similar to: Rgui 1.5.1 crashes constantly with the following script

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Rgui 1.5.1 crashes constantly with the following script"

2024 May 23
No RID Set found for this server. Can't self-allocate
The Samba ports are not filtered. The firewall is between STG-DC and SAMBADC (both of them sync correctly). The sync problems happen in VIG-DC3, which is behind the same firewall of STG-DC. Here's nmap output (SAMBADC is root at vig-dc3:~# nmap -Pn Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2024-05-23 08:22 UTC Nmap scan report for SAMBADC.ugt.ldap (
2014 Apr 05
Package vignettes share the same environment?
In a package 'vig' R CMD build vig (or tools::buildVignettes(dir="vig") with $ cat vig/vignettes/vig1.Rnw \documentclass{article} \begin{document} <<>>= x <- 1 @ \end{document} $ cat vig/vignettes/vig2.Rnw \documentclass{article} \begin{document} <<>>= x @ \end{document} produces vig2.pdf where x is defined with value 1 -- the vignettes share a build
2017 Jan 19
read.table con .csv separado por "|"
Tenía la versión data.table 1.9.6.- Actualicé a la data.table 1.10.0 y funcionó tal cual lo indicás. Muchas gracias. ?Para eliminar las " adicionales estoy usando: library(stringr) library(plyr) datos$d_nomenclador <- str_replace(datos$d_nomenclador, pattern='\\","', replacement="") datos$nomenclador_descripcion<- str_replace(datos$nomenclador_descripcion,
2014 Aug 25
vignette index going AWOL
I?m preparing a package (fastR) for submission to CRAN, but the vignette index keeps going AWOL, or at least R CMD check ?as-cran thinks so. I?ve tried several things and gave myself the weekend to think of other things, but I can?t figure it out. Perhaps someone on the list can lend a hand. Here?s one example situation, where I build the index.html file myself and put it in inst/doc/index.html
2003 Jun 02
Exim as default MTA?
Yes, I've been reading /. :) But this isn't the first time this has occured to me. With all the security vulnerbilties, would it be unreasonable to either change the default MTA from sendmail to Exim/Qmail/Postfix, or give people the option of installing something instead of Sendmail at install time? -- Avleen Vig "Say no to cheese-eating surrender-monkeys"
2004 Oct 29
R-exts.texi: suggestion for small change to Vignette section (PR#7323)
I recently wrote a vignette, with the following at the top of the .Rnw file: %%\VignetteIndexEntry{How to use look up tables for h() functions} %%\VignetteDepends{sjedmin, spatstat} Using vExplorer() on this function, I got an error from this part of getVigInfo(): lines <- grep("^%[[:space:]]*\\\\Vignette", file) if (length(lines) == 0) stop("File ", vig,
2003 May 30
IPFW logging brokeness?
I don't think I'm trying to do anything amazing, but IPFW's logging features are giving me a real headache. I can't find much in the archives either, but I find it hard to believe others havne't found this too. My rule: add 100 allow log tcp from any to <my IP> <ports> limit src-addr 2 I want connecting parties to be able to form no more than 2 connection. This
2010 Apr 15
Votaciones concurso logotipo
Hola a todos, Como os comenté hoy se terminaba el plazo para presentar una propuesta para el logotipo del grupo de usuarios de R. Ha habido personas que han presentado varias variantes de un mismo logotipo, por lo que lo hemos organizado por series, donde cada letra representa una variante del mismo logotipo. Para votar tenéis que escoger las tres series que más os gustan. Es importante que
2013 May 03
untar() error
Dear List, I have a list of 600+ *.gz files that I would like to extract and read the geotiffs contained within them. I tried using the untar() function to simplify this task but I am stumped by an error. I've combed the Internet for a solution without luck. The details are below, and any help in solving this matter is appreciated. > files = list.files(path = "J:/GIMMS/NDVI",
2017 Jan 19
read.table con .csv separado por "|"
No le gustó: Error in fread("datos.csv", sep = "|", header = TRUE, quote = "") : unused argument (quote = "") El 18 de enero de 2017, 20:35, Carlos Ortega <cof en> escribió: > Hola, > > Prueba con esto: > > fread("datos.csv", sep = "|", header = TRUE, quote="") > > Con el
2016 Sep 16
AD samba4 in ubuntu 16.04 from repo
Hi all: I need to install an AD samba4 in ubuntu 16.04 from the repo. Then, Is this possible? If so, Could you help me with a guide, suggestions, etc.? Thanks! Felipe. The University of Informatics Sciences invites you to participate in the Scientific Conference UCIENCIA 2016, [extended] deadline: september 30th. Conferencia Científica UCIENCIA 2016, plazo de envío de trabajos hasta el 30 de
2016 Oct 04
especify a DN by using ldbsearch
Hi @ll: I need to get the objectClass of some objects by giving theirs DistinguishedNames. I've try with this: #ldbsearch -H dn='CN=nameTest,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com' But: # returned 3 records # 0 entries # 3 referrals Any idea? How Can I to specify a DN in ldbsearch command. Thanks. ___________________________________________ Felipe_ González_Santiago The
2024 Jun 12
Congreso R Sevilla 2024: envío de comunicaciones hasta el próximo sábado 15 de junio
Buenos días Este sábado (15 de junio) se cierra el plazo para enviar comunicaciones para el próximo congreso de R en Sevilla (noviembre de 2024). Gran oportunidad para presentar nuestro trabajo y aprender, con charlas y talleres sobre datos, estadística, programación, docencia, tidymodels, rspatial... Animamos a todos a asistir y presentar su trabajo Toda la información del congreso está
2016 Sep 12
installing samba from ubuntu 16.04 repository as DC
!!! Regards Is it possible to install samba4 from ubuntu 16.04 repository as a domain controller? I tried, but I'm having trouble with the sysvol folder ACLs. I can authenticate with smbclient however when I try to access from windows with the same user, I get permission denied # smbclient //localhost/sysvol -UAdministrator -c 'ls' Enter Administrator's password:
2024 Jun 12
Congreso R Sevilla 2024: envío de comunicaciones hasta el próximo sábado 15 de junio
Hola buenas tardes, En mi caso solicit? para dar un taller, supongo que todo est? en orden. Un saludo y gracias ________________________________ De: R-help-es <r-help-es-bounces en> en nombre de Francisco Rodriguez Sanchez <f.rodriguez.sanc en> Enviado: mi?rcoles, 12 de junio de 2024 12:04 Para: r-help-es en <r-help-es en>
2009 Apr 27
Otros grupos donde se use R: ¿podemos contactar con ellos?
Hola, ¿qué tal? Voy a ejercer de portavoz oficioso del "petit comité" que inició esta lista de correo y pedir un favor a los actuales miembros de la lista. Como más de uno ya sabe, crearla, aparte del interés "per se", tenía un objetivo adicional y de mayor alcance: reunir a la comunidad hispanohablante de usuarios de R y, en particular, a la española para intercambiar
2024 May 02
Group Membership Retrieval not using kerberos authentication
Hello, I have an Active Directory domain to which a Linux machine with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is joined using Winbind. The version of Winbind is 4.15.13. On this machine, users authenticate via SSH using PAM (pam_winbind), and I need to know their group membership. NSS is configured for this purpose. When users authenticate via username and password, there's no issue retrieving the list of groups
2024 May 02
Group Membership Retrieval not using kerberos authentication
Op 02-05-2024 om 10:39 schreef Oscar Alonso | MailTecK via samba: > Hello, > > I have an Active Directory domain to which a Linux machine with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is joined using Winbind. The version of Winbind is 4.15.13. > On this machine, users authenticate via SSH using PAM (pam_winbind), and I need to know their group membership. > NSS is configured for this purpose. > When
2006 Mar 31
__Very__ Low Bandwidth
I am using the script below to simulate a very low bandwidth connection. I found that I could turn the bandwidth knob down to about 4kbit, but below that I didn''t get any traffic through. I''ve had a look at this generally, but couldn''t find an answer. It doesn''t even seem like the first reply packet gets through. I have tried it with much bigger buffers,
2010 Jul 02
Per-user quotas aren't working
Hello I tried to get per-user quotas working. The global quota is working well, but I can't get the one work on my test user: dovecot -n # 1.1.20: /etc/dovecot.conf # OS: Linux 2.6.18-164.el5 i686 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga) log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log info_log_path: /var/log/ protocols: pop3 login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login login_executable: