similar to: intersecting polygons and conversion from decimal degree to km

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "intersecting polygons and conversion from decimal degree to km"

2006 Nov 06
question about function "gls" in library "nlme"
Hi: The gls function I used in my code is the following fm<-gls(y~x,correlation=corARMA(p=2) ) My question is how to extact the AR(2) parameters from "fm". The object "fm" is the following. How can I extract the correlation parameters Phi1 and Phi2 from "fm"? These two parametrs is not in the "coef" componenet of "fm". Thanks a
2011 Jul 29
HIRHAM netcdf files
Can someone help me out with a "small" problem? I've started using netcdf files recently, and I want to extract the grid id and also the coordinates from a HIRHAM netcdf file. I know how to extract a slice of dataset both in space and in time and I also know the area that this file should cover, however I have no idea regarding the reference for both LAT/LON and RLAT/RLON. I tried
2002 Mar 10
lattice library: xyplot and polygons
Dear R-Helpers, Is there a way to draw shaded (filled) polygons in panel graphs produced by xyplot ? I made different trials (see below) with polygon() and grid.polygon() but polygons are not drawn (probably for the same reason that prevents the use of lines, points, etc. in xyplot panels). Thanks in advance, Renaud > Water id label longitude latitude 515 21 Zone inondable
2003 May 29
surfaces and digital terrain model
Dear all, I have computed a digital terrain model from a set of points (x, y, z) using the function interp() in package akima. I want to predict flooded surfaces given target values of z. I can display the flooded surfaces with contour() or image(), but I don't know how to get the polygons delimiting the surfaces. Did anyone write a function for this purpose ? Best regards, Renaud --
2011 Jul 02
Simulating inhomogeneous Poisson process without loop
Dear all I want to simulate a stochastic jump variance process where N is Bernoulli with intensity lambda0 + lambda1*Vt. lambda0 is constant and lambda1 can be interpreted as a regression coefficient on the current variance level Vt. J is a scaling factor How can I rewrite this avoiding the loop structure which is very time-consuming for long simulations? for (i in 1:N){ ... N <- rbinom(n=1,
2006 Jul 07
parametric proportional hazard regression
Dear all, I am trying to find a suitable R-function for parametric proportional hazard regressions. The package survival contains the coxph() function which performs a Cox regression which leaves the base hazard unspecified, i.e. it is a semi-parametric method. The package Design contains the function pphsm() which is good for parametric proportional hazard regressions when the underlying base
2006 Jul 20
Loss of numerical precision from conversion to list ?
I?m working on an R-implementation of the simulation-based finite-sample null-distribution of (R)LR-Test in Mixed Models (i.e. testing for Var(RandomEffect)=0) derived by C. M. Crainiceanu and D. Ruppert. I'm in the beginning stages of this project and while comparing quick and dirty grid-search-methods and more exact optim()/optimize()-based methods to find the maximum of a part of the
2010 Jul 23
Midpoint between coordinates
Dear R users, I need to find the coordinates for the point (midpoint) located half way between two pairs of coordinates (lon1,lat1 and lon2,lat2) assuming a straight line between them. What would be the best way? I tried to find an answer in the help archives but without success. I would greatly appreciate any help. df<- data.frame(lon1=c(-4.568,-4.3980), lat1=c(59.235,56.369),
2011 Feb 06
anova() interpretation and error message
Hi there, I have a data frame as listed below: > Ca.P.Biomass.A P Biomass 1 334.5567 0.2870000 2 737.5400 0.5713333 3 894.5300 0.6393333 4 782.3800 0.5836667 5 857.5900 0.6003333 6 829.2700 0.5883333 I have fit the data using logistic, Michaelis?Menten, and linear model, they all give significance. > fm1 <- nls(Biomass~SSlogis(P, phi1, phi2, phi3), data=Ca.P.Biomass.A)
2003 Aug 14
gnls - Step halving....
Hi all, I'm working with a dataset from 10 treatments, each treatment with 30 subjects, each subject measured 5 times. The plot of the dataset suggests that a 3-parameter logistic could be a reasonable function to describe the data. When I try to fit the model using gnls I got the message 'Step halving factor reduced below minimum in NLS step'. I´m using as the initial values of the
2005 Sep 06
R: optim
hi all i dont understand the error message that is produced by the optim function. can anybody help??? ie: [[1]]$message [1] "CONVERGENCE: REL_REDUCTION_OF_F <= FACTR*EPSMCH" can anyone help? ########################################################################### SK.FIT(XDATA=a,XDATAname="a",PHI1=1,v=5,vlo=2,vhi=300,phi2lo=.01) [[1]] [[1]]$par [1] -0.01377906
2012 Jul 18
[LLVMdev] Phi translation
I just accidently sent a partially complete email, so this contains the rest (sorry!) I'm working on translating llvm's optimized intermediate code to another compiler's intermediate code, and I'm working on the PHI instruction. Here's an example phi instruction to help explain what I'm trying to do: %inc25 = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %inc, %for.body ] What I would want to
2005 Nov 03
nlme questions
Dear R users; Ive got two questions concerning nlme library 3.1-65 (running on R 2.2.0 / Win XP Pro). The first one is related to augPred function. Ive been working with a nonlinear mixed model with no problems so far. However, when the parameters of the model are specified in terms of some other covariates, say treatment (i.e. phi1~trt1+trt2, etc) the augPred function give me the following
2012 Jul 18
[LLVMdev] (no subject)
I'm working on translating llvm's optimized intermediate code to another compiler's intermediate code, and I'm working on the PHI instruction. Here's an example phi instruction to help explain what I'm trying to do: %inc25 = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %inc, %for.body ] What I would want to do here is allocate some memory memory (i'm trying to use %phi1 = alloca i32,
2017 Aug 26
DC Upgrade from 4.1.7 to 4.6.7
> -----Message d'origine----- > De : Andrew Bartlett [mailto:abartlet at] > Envoyé : samedi 26 août 2017 12:40 > À : HB; samba at > Objet : Re: [Samba] DC Upgrade from 4.1.7 to 4.6.7 > > On Sat, 2017-08-26 at 12:32 +0400, HB via samba wrote: > > > > > Here is the output of samba-tool dbcheck : > > # samba-tool dbcheck >
2013 Jul 12
simplify a dataframe
Hello I have the following problem : group the lines of a dataframe when no information change (Matricule, Nom, Sexe, DateNaissance, Contrat, Pays) and when the value of Debut of lines i = value Fin of lines i-1 I can obtain it with a do loop. Is it possible to avoid the loop ? The dataframe initial is df1 dput(df1) structure(list(Matricule = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 8L, 8L, 8L,
2007 Aug 23
degrees of freedom question
R2.3, WinXP Dear all, I am using the following functions: f1 = Phi1+(Phi2-Phi1)/(1+exp((log(Phi3)-log(x))/exp(log(Phi4))) f2 = Phi1+(Phi2-Phi1)/(1+exp((log(Phi3)-log(r)-log(x))/exp(log(Phi4))) subject to the residual weighting Var(e[i]) = sigma^2 * abs( E(y) )^(2*Delta) Here is my question, in steps: 1. Function f1 is separately fitted to two different datasets corresponding to
2002 Oct 02
help to make a map on R
Hi all, I need a little help for construct an state's map on R. The first problem is to get the data. I have a datafile of longitude and latitude in the follow format: trajectory latitude longtude T -22.045618 -51.287056 T -22.067078 -51.265888 T -22.067039 -51.207249 T -22.059690 -48.089695 T -22.075529 -48.074608 T -22.072460 -48.044472 T -22.062767 -48.298473 T -22.077349
2002 Jan 01
confidence ellipsoid for model parameters
Dear all, Has anyone written functions to compute (and ideally project / plot onto a plane) confidence ellipsoids for q linear model parameters, q > 2 ? Greetings and best wishes, Renaud -- Dr Renaud Lancelot, v?t?rinaire CIRAD, D?partement Elevage et M?decine V?t?rinaire (CIRAD-Emvt) Programme Productions Animales ISRA-LNERV
2002 May 07
problem with package binaries
> version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status major 1 minor 5.0 year 2002 month 04 day 29 language R OS Win98 I have problems to install some of the packages dowloaded from CRAN (whatever the