similar to: Imputations in R

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2003 Jun 12
Multiple imputation
Hi all, I'm currently working with a dataset that has quite a few missing values and after some investigation I figured that multiple imputation is probably the best solution to handle the missing data in my case. I found several references to functions in S-Plus that perform multiple imputation (NORM, CAT, MIX, PAN). Does R have corresponding functions? I searched the archives but was not
2003 Jun 16
Hmisc multiple imputation functions
Dear all; I am trying to use HMISC imputation function to perform multiple imputations on my data and I keep on getting errors for the code given in the help files. When using "aregImpute" the error is; >f <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, n.impute=100) Loading required package: acepack Iteration:1 Error in .Fortran("wclosepw", as.double(w), as.double(x),
2003 Dec 08
Design functions after Multiple Imputation
I am a new user of R for Windows, enthusiast about the many functions of the Design and Hmisc libraries. I combined the results of a Cox regression model after multiple imputation (of missing values in some covariates). Now I got my vector of coefficients (and of standard errors). My question is: How could I use directly that vector to run programs such as 'nomogram', 'calibrate',
2008 Jun 30
Is there a good package for multiple imputation of missing values in R?
I'm looking for a package that has a start-of-the-art method of imputation of missing values in a data frame with both continuous and factor columns. I've found transcan() in 'Hmisc', which appears to be possibly suited to my needs, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get a new data frame with the imputed values replaced (I don't have Herrell's book). Any
2010 Jun 30
Logistic regression with multiple imputation
Hi, I am a long time SPSS user but new to R, so please bear with me if my questions seem to be too basic for you guys. I am trying to figure out how to analyze survey data using logistic regression with multiple imputation. I have a survey data of about 200,000 cases and I am trying to predict the odds ratio of a dependent variable using 6 categorical independent variables (dummy-coded).
2002 Apr 08
Missing data and Imputation
Hi Folks, I'm currently looking at missing data/imputation methods (including multiple imputation). S-Plus has a "missing data library". What similar resources are available within R? Or does one roll one's own? Best wishes to all, Ted. -------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at>
2009 Apr 24
Multiple Imputation in mice/norm
I'm trying to use either mice or norm to perform multiple imputation to fill in some missing values in my data. The data has some missing values because of a chemical detection limit (so they are left censored). I'd like to use MI because I have several variables that are highly correlated. In SAS's proc MI, there is an option with which you can limit the imputed values that are
2002 May 14
R CMD check
I am unclear on whether to run R CMD check pgkname as user or as root on Linux. When running as user, after all the latex, html, and man files are created, I get the following error message: Rdconv(): Couldn't open '': Permission denied Has anyone dealt with that message? When I run R CMD check a second time, all latex, html, etc. are recreated which takes quite a while. Is there
2009 Apr 22
Multiple imputations : wicked dataset ? Wicked computers ? Am I cursed ? (or stupid ?)
Dear list, I'd like to use multiple imputations to try and save a somewhat badly mangled dataset (lousy data collection, worse than lousy monitoring, you know that drill... especially when I am consulted for the first time about one year *after* data collection). My dataset has 231 observations of 53 variables, of which only a very few has no missing data. Most variables have 5-10% of
2005 Nov 09
error in NORM lib
Dear alltogether, I experience very strange behavior of imputation of NA's with the NORM library. I use R 2.2.0, win32. The code is below and the same dataset was also tried with MICE and aregImpute() from HMISC _without_ any problem. The problem is as follows: (1) using the whole dataset results in very strange imputations - values far beyond the maximum of the respective column, >
2012 Jun 03
Multiple imputation, multinomial response & random effects
Dear R-group, Could somebody recommend a package that can deal with a multinomial response variable (choice of breeding tactic in mice, which has four unordered levels), multiply-imputed data (generated using the Amelia package) and two non-nested random effects: individual identity (133 individuals made up to four choices each) and year (for which there are six levels and sample size varies
2003 Jul 27
multiple imputation with fit.mult.impute in Hmisc
I have always avoided missing data by keeping my distance from the real world. But I have a student who is doing a study of real patients. We're trying to test regression models using multiple imputation. We did the following (roughly): f <- aregImpute(~ [list of 32 variables, separated by + signs], n.impute=20, defaultLinear=T, data=t1) # I read that 20 is better than the default of
2008 Nov 26
multiple imputation with fit.mult.impute in Hmisc - how to replace NA with imputed value?
I am doing multiple imputation with Hmisc, and can't figure out how to replace the NA values with the imputed values. Here's a general ourline of the process: > set.seed(23) > library("mice") > library("Hmisc") > library("Design") > d <- read.table("DailyDataRaw_01.txt",header=T) > length(d);length(d[,1]) [1] 43 [1] 2666
2012 Dec 08
imputation in mice
Hello! If I understand this listserve correctly, I can email this address to get help when I am struggling with code. If this is inaccurate, please let me know, and I will unsubscribe. I have been struggling with the same error message for a while, and I can't seem to get past it. Here is the issue: I am using a data set that uses -1:-9 to indicate various kinds of missing data. I changed
2010 Aug 10
Multiple imputation, especially in rms/Hmisc packages
Hello, I have a general question about combining imputations as well as a question specific to the rms and Hmisc packages. The situation is multiple regression on a data set where multiple imputation has been used to give M imputed data sets. I know how to get the combined estimate of the covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients (average the M covariance matrices from the individual
2003 Jul 25
Difficulty replacing NAs using Hmisc aregImpute and Impute
Hello R experts I am using Hmisc aregImpute and Impute (following example on page 105 of The Hmisc and Design Libraries). *My end goal is to have NAs physically replaced in my dataframe. I have read the help pages and example in above sited pdf file, but to no avail. Here is example of what I did. Ph, my data frame, is attached. > xt <- aregImpute (~ q5 + q22rev02 + q28a, n.impute=10,
2005 Jul 08
missing data imputation
Dear R-help, I am trying to impute missing data for the first time using R. The norm package seems to work for me, but the missing values that it returns seem odd at times -- for example it returns negative values for a variable that should only be positive. Does this matter in data analysis, and/or is there a way to limit the imputed values to be within the minimum and maximum of the actual
2003 Jul 28
aregImpute: warning message re: acepack and mace
hi, i'm trying to learn how to use aregImpute by doing the examples provided with the package, and after installing (for Windows), and running the very first example on R 1.7.1, i get an error message warning me about "mace" (see below) and acepack. i found the acepack package, but its filename ends in tar.gz and i'm finding it difficult to open (because its
2011 Aug 01
Impact of multiple imputation on correlations
Dear all, I have been attempting to use multiple imputation (MI) to handle missing data in my study. I use the mice package in R for this. The deeper I get into this process, the more I realize I first need to understand some basic concepts which I hope you can help me with. For example, let us consider two arbitrary variables in my study that have the following missingness pattern: Variable 1
2013 Feb 14
Plotting survival curves after multiple imputation
I am working with some survival data with missing values. I am using the mice package to do multiple imputation. I have found code in this thread which handles pooling of the MI results: Now I would like to plot a survival curve using the pooled results. Here is a reproducible example: require(survival) require(mice) set.seed(2) dt