similar to: Transpose and NA's

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Transpose and NA's"

1999 Sep 17
Non-interactive sessions
Greetings, Quick Summary: How does R function non-interactively? I can't print graphics to an X11 window. I set up what appears to be called a "noninteractive" R session using the Perl code at the end of this message. Everthing seems to work fine as written. I get a nice postscript file with my graphics. However, I would like to display X11 R-graphics for the Perl-script
2000 Sep 17
Weighted Histogram
Greetings, I'm having trouble finding a simple way to calculate a weighted histogram where there may be zero raw counts in a given interval. Given equal-length vectors of data 'data' and weights 'w', and breaks (intervals) for the histogram, I calculate a weighted histogram as follows (see MASS's 'truehist' for an unweighted histogram): bin <- cut(data,
1999 Nov 12
some related problems
I just tried to batch-start rgui.exe (not rterm.exe) in a way, that it read.table()s data from a file with changing filename. As I understand no command line parameters are available for that, so instead I tried to pass the filename to an approbriate .RProfile, which works roughly, BUT ## this is my %R_USER%\.RProfile im <- read.table("d:/temp/im/temp.csv", header=TRUE,
1999 Sep 30
Graphics output device
Dear developers, I wonder would you consider making a save to a graphics file format (as opposed to ps)? What prompts this is that we have just finished my wife's thesis using R heavily for stats and graphs. The combination of latex, bibtex and R generated .eps worked a treat and we were very pleased with both the final outcome and the efficiency of gernerating it, especially when all the
2002 May 22
Tps regression question
Dear all, I'm a beginner in spatial regression, therefore, excuse me in advance for the stupid question. I'm using the function Tps of field library. As I read in help, the assumed model for this regression is additive Y = f(X) + e where f(X) is a d dimensional surface. I have understood that d in not an argument to specify in Tps(x, Y, ...). How can I obtain d ? Thanks a lot.
2002 Mar 12
Vis5D interface package
Greetings, Summary: Has anyone else started a package (or have code) with the capability to write Vis5D-readable netCDF files containing irregularly-spaced data? I've recently put together what might be the beginnings of a (GPL'ed) R interface package to the Vis5D volumetric visualization program ( Vis5D is commonly used in the atmospheric science and
2009 Jul 10
how to transpose a dataframe
I want to transpose a dataframe like level 2006 2007 2008 A .... B ..... C ........ into level year A 2006 A 2007 A 2008 B 2006 B 2007 ...... There is a procedure in SAS can do this, is there any function in R can do this? -- View this
2010 Dec 20
package "arules" - 'transpose' of the transactions
Suppose this is my list of transactions: set.seed(200) tran=random.transactions(100,3) inspect(tran) items transactionID 1 {item80} trans1 2 {item8, item20} trans2 3 {item28} trans3 I want to get the 'transpose' of the data, i.e. transactionID items 1 {trans2} item8 2 {trans2} item20 3 {trans3} item28 4 {trans1} item80 I
2010 Jul 30
transpose of complex matrices in R
Hello everybody When one is working with complex matrices, "transpose" very nearly always means *Hermitian* transpose, that is, A[i,j] <- Conj(A[j,i]). One often writes A^* for the Hermitian transpose. I have only once seen a "real-life" case where transposition does not occur simultaneously with complex conjugation. And I'm not 100% sure that that wasn't a
2003 Sep 29
Data frame transpose
Hi All, I want to ask if there is a transpose function for data frame like the procedure of transpose in SAS? Because I want to partially transpose a data frame which contains 5 columns (siteid, date, time, obs, mod), what I want to do is to put time as the column variables along with siteid, and date, and put obs and mod in the row names. specifically to transpose a data frame: siteid date
2005 Dec 20
transpose a matrix?
I have a data set in the following format: x<-data.frame(id=c(‘a’,’b’,’c’),’2005-01-15’=c(100,225,425), ’2005-02-23’=c(1100,2325,4525)) > x id X2005.01.15 X2005.02.23 1 a 100 1100 2 b 225 2325 3 c 425 4525 I want: id a b c X2005.01.15 100 225 425 X2005.02.23 1100
2009 Feb 24
Transpose array
Hi Listers, Is there a way that I can transpose an array... Suppose I have the following array... x<-array(c(1,2,3,4),dim=c(1,2,2)) , , 1 [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 2 , , 2 [,1] [,2] [1,] 3 4 And I would like to get the following result... , , 1 [,1] [1,] 1 [,2] 2 , , 2 [,1] [,2] [1,] 3 [,2] 4 Thanks in advance, Marcio -- View this message in context:
2009 Sep 27
Teach me how to transpose in R
Hi guys, I need your help!! My goal is to make a csv file from ncdf file. This is the code i've used : > hyo=open.ncdf("C:/") > hyo [1] "file C:/ has 4 dimensions:" [1] "longitude Size: 72" [1] "latitude Size: 36" [1] "unspecified Size: 1" [1] "t Size: 1916" [1] "------------------------"
2000 Nov 07
matrix transpose and object name
hello, everybody, i have several unresolved issues: 1. how to do a matrix transpose? i cant find how to do it in the documentation. 2..suppose i have an object named as lm1 from linear regression, how could i refer to it by paste("lm",1,sep="") ? 3. to save a matrix 100 x 30, how to have a text file with 100 lines and 30 cols, instead of stacking them? thanks. best regards
2009 Aug 18
Transpose a dataset
Hi Everyone, I have a dataset like this mean sd 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% n BODY TEMPERATURE 36.41099 0.4015699 35.1 36.22222 36.5 36.66667 37.1 89 DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE 73.60079 9.4656186 50.0 67.00000 73.0 80.00000 95.0 253 HEIGHT 171.94000 9.2011670 153.5 166.50000 173.0 176.25000 190.0
2009 Sep 28
SAS user now converting to R - Help with Transpose
I am just starting to code in R and need some help as I am used to doing this in SAS. I have a dataset that looks like this: Chemical Well1 Well2 Well3 Well4 BOD 13.2 14.2 15.5 14.2 O2 7.8 2.6 3.5 2.4 TURB 10.2 14.6 18.5 17.3 and so on with more chemicals.... I would like to transpose my data so that it looks like this: Chemical WellID Value BOD Well1 13.2 BOD Well2 14.2 BOD Well3 15.5 BOD
2002 Aug 30
Limit on Function Size
With R 1.5.1 (Linux/Intel), I noticed that one of my large functions (>3000 lines) can no longer be parsed. Somewhere around 2800 lines, R will segfault when I `eval(parse(file="..."))' the function. I can parse the lines after around line 2800 by themselves (i.e., cut and pasted). Is there some new limit on the size of R functions? --
2002 Oct 31
Zero is not Zero
I have a confusing problem with getting the form `x - trunc(x)' to be exactly zero when `x' is an integer. It only seems to occur inside of a function. [R-1.6.0 on Linux/Intel] I have a function to return the highest precision digit of values in `x': prec<-function(x){ init <- trunc(log10(max(x))) y <- x - trunc(x) while (any(y > 0)) { init <- init - 1 x1
2010 Jan 29
question about transpose
Hi all, if I transpose a matrix with t(data), the newly created colums do not appear to have the first row as header. How can I do to have all the newly created columns have their first row as a header? Thanks Gabriele Zoppoli, MD Ph.D. Fellow, Experimental and Clinical Oncology and Hematology, University of Genova, Genova, Italy Guest Researcher, LMP, NCI, NIH, Bethesda MD Work: 301-451-8575
2013 Mar 06
Transpose a big data file and write to a new file
Dear all: I have a big data file of 60000 columns and 60000 rows like that: AA AC AA AA .......AT CC CC CT CT.......TC .......................... ......................... I want to transpose it and the output is a new like that AA CC ............ AC CC............ AA CT............. AA CT......... .................... .................... AT TC............. The keypoint is I can't read