Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "R sample session"
2003 Mar 28
file.show("morley.tab") responds "NO FILE"
"An Introduction to R", Venables and Smith, Version 1.6.2 (2003-01-10)
has in its "Appendix A: A sample session", page 81,
I get the response
NO FILE morley.tab
The following "Introduction to the R Project for Statistical Computing"
2003 Jan 22
Macintosh rm162 fails read.table() from sample (PR#2485)
Full_Name: Chris Yager
Version: rm162
OS: Mac OS 9.2.2
Submission from: (NULL) (
As a new user I was running A sample session from Appendix A of An
Introduction to R. 'mm<-read.table("morley.tab")' failed. Note that the
prior command, 'file.show("morley.tab")', succeeded. Problem does NOT occur in
version rm161.
NO other bug
2004 Dec 31
I was reading R-intro and I have some suggestions:
rm(fm, fm1, lrf, x, dummy)
rm(fm, fm1, lrf, x, y, w, dummy)
The next section will look at data from the classical experiment of Michaelson and Morley to measure the speed of light.
mm <- read.table("morley.tab")
mm <- data(morley)
2000 Mar 18
Where to find: morley.data
"An Introduction to R" has a sample session in the appendix. One of the
examples looks at the Michaelson and Morley experiment to measure the
speed of light and starts with "file.show("morley.data")".
Where does one find this data table?
Hans Peter
r-help mailing list -- Read
2000 Apr 25
I am sorry to say, I do not know where the
'morley.dat' is that is mentioned as the sample data
for the sample session on page 80 of Appendix A in the
Introduction to R book.
If you could get back to me soon about that would be
Then I can prepare my next question,
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2002 Nov 06
how to update installed packages to a new version of R?
I've just installed R 1.6.1 and would like to install all the
contributed packages I had used in 1.5.1.
It's not too hard to do this manually from Rgui, but I wondered if there
is an easier way,
something like writing the results of installed.packages() from 1.5.1 to
a file and
using that with install.packages() in 1.6.1, or just having 1.6.1 read
what's in rw151/library.
2003 May 01
List of lists? Data frames? (Or other data structures?)
Hi, I'm faced with the following problem and would appreciate some
I could have a data frame x that looks like this:
aa bb
a 1 "A"
b 2 "B"
The advantage of this is that I could access all the individual
components easily. Also I could access all the rows and columns
Alternatively, I could have a list of
2002 Jun 27
Mac OS X installation
I'm new to Mac and trying to install the R-1.5.1 on my iBook,
unsuccessfully, for my stats class. Can someone send me instructions on how
to install this?
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or
2002 Jul 27
error installing package in linux R
I've been using R on windows for a number of years, so when
I recently installed
Linux I wanted to install R as well. Downloading and
installing the rpm's for R-Base and R-recommended went well
and I seem to have a functioning R.
I then downloaded the quadreg package and used R CMD
INSTALL to install it. All went well up to a message:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lreadline
which stopped
2002 Oct 07
Core dump with "parse" (PR#2120)
Hi everyone,
The following code may not be very sensible, but it generates a core dump. The same happens in R-1.5.1.
Cheers, Jonathan.
arrow:dma0jcr% R-1.6.0
R : Copyright 2002, The R Development Core Team
Version 1.6.0 (2002-10-01)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type `license()' or `licence()'
2002 Jun 19
R-1.5.1 for Darwin/X11
The file
has grown to 60 MB. It consists of a meta-package and its packages and
it will allow you to install binaries for R-1.5.1 and about 300
packages, just by
clicking the R-1.5.1.mpkg file. It also install quite a few dylibs in
/sw, but not
the ones for X11R6 and gnome yet. You can choose which of the packages
to install,
of course.
The same
2002 Jun 19
R-1.5.1 for Darwin/X11
The file
has grown to 60 MB. It consists of a meta-package and its packages and
it will allow you to install binaries for R-1.5.1 and about 300
packages, just by
clicking the R-1.5.1.mpkg file. It also install quite a few dylibs in
/sw, but not
the ones for X11R6 and gnome yet. You can choose which of the packages
to install,
of course.
The same
2002 Sep 15
printing graphics window on Mac OS 9.2
I'm a long time user of R, but I'm not a regular Mac user. I am now
teaching in a room with a dozen Macs and I'm having a problem printing
the graphics window. I'm using R 1.5.1 precompiled for Mac OS on Blue
G3s with Mac OS 9.2. When I have the macintosh graphics device
selected and use File, Print from the menu system, the OS attempts to
print, but the machine hangs after a
2002 Sep 17
legend in image()
System info:
Linux slackware
R Version 1.5.1 (2002-06-17)
ESS 5.1.21
Emacs 21.2.1
Is there a way to add a legend to an image plot? I don't see any
reference to legends in the documentation (so I suppose the answer is
no?). Although the documentation says image takes plot() parameters, it
isn't clear to me how the usual use of legend in a plot command
2012 Apr 11
Michaelson-Morley Speed of Light Data
<URL: http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/library/datasets/html/morley.html >
"The classical data of Michaelson and Morley on the speed of light"
Can you provide more information about the data? How were they obtained,
etc.? I do not have the book "Genstat Primer" and the nearest location where
it is available is University of York which is rather far from my location.
2003 Jan 13
Bug in boxplot(..., add=TRUE) ?
R 1.6.1 on Windows NT4:
The boxplot() function appears to draw its own tick marks
and axis values even when called with add=TRUE. As a toy
example, try
x <- rnorm(100)
f <- factor(rep(1:4, each=25))
plot(c(0,4), c(-3,3), type="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
boxplot(x ~ f, add=TRUE)
My expectation is that a high-level plotting function will
not mess with the axes
2002 Dec 30
Writing packages with `methods' package
I'm trying to write a package which uses classes/methods as defined in the
`methods' package. I have a single .R file which defines the class and
various methods for that class. At the top of the file I have
and then
setClass("myclass", ...)
setMethod("intersect", "myclass", function(x,y) ...)
I noticed
2003 Jan 15
Contour Plots
I can't seem to get the below data organized in such a manner so as to
generate a contour plot
using any of the functions {lattice.contourplot, base.contour,
base.filled.contour}. I was wondering
if anyone could please tell me what I need to do to accomplish this.
2003 Feb 11
geoR question from new R user
I'm a new R user. My goal is to do a variogram using geoR.
I started by trying to do the example in the geoR Illustrative Session
using my own data.
I am able to read in my Ascii data using: D <- matrix(scan("file.dat",
n=530*3), 530,3, byrow=TRUE).
Then I use: as.geodata(D, coords.col=1:2, data.col=3) to make the
object D geodata.
I check the descriptive statistics,
2002 Feb 19
cdf of the standard normal distribution
Dear Experts,
I need to calculate the cdf of the standard normal distribution, i.e.
H(x) = 1/sqrt(2*pi) integral(exp(-z^2/2) dz), where z is b/w -infi to
I know there should be a way to do it in R, but did not know to do it.
I'd appreciate any help you could offer.
Charlie Liu
Graduate student intern at EPA/ECO