similar to: Scrollable Listbox?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Scrollable Listbox?"

2002 Sep 28
Getting .Python to Work Under Windows
Hi all, I'm trying to call a function in a Python module (v2.2) from within R (Windows, v1.5.0) but am not having any luck. I've installed and the following lines of code cause R to crash: # R code library(RSPython) out <- .Python("samp1", .module="Sample") # Python file: def samp1() : return 1 Obviously this is not the actual Python
2008 Nov 03
possible tcltk event loop problem
Dear list members, Rich Heiberger reported to me last week that the Messages window in the Rcmdr GUI was freezing -- that is, messages posted to this window didn't appear -- under Windows and R 2.8.0. I was able to confirm this problem on three Windows systems, one using Vista and the other two XP. In each case, I used R 2.8.0 and Rcmdr 1.4-4 (the current version). The problem doesn't
2010 Jul 21
tcltk resizing when using tkgrid for layout
I've been able to figure out on my own how to do what I need in the largely undocumented tcltk package, but I've finally hit a wall. I can't even think of any sufficiently specific search terms to use for this. I'm trying to make the widgets in my tk window resize when the window is resized by clicking and dragging on its corners or edges. Instead they stay exactly where they
2008 Oct 30
using yscrollcommand in tkcanvas crashes R (PR#13231)
Full_Name: Sundar Dorai-Raj Version: 2.8.0 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( The following code crashes R: library(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() tc <- tkcanvas(tt, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(ts, ...)) > sessionInfo() R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
2001 Feb 14
help with tcltk
Hallo! Can anyone explain to me how to add a vert. scrollbar to a listbox using tcltk please? Thanks -- Frank Gerrit Zoellner -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject
2007 Feb 14
monitor a simulation with a special console box?
I like to monitor simulation by reporting some current values to the console, every 25th iteration say. I think it might be nice to have that appear in a separate window. Anyone know how? regards, David Farrar New River Analytic [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Nov 18
library() help for Windows
Dear R users, I have just upgraded R v1.5.0 to v1.6.1 for Windows but have trouble loading my library of R only functions (no C calls). After examining the "library" script this difference was found: (v1.5.0) which.lib.loc <- dirname(pkgpath) descfile <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = package, lib.loc = which.lib.loc) if
2009 Oct 12
tktext-window smaller than text
Hi there, I need to build up a tktext-widget that contains a longer text than the tktext-widget actually is. So what I mean is, that the tktext window is of width=100 and the text in it has a length greater 100. But I don't want the window to just wrap the line, but to belong to scrollbar that is able to scroll to the end of the text. tt <- tktoplevel() txt <- tktext(tt,
2003 Oct 16
AGI problem (crash)
Hi Every time I hangup on my AGI script Asterisk crashes if it is not running in console mode. (happens when using python and perl AGI scripts) I'm desparatly trying to get my employer to let me use Asterisk. So I must get this to work. I've posted about this before, I'm sorry, but I'm desperate. I'm running RedHat 9.0 (kernel 2.4.20-8 everything else updated) I'm
2002 Mar 14
gif, jpeg and png image files reader AND tcltk image
Hi all, Roger Peng and Jason Turner's suggestion with ImageMagick seem to be the simplest "dirty" way to get the problem solved. But I ran into yet another interesting but quite round-about way to solve the problem (partially). Through tcltk package, one can read in the gif image with > x <- tkcmd("image", "create", "photo", file=mypic.gif)
2002 Jun 09
GUI Command Equivalent for setwd()
Hi everyone, Can anyone tell me if there's a command prompt on R1.5.0 Windows that will bring up the GUI dialog box that performs the same function as setwd() only interactively? I've hunted around, but can't seem to find anything. Something like file.choose(). Best wishes, Jess _____________________________________ Jess Mar Department of Mathematics University of Queensland QLD
2003 Jul 30
Tktable White column when WIDTH>13
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 TSudler at wrote: <SNIP> table1 <- tkwidget(tt,"table",variable="tclArray", rows=as.character(dim(datifram)[1]+1), cols=as.character(dim(datifram)[2]),titlerows="1", titlecols="3",selectmode="extended",height="27",
2011 Oct 27
Syntax Check: rshape2 melt()
This is my first excursion into using reshape2 and I want to ensure that the melt() function call is syntactically correct. The unmodifed data frame is organized this way: head(tds.anal) site sampdate param quant 1 UDS-O 2006-12-06 TDS 10800 4 STC-FS 1996-06-14 Cond 280 7 UDS-O 2007-10-04 Mg 1620 9 UDS-O 2007-10-04 SO4 7580 19 JCM-10B 2007-06-21 Ca 79 20
2007 Oct 09
misbehaviour of some tk windows, R 2.6.0 on SUSE 10.1?
I don't know whether this is specific to (my installation of) SUSE 10.1, or is more general. With R 2.6.0, I am finding that some widgets made through the tcltk package are having problems which become evident through scrollbar activity. An example is demo(tkfaq) -- see below. To reproduce the problem, I do the following: after the tk window appears, hold down the
2006 May 01
RE: Leak in the Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div ?
Hi Ed The reason it adds a new onblur is because when you click the scrollbar the event is gone. I dont know why and how to prevent it, but without adding it back the onblur does not get triggered and the layer does not hide when you click somewhere else on the page. If anyone finds a better solution, please provide a patch. I still have not been able to make the blur work on Safari, so Thomas
2006 Sep 01
Scrollable autocomplete div in IE -- works in 1.6.2?
Hello all, I noticed that 1.6.2 supports scrollable divs, and the comments in trac on the patch seem to indicate that this should work in IE. I''ve still running into the problem though -- clicking on the scrollbar in IE is treated as a click outside the autocomplete div. Has anyone had any success with this? jon
2006 May 01
RE: Leak in the Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div ?
Tommy, Every time the Autocomplete results is blur()'d, it adds another onblur event observer (because of "Event.observe(this.update, "blur", this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this),true); // make sure blur is still around on") which leads to a performance problem / memory leak. (Commenting it out seems to fix this problem.) I was wondering why it was there? Thanks again,
2007 Sep 02
Scriptaculous - Sortables problem within a scrollable div
Hello everyone: I''ve been using scriptaculous for very long time and it''s really good. However, I just came across another problem about using sortables in a scrollable div. The basic structure is: <div style="overflow:auto; height=400px"> <div id=''Item1''></div> <div id=''Item2''></div> ....
2006 Apr 20
The Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div
Hi everyone If you''ve seen this ticket,, you''ve noticed I have tried to make scrollable autocompleter work. The scrollIntoView works great, however the iframefix for IE didnt work in the previous change. This is fixed now. Also the "blur-on-scrollbar-click" should not work in both IE and Safari (can someone confirm this?) It all
2007 Nov 11
Scrollable selectbox for auto complete
Hi everyone, I have used used scriptalicious for the autocomplete. It works but with one problem. When scrolling down the list, the values not visible are not scrolled into focus. eg I use the keyboard down or up key. Here is my CSS <style type="text/css"> div.auto_complete { height: 100px; width: 350px; background: