Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Surface Graphic"
2010 Apr 20
3D surface plot with wireframe or persp?
Hello Dear,
I have a function, like z=f(x,y), and try a surface plot with this function.
But, on the reference of "wireframe" requires data option, so I generated x
and y, and computed z with them. But, still I have a problem to draw a
surface plot. The code and errors are
# generating for
2006 May 08
persp or wireframe 3D plot: how can I independently adjust linewidth of the 'surface' and framebox?
It is a trivial matter to adjust the linewidth of the axes and plot
line in a 2D plot:
x <- 1:10;
y <- 1:10;
par(lwd=2); # axis (and others) linewidth
plot(x,y,"l",lwd=6); # plot linewidth
Is there anything comparable to this for persp or wireframe? I've
tried a number of ways, and the framebox/axes seem to be linked to
the linewidth used in generating the
2008 Nov 13
Surface plotting
I would like to plot a matrix which comprises 3 columns.
So first column should be the x-axis.
Second the y-axis and the third one should be the z-axis.
I know that I can plot such data using the scatterplot3d, but I would like
have a surface plot like you can do with wireframe and persp. But both,
persp and wireframe,
want to have x and y as descending data, at least persp. I am not sure
2008 Jul 03
Plotting Prediction Surface with persp()
Hi all
I have a question about correct usage of persp(). I have a simple neural
net-based XOR example, as follows:
xor.data <- data.frame(cbind(expand.grid(c(0,1),c(0,1)), c(0,1,1,0)))
names(xor.data) <- c("x","y","o")
xor.nn <- nnet(o ~ x + y, data=xor.data, linout=FALSE, size=1)
# Create an (x.y) surface and predict over all points
d <-
2006 Jun 03
Help on plotting a 3 dimensional surface
Im working on my master thesis, I need to get a plot currents distributed
over a surface.
I have the data listed in a dataframe with the x coordinates, y coordinates
and the value.
Im using the persp function but I’ve not found out how to put the data into
the z1 variable
es <-read.table("RDatalog_pass_dev_1_wafers_1_8V.txt",header=T,sep="\t")
x1 <-
2011 Mar 29
Dirichlet surface
Dear list members,
I want to draw surfaces of Dirichlet distributions with different
parameter settings.
My code is the following:
#<begin code>
a1 <- a2 <- a3 <- 2
#a2 <- .5
#a3 <- .5
x1 <- x2 <- seq(0.01, .99, by=.01)
f <- function(x1, x2){
term1 <- gamma(a1+a2+a3)/(gamma(a1)*gamma(a2)*gamma(a3))
term2 <- x1^(a1-1)*x2^(a2-1)*(1-x1-x2)^(a3-1)
2006 Mar 11
Draw level lines on the surface of a bivariate function
Is it possible to draw level lines on the surface of a bivariate function?
In the following example, to draw surface and levels lines for a
multivariate normal law,
I use persp, trans3d, contourLines and lines,
but if the lines are correctly drawn, some parts of them are, of
course, visible
even if they are drawn on a non visible "face".
Any suggestion to avoid this problem
2003 Jul 13
Coloured 3d surface
I created a 3d surface (persp) with some points overlaid on it, which is
fine. Now I have a second set of z-values(x,y-values same as the first
surface), which I would like to make visible on the same graph, however,
not as a surface, but rather as coloured contour on the first surface,
so that the resulting graph will consist of the original surface having
the colour of the second
2002 Oct 21
3-D scatter plot laid over Surface plot
I have created a Fitness surface (persp()), with data that was created
by a tp spline procedure. Now I would like to superimpose a set (XYZ) of
existing points (from two different treatments) onto this surface.
I didn't come across any function or command that is able to do this in R.
Could somebody please help me in finding a solution to this problem
Thank you
2011 Aug 17
3D surface plot
I have what is probably a noob question, but....
I am trying to create a 3d plot to illustrate the range of values for the following simple function:
A = B*(C/D)
B, C, and D are independent variables whose range are equal (e.g. 1 to 3 inclusive)
I figure it's not possible to map the surface of A on the 3d space defined by B, C and D but I would like to create a surface defined by the
2006 Aug 09
Improvement: SiteMapper - working ideas as a possible RoR''s routing replacement
I''ve done potencial replacement for RoR''s routing mechanism.
It just works as an independent class so you can try bundled examples
withou installing anything else. I didn''t integrated it into Rails (as
a plugin?) because I don''t know if anyone would appreciate it etc.
SiteMapper features:
1. uses regexp mask to get variables from
2009 Aug 30
Computer Modern Fonts in R graphic
Hello all,
I am trying to use computer modern fonts in my r grahics. I tried to do,
as described here: http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/R/CM/CMR.html
but unfortunately, it does not work.
First of all I downloaded the cm-lgc package and the AFM and PFB-files
from the page and put them in my R working directory, so far, so good.
Then I tried to run the following code:
> sn <-
2009 Aug 13
How to plot 3-D surface graph from lmer mixed models?
Dear R users,
I have a problem in plotting 3 dimensional graph using mixed models.
My model is
sur_prop ~
This is a study on the effect of
2010 Oct 18
boxplot ranked x labels
Dear R users,
x-values (EI) = Adw, EG1, LA1, Ad1, LA2, LA3...(14 levels, insect
y-valus = antpop
within the boxplot function x-values are ordered alphabetically
Idea: x-values ranked by list order (insect stage: Egg stage 1 is
followed by Larvae 1 and not by Egg stage 2 as it would be in an
alphabetically order)
Problems with the order(tapply()) function: variable lengths
2005 Sep 21
size of subplots with par() / layout()
If I do this:
or indeed
persp . . . .
then the mesh plots look too small to me. How do I make them larger?
Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
2004 Oct 26
persp(), scatterplot3d(), "..." argument
Hello list.
I very often need 3d scatterplots, and use scatterplot3D quite a lot.
I am trying to modify persp() to plot scatterplots, and make use of
the theta and phi arguments that persp() offers. I am having some
difficulty passing the correct arguments to persp().
Here is my function so far. Much of it is copied from the persp() manpage.
points3d <- function(x,y,z,
2004 Oct 26
persp(), scatterplot3d(), "..." argument
Hello list.
I very often need 3d scatterplots, and use scatterplot3D quite a lot.
I am trying to modify persp() to plot scatterplots, and make use of
the theta and phi arguments that persp() offers. I am having some
difficulty passing the correct arguments to persp().
Here is my function so far. Much of it is copied from the persp() manpage.
points3d <- function(x,y,z,
2011 Nov 19
persp() problem
Hi, and thanks in advance for any assistance,
I'm new to R and to this mailing list, and am having trouble with the *
persp()* function. I've got a matrix (z) of values for various combinations
of x and y, each of which is a set of (0, 5, 10, 15, 20). But when I try *
persp(x,y,z)*, I get an "*invalid z argument*" error, and when I try simply
*persp(z)*, R returns an
2009 Feb 11
problem with 'which' and strings
I have written a function that goes through a database and calculates various
metric scores and allocates them to a data set. For 400 of the 500 sites
that I calculate these metrics for works fine and allocates the scores into
the appropriate column. For some reason, some sites I run into the below
Here is what I am doing:
> names(orig.metric)
[1] "BenInsect"
2010 Feb 07
contour & persp
I have this data set that both x & y are ordered vectors of length 600 & 700 respectively; z is a 600 by 700 matrix whose entry z[i,j] is either a missing value (indicated by 'NaN') or a real number between 0 and 1. The contour function
gives me a blank picture. I guess the reason is that most of z-entries are missing, only less than 1% are non missing.