist(obs,freq=F) curve(dpois(x,m),add=T,col="red") #i wish to overlay on the histogram the theorical poisson density function errors are returned saing the x vector doesn't contain integers.... really bizarre i can't give
2012 Aug 01
Plotting cumsum data using lattice plots according to date conditioned by name.
I've been playing around with data like the following: Name Date Hrs Way, S 2-3-12 8 Nun, B 2-3-12 9 Way, S 2-4-12 7.5 Nun, B 2-4-12 9 Gus, T 2-5-12 8 I've been able to take this into a data.frame and even develop a cumsum for each of the people d.cum <- with(data,by(Hrs, INDICES=list(date=as.POSIXct(Name)),FUN=cumsum)) This gives me a list personnel with an array
2020 Aug 25
sum() vs cumsum() implicit type coercion
>>>>> Tomas Kalibera >>>>> on Tue, 25 Aug 2020 09:29:05 +0200 writes: > On 8/23/20 5:02 PM, Rory Winston wrote: >> Hi >> >> I noticed a small inconsistency when using sum() vs cumsum() >> >> I have a char-based series >> >> > tryjpy$long >> >> [1]
2012 Feb 14
cumsum function to determine plankton phenology
Apologies for the empty email earlier! I have species abundance data sampled at a weekly frequency or sometimes monthly depending on the year. The goal is to identify the dates in an annual cycle in which the cumulative abundance of a species reaches some threshold. Here's an example of the data for 1 species over an annual period: "mc_pheno" is the object created from this data:
2020 Aug 23
sum() vs cumsum() implicit type coercion
Hi I noticed a small inconsistency when using sum() vs cumsum() I have a char-based series > tryjpy$long [1] "0.0022" "-0.0002" "-0.0149" "-0.0023" "-0.0342" "-0.0245" "-0.0022" [8] "0.0003" "-0.0001" "-0.0004" "-0.0036" "-0.001" "-0.0011"
2009 Feb 17
cumsum vs. sum
I recently traced a bug of mine to the fact that cumsum(s)[length(s)] is not always exactly equal to sum(s). For example, x<-1/(12:14) sum(x) - cumsum(x)[3] => 2.8e-17 Floating-point addition is of course not exact, and in particular is not associative, so there are various possible reasons for this. Perhaps sum uses clever summing tricks to get more accurate results? In some
2011 Nov 26
cumsum in 3d arrays
Hello! Is it posible to apply /cumsum()/ along the 3rd dimension of 3D array? Something like matrlab function - /cumsum (*A*,dim)/ which returns the cumulative sum of the elements along the dimension of *A* specified by scalar dim. Thanks in advance ?eljka -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing
2005 May 30
trouble with cumsum?
Dear R users, I am using R version 2.0.1 (2004/11/15) on an i386-pc-mingw32 platform. I encounter the following problem while using cumsum: > a <- rep(0.01, 100) > b <- cumsum(a) > sum(a) == 1 [1] TRUE > b[100] == 1 [1] FALSE Am I missing something? Should cumsum have such an outcome? Thanks in advance for any clarifications any of you can offer. Regards, Makram Talih --
2012 Jul 30
Thinning Lattice Plot
Is there an easy way to "thin" a lattice plot? I often create plots from large data sets, and use the "pdf" command to save them to a file, but the resulting files can be huge, because every point in the underlying dataset is rendered in the plot, even though it isn't possible to see that much detail. For example: require(Hmisc) x <- rnorm(1e6)