similar to: Warnings in plot(model)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70 matches similar to: "Warnings in plot(model)"

2019 Oct 10
create virtual network fails with virt-manager
hello list, creatig a virtual network via virt-manager fails. gentoo linux vanilla-sources 5.3.1 virt-manager 2.2.1 qemu 4.0 libvirt 5.5.0 the error output of Error creating virtual network: internal error: Failed to apply firewall rules /sbin/iptables -w --table filter --insert LIBVIRT_INP --in-interface virbr1 --protocol tcp --destination-port 67 --jump ACCEPT: iptables: No
2019 Oct 11
Re: create virtual network fails with virt-manager
On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 03:40:24PM +0200, Marko Horn wrote: > > >hello list, > >creatig a virtual network via virt-manager fails. >gentoo linux vanilla-sources 5.3.1 >virt-manager 2.2.1 >qemu 4.0 >libvirt 5.5.0 > Please try newer libvirt. There were some fixes related to iptables/nf_tables in libvirt in recent releases, so it might just solve that for you. >
2002 Jul 02
error in plot residuals in a glm with iterations.
Hi, I make this model: > moths.m6 <- glm(nind~metros+especie+habitat+metros:habitat+habitat:especie,family=poisson) > anova(moths.m6,test="F") Analysis of Deviance Table Model: poisson, link: log Response: nind Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F) NULL 81 488.32
2019 May 31
[PATCH v3 0/5] vsock/virtio: optimizations to increase the throughput
This series tries to increase the throughput of virtio-vsock with slight changes. While I was testing the v2 of this series I discovered an huge use of memory, so I added patch 1 to mitigate this issue. I put it in this series in order to better track the performance trends. v3: - Patch 1: added a threshold to copy only small packets [Jason] - Patch 1: replaced the allocation of a new buffer
2023 Jul 10
Conferencias virtual zoom
Actualizaci?n De La Norma Sobre Descargas De Aguas Residuales CONFERENCIA VIRTUAL EN VIVO | 25 de Julio 2023 informaci?n El 11 de marzo de 2022 fue publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Federaci?n la actualizaci?n de la NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021 que sustituye a la NOM-001-SEMARNAT-1996, la cual entrar? el presente a?o y ser? obligatoria para las personas f?sicas o morales que realicen descargas de
2017 Oct 20
nls() and loop
?tryCatch -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On October 20, 2017 7:37:12 AM PDT, Evangelina Viotto <evangelinaviotto at> wrote: >Hello I?m need fitt growth curve with data length-age. I want to >evaluate >which is the function that best predicts my data, to do so I compare >the >Akaikes of different models. I'm now need to evaluate if changing the
2011 Dec 09
Summary model with observations taken out and dummied back in - not working
I have a data set with 35 observations and 4 variables. I have removed 4 observations as they were skewing the data analysis but I want to dummy them back in, (not entirely sure on the reason, but have been told I should try). I have used this in order to do it, but I am not getting any statistical analysis with my dummy it's all NA. > dummy15=rep(0, times=n) > dummy15[15]=1 >
2012 Jun 25
Tuneles ssh se caen.
Buenas tardes, Necesito obtener informaci?n de la cantidad de tuneles ssh que puede tener activo un servidor y adem?s por cuanto tiempo pueden permanecer activos estos tuneles. Explico mi situaci?n, tengo un servidor centos 5.5, con sistema ssh que viene por defecto la versi?n 4.3. A este servidor se conectan alrededor de 100 terminales, cada uno de estos terminales levantan 3 tuneles contra el
2003 May 07
Problems building R-1.7.0 on windows XP
Hola! Everything went well until make distribution The last few lines from the make output is: Copying spatial find rw1070 -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf \{\} \; FIND: formato de par?metros incorrecto make[2]: *** [imagedir] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/R/Rsource/R- 1.7.0/src/gnuwin32/installer' make[1]: *** [rinstaller] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory
2023 Jan 30
Obligatoria a partir del 11 de Marzo 2023
M?XICO NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021 Comunicado del 30 de Enero 2023 Actualizaci?n de la NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021 Aplicaci?n Regulatoria Obligatoria a partir del 11 de Marzo 2023 Fecha del evento 27 de Febrero 2023 Online v?a Internet Capacitaci?n Indispensable para Negocios y Empresas que realicen Descarga de Aguas Residuales Este curso tiene el objetivo principal de dar a conocer la aplicaci?n,
2023 Jul 07
Actualización sobre la norma vigente 2023
EXCLUSIVA CONFERENCIA ONLINE EN VIVO Importante Actualizaci?n en la norma sobre DESCARGA AGUAS RESIDUALES los l?mites permisibles para la NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021 entran en vigor este 2023 Su participaci?n en este curso incluye: Constancia de competencias o Habilidades Laborales DC-3 Exposici?n de un prestigado consultor Material digital Diploma digital Agunas Temas a tratar son: Los m?todos de
2023 Aug 04
M?XICO NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021 Comunicado del 27 de Enero 2023 Actualizaci?n de la NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021 Aplicaci?n Regulatoria Obligatoria a partir del 11 de Marzo 2023 Fecha del evento 24 de Agosto 2023 Online v?a Internet Capacitaci?n Indispensable para Negocios y Empresas que realicen Descarga de Aguas Residuales Este curso tiene el objetivo principal de dar a conocer la aplicaci?n,
2013 Apr 17
remove higher order interaction terms
Dear all, Consider the model below: > x <- lm(mpg ~ cyl * disp * hp * drat, mtcars) > summary(x) Call: lm(formula = mpg ~ cyl * disp * hp * drat, data = mtcars) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -3.5725 -0.6603 0.0108 1.1017 2.6956 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.070e+03 3.856e+02 2.776 0.01350 * cyl
2017 Oct 20
nls() and loop
Hello I?m need fitt growth curve with data length-age. I want to evaluate which is the function that best predicts my data, to do so I compare the Akaikes of different models. I'm now need to evaluate if changing the initial values changes the parameters and which do not allow to estimate the model. To do this I use the function nls(); and I randomize the initial values (real positive number).
2017 Apr 06
[bug] in cut.POSIXt(..., breaks = <numeric>)
The exact error was reported before in *Bug 14288* <> *- **bug in cut.POSIXt(..., breaks = <numeric>) and cut.Date. *But the fix in that bug report only covered the simplest case. This is the error I met ----------------------------- x <- structure(c(1057067700, 1057215720, 1060597800, 1061470800, 1061911680, 1062048000,
2010 Sep 19
help interpreting a model summary
Hello, I am all new here. Thanks for the job done, R really helped me in my thesis lately. However, I am kind of new in statistics, coming from mecanical engineering, and I mostly teached myself with "The R Book", so I may do silly things some time. PLease tell me if you think so. Anyway, I've just build up a piecewise linear model to fit some data, including some interaction and i
2010 Dec 16
Samba printer management commands
Hi I am trying to setup remote printer management commands, so the users could add and delete printers from "Printers" share of Samba in Windows. I have this script, that is launched using an administrator account, when I add a printer from there, using a new TCP/IP port: ================================================================ #!/bin/bash {
2010 Feb 25
qmail-secretary plugin for dovecot deliver
Hi, I have been using qmail-ldap for quite some time and now moved to postfix/dovecot. One feature that I miss is that provided by qmail-secretary. qmail-secretary basically is a mail list manager with following features: 1 no limit, just explode to all members 2 members only, as the name says; only members are allowed (based on envelope sender, so not very secure, everybody can fake
2013 Sep 16
Solapamiento de funciones de densidad
Muchísimas gracias Carlos. La he probado simulando datos con solapamiento conocido y va como un tiro! Saludos Angel Sent from Samsung tabletCarlos Pérez Carmona <> wrote:Hola Ángel, Nosotros creamos recientemente una función para calcular el overlap entre distintos caracteres de especies de plantas o animales. La función (trova) puedes encontrarla aquí:
2014 Oct 10
Curso en R?
Ese libro está muy bien (yo me lo he leído de arriba abajo y es muy claro), de lo mejor que hay para introducirte en materia muy deprisa. El curso está bien de apoyo al libro, PERO no incluye nada de lo que indicas que necesitas. Es un libro sobre aprendizaje estadístico, NO sobre lo que demandas. Suerte. Isidro Hidalgo Arellano Observatorio Regional de Empleo Consejería de Empleo y Economía