similar to: Re What am I doing wrong with xyplot?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Re What am I doing wrong with xyplot?"

2002 Apr 30
What am I doing wrong with xyplot?
G'day I was playing around with R trying out some of the plotting functions when I came across what may be a bug in xyplot or (more likely) me doing something wrong. try this: x<-1:10 y<-sin(x) #yes I know it's an under sampled function xyplot(y~x) lines(x,y) #at this point the lines do not lay on the xypoints spline(x,y) points(x,y) # in my installation the points(x,y)
2006 Jun 09
interaction terms in regression analysis
G'day, My problem is I'm not sure how to extract effect sizes from a nonlinear regression model with a significant interaction term. My data sets are multiple measurements of force response to an agonist with two superimposed treatments each having two levels. This is very similar to the Ludbrook example in Venables and Ripley. The experiment is that a muscle is exposed to an agonist
2011 Feb 21
wrong lines in auto.key xyplot
Hi all, I'm having a problem with the auto.key function in xyplot. I changed the symbols an lines styles using these commands trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol=list(pch=c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,15,16))) trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol=list(col=c(rep("black",11)))) trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol=list(cex=c(rep(0.6,11))))
2008 Jul 21
xyplot: distance between axis and axis-label gets wrong
Hi! I just started reading the wonderful Lattice book and I finally found a quite elegant solution for nicer log-ticks. However, there are some problems with the spacing between the axis label and the axis tick marks. It seems that lattice estimates the space wich gets used by the labels before it calls the yscale.components function. However, this function can change what is supposed to be
2008 Jun 16
Error bars within xyplot, panel = function(x,y, ....)
All, I'm trying to adapt some code provided by Deepayan Sarkar from a previous thread ( on this topic. ## This code produces a graph w/o error bars: xyplot(Y ~ Hr, data, groups=DRUG, panel=function(x,y,...){ panel.xyplot(x,y,..., type=c("g", "l") ) panel.points(x,y,..., pch=16,
2006 Jun 06
error bars in lattice xyplot *with groups*
Hi all, I'm trying to plot error bars in a lattice plot generated with xyplot. Deepayan Sarkar has provided a very useful solution for simple circumstances (, yet I am having trouble getting it to work when the "groups" setting is enabled in xyplot (i.e. multiple lines). To illustrate this, consider the singer data
2008 Jun 26
Connecting lines across missing data points, xyplot
All, I have data across 5 time points that I am graphing via xyplot, along with error bars. For one of the variables I have missing data for two of the time points. The code below is okay but I can't seem to get the lines to connect across the missing time points. Does anyone now how to rectify this? Cheers, David Afshartous library(lattice) ## the data junk = data.frame( Visit =
2012 May 29
use xyplot to plot mean and CI by groups
Dear R users, I am trying to use xyplot to draw group mean and CI. The following is the sample code. But I want: 1. Use different colors and symbols to draw individual points, CI and the lines connect group means from different time points; 2. Add jitters to x axis to allow CIs not be overlapped Could anyone modify the attached code to achieve this? Thanks library(lattice)
2004 Oct 07
"R CMD check" with R 2.0.0
G'day all, I am not sure whether I should file this as a bug report, but I thought that I should make the developers of R aware of the following feature: I have just installed R 2.0.0 and when I run "R CMD check" on the source of some packages, I noticed that the file contains one page with two graphics overlaid. This seems to happen when the first graphic is
2006 Oct 13
Adding per-panel text to panel strips in lattice xyplot
I would like to add auxiliary information to the bottom of two strips on each panel that comes from a table look-up using the values of two variables that define the panel. For example I might panel on sex and race, showing 3 randomly chosen time series in each panel and want to add (n=100) in the bottom strip to indicate the 3 curves were sampled from 100. Is there a not-too-hard way to do
2010 Jan 10
How to control spaces between axis, tick and label in xyplot or xYplot?
Dear R users, I encounter a problem regarding space control in xyplot. Basically, I want to control spaces between label, tick and axis. I remember there is a function called mgp in general plot. Is there a similar function for xyplot or xYplot? Below is my basic code: myplotkid<-xyplot(expected_offspringnumber~afr|decade,groups=SES,data1,
2004 Jul 16
highlighting subset of point with xyplot (or Hmisc(xYplot))
Hello all, I am trying to use xyplot to give a six panel plot and to highlight only points (in any panel) that meet a certain criterion. With the plot command I would do something like: plot.default(filein$Site,filein$circ.conc) points(filein$Site,filein$circ.conc,type="p", pch=ifelse(filein$p.value<5e-02,19,21)) I had thought I could just stick in the pch line from above into
2002 Apr 17
No output from (lattice) xyplot called within loops
Hello >From the following script I received a grafic output when I called: - xyplot.test( 'green3' ) - call.xyplot.test( 'blue3' ) I did NOT receive a grafic output when I called: - loop.xyplot.test( 'red3' ) What's the Problem? NB: I am using R 1.4.1 on Linux. --------- START OF SCRIPT ---------------- n <- 1000 x <- seq( 1, n ) y <- rnorm( n )
2004 Mar 26
xyplot inside a for loop problem
Hello everyone Could someone please explain me why are xyplot() calls inside a for loop unsuccessful? Calling plot() is OK but xyplot() just opens the graphics window and that is all. No error, no warning :-( The same xyplot() outside for loop works fine. --------------------------------------------------------- library(lattice) # OK: plot(1,2,type='p',main='standalone plot') #
2008 Aug 07
panel.arrows problem in custom panel function
Dear List, I am writing a custom panel function and xyplot method to plot the results of a procrustes analysis from the vegan package. I am having trouble getting the call to panel.arrows to work as I wish when conditioning. The attached file contains the function definitions for the xyplot method and the custom panel and prepanel functions I am using. This example, using data and functions from
2006 Jun 08
panel.abline and xyplot
Dear All, I am wondering on how to use the abline.xyplot with xyplot such that I will have different vertical lines for each panel. More sepcifically, suppose that the xyplot generates 4 panels defined by the combination of two binary variables: X_1 and X_2. i.e. xyplot(Y ~ Z | X_1*X_2, data = df) I want something like: abline(v = 5) if X_1=0 and X_2 = 0 abline(v =
2007 Apr 21
possible bug in xYplot and
I'm using R (2.4.1) and Hmisc (3.3-1), and I'd like to plot confidence intervals using xYplot and (or from Hmisc. You can do that using the summarize() to produce a new data.frame and then plot with xYplot, or by specifying in the xYplot. Both produce very similar graphs in all trivial examples I've tried, but not in the attached
2006 Oct 03
postcript file / xyplot function [Broadcast]
This is FAQ 7.22. Lattice functions produce graphic objects, which are not displayed by default. If you print your graph, you should be fine. Also, take a look at the documentation for panel.xyplot. Using type = c("p", "r") should make things simpler. Regards, Matt Wiener -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at
2010 Feb 08
What is the equivalent function in R to xyplot in S?
Page 140 of MASS uses the function xyplot. But I don't find it in R. Is there a package that I should load to use xyplot. Or there is a function with a different name in R that does the same thing as xyplot in S. xyplot(Gas ~ Temp | Insul, whiteside, panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.lmline(x, y, ...) }, xlab = "Average external temperature (deg. C)", ylab
2006 Dec 15
xyplot: logarithmic y-axis
This should be simple but I am struggling. I like to easily switch in xyplot between a linear or logarithmic y-axis by setting a logical flag logY to False or True. This switch changes the scales argument of xyplot. I found out that the original two-dimentional data (Conc vs Time in my case) are converted to log10(Conc) if log=TRUE in scales, but it appears that functions like panel.curve need to