Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "package relimp"
2010 Aug 26
I am trying to use Rcmdr 1.5_4 with R-2.11.1 (order to run to run the new version of misdist-0.5.3 which is built under R-2.11.1). however relimp is required for Rcmdr and the version of relimp_1.0.1 downloaded from CRAN will not work with the latest version of Rcmdr (I get error message telling me to reload it). Is there any way round this problem or will there be a new version relimp that is
2011 Sep 12
calc.relimp pmvd for US R-user
Dear All:
I am calculating the relative importance of a regressor in a linear model.
Does anyone know how I can obtain/install the 'pmvd' computation type? I am
a US user.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/calc-relimp-pmvd-for-US-R-user-tp3808752p3808752.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2012 Dec 01
Relative strength of regression predictors (relaimpo vs. relimp)
I am trying test my observed data against the null-hypothesis that
different items from a psychological questionnaire contribute equally to
the metric dependent variable that measures problems (sum score of a
questionnaire). That is, I am interested in relative strength of the
Predictor items of the questionnaire are on a scale from 0-3, and
technically ordinal, although most
2013 Jan 28
Using relaimpo or relimp with PLM and GLS
Unfortunatelly, the packages relaimpo and relimp do not seem to work with
plm function (plm package) or gls function (in nlm package). I've been
studying on how to adapt one of them for this pourpose. In that sense, I
have two questions regarding to this work:
1) have anyone hard of any workaround for those incompatibilities, or at
least of any ideas on that - especially for plm?
2007 Mar 13
Freeman-Tukey arcsine transformation
Does anyone know if there are R functions to perform the Freeman-Tukey
double arcsine transformation and then backtransform it?
Brant Inman
Mayo Clinic
2009 Aug 31
Two way joining vs heatmap
STATISTICA has a function called "Two-way joining" (see
http://www.statsoft.com/TEXTBOOK/stcluan.html#twotwo) and the
reference material states that this is based on the method as
published by Hartigan (found this paper:
http://www.jstor.org/pss/2284710 through wikipedia).
What is the relationship (if any) between the "heatmap" function in R
and this technique? Is there an
2007 Aug 23
Exact Confidence Intervals for the Ration of Two Binomial
Hello everyone,
I will like to know if there is an R package to compute exact confidence
intervals for the ratio of two binomial proportions.
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2010 Jan 21
Anova unequal variance
I found this paper on ANOVA on unequal error variance. Has this be
incorporated to any R package? Is there any textbook that discuss the
problem of ANOVA on unequal error variance in general?
2009 Dec 13
O(N log N) Kendall Tau
I've noticed that the implementation of Kendall's Tau in R is O(N^2).
The following reference describes how it can be done in O(N log N):
A Computer Method for Calculating Kendall's Tau with Ungrouped Data
William R. Knight
Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 61, No. 314, Part
1 (Jun., 1966), pp. 436-439
I'm interested in
2017 Aug 24
Are r2dtable and C_r2dtable behaving correctly?
While doing some enrichment tests using chisq.test() with simulated
p-values, I noticed some strange behaviour. The computed p-value was
extremely small, so I decided to dig a little deeper and debug
chisq.test(). I noticed then that the simulated statistics returned by the
following call
tmp <- .Call(C_chisq_sim, sr, sc, B, E)
were all the same, very small numbers. This, at first,
2006 Oct 26
Measurements of 3000 criminals
Hallo everyone,
excuse me if this is not a genuine R question but I do not know where to
ask else.
Referring to e.g.
I wonder if these measurements of 3000 criminals (raw data) are
available anywhere. At least I didn't find them in the R datasets
package or by means of Google. What I did find was a table of
frequencies of
2017 Aug 25
Are r2dtable and C_r2dtable behaving correctly?
It is not about "really arge total number of observations", but:
set.seed(4711);tabs <- r2dtable(1e6, c(2, 2), c(2, 2)); A11 <- vapply(tabs, function(x) x[1, 1], numeric(1));table(A11)
0 1 2
166483 666853 166664
There are three possible matrices, and these come out in proportions 1:4:1, the one with all cells filled with ones being
most common.
Cheers, Jari
2012 May 29
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U value: outcomes from different stat packages
Given this example
#start code
wilcox.test(a, b, paired=FALSE)
#sum of rank for first sample
sum.rank.a <-
2011 Jul 12
fixed effects Tobit, Honore style?
Hi all,
Is there any code to run fixed effects Tobit models in the style of Honore
(1992) in R?
(The original Honore article is here:
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2010 Jun 07
Source of chickwts data
I'm not sure if this is the right mailing list. My apologies if I'm
sending the question to the wrong mailing list.
(The r-packages list moderator suggested using the R-help list.)
My question is about the "chickwts" data in the datasets package.
According to help(chickwts), the source of the data is
?Anonymous (1948) Biometrika, 35, 214.
But this reference seems irrelevant.
2013 Dec 16
Power calculations for Wilcox.test
Greetings, I'm working on some analyses where I need to calculate wilcox
tests for paired samples. In my current literature search I've found a
few papers on sample size determination for the wilcox test notably:
Sample Size Determination for Some Common Nonparametric Tests
Gottfried E. Noether
Journal of the American Statistical Association
2012 May 08
Regression with very high number of categorical variables
Dear all,
I would like to run a simple regression model y~x1+x2+x3+...
The problem is that I have a lot of independent variables (xi) -- around
one hundred -- and that some of them are categorical with a lot of
categories (like, for example, ZIP code). One straightforward way would be
to (a) transform all categorical variables into 1/0 dummies and (b) enter
all the variables into an lm model.
2007 Sep 13
Number -> Fraction
Hi everybody!
I'm new to this list and also to the R program.
I'd like to know if there is a function able to convert results into
Fractional form like my scientific calculator have. For example:
> 1/3
[1] 0.3333333
> function_that_return_a_fraction_from_numbers(0.3333333)
[1] 1/3
Man, he is constantly growing
and when he is bound by a set
pattern of ideas
2012 Apr 26
Lambert (1992) simulation
I am trying to replicate Lambert (1992)'s simulation with zero-inflated
Poisson models. The citation is here:
Author = {Lambert, D.},
Journal = {Technometrics},
Pages = {1--14},
Publisher = {JSTOR},
Title = {Zero-inflated {P}oisson regression, with an application to defects
in manufacturing},
Year = {1992}}
Specifically I am trying to recreate Table 2. But my
2012 Aug 24
Pseudo R squared in gls model
Dear R users,
I'm wondering if the gls function reports pseudo R. I do not see it by
summary(). If the package does not report, can I calculate it in this way?
Adjusted pseudo R squared = 1 - [(Loglik(beta) - k ) / Loglik(null)] where
k is the number of IVs.
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