similar to: creating an output file name using cat

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "creating an output file name using cat"

2002 Apr 02
Trouble with R and cronjobs
I am having problems with trying to run R from a crontab job. I have a c-shell file that calls the R script. I get an error concerning the X11 display (see below). I have included the c-shell file and the output from the crontab job. It appears that my DISPLAY environmental variable is not set. Is that necessary, even when the output of the plot command is to a png file? Can someone tell me how to
2009 Apr 16
Translate the elements of a dataframe
The second beginner question. I want to create a new dataframe, where each element of the original dataframe is translated to 1 if it was "+", to 0 if it was "-" to -1 otherwise. I could do with: Lines <- "a b c d + - + + + + + - + 1 - '+ ' - + + + + N - +" DF <-
2005 Jul 01
scope argument in step function
Thanks a lot for help in advance. I am switching from matlab to R and I guess I need some time to get rolling. I was wondering why this code : > fit.0 <- lm( Response ~ 1, data = ds3) > step(fit.0,scope=list(upper=~.,lower=~1),data=ds3) Start: AIC= -32.66 Response ~ 1 Call: lm(formula = Response ~ 1, data = ds3) Coefficients: (Intercept) 1.301 is not working
2010 Feb 09
subset in a matrix
Hi, I have a matrix of data values like the example bellow. I would like to extract a subset of the matrix for the values where the first column is negative. I am using the subset function. However, I am getting an error message that the conditional variable doe snot exist. For some reason, the subset operation only works if I transform the matrix to a data set using The help
2018 Jul 22
Samba and CNAME
Hello, we successfully migrated from a Samba 3.x NT Domain to a Samba AD Domain using Samba 4.7.x. However, there are still some issues and I hope for your help. The biggest problem so far follows: For historical reasons our Samba file servers carry a lot of aliases. Now that they have become AD Members I did set a lot of CNAMEs in the AD DNS (using the Windows DNS Tool). Most of the aliases
2012 Sep 06
How can I improve an ugly, dumb hack
Hi Folks: Here's the situation: > m <- cbind(x=letters[1:3], y = letters[4:6]) > m x y [1,] "a" "d" [2,] "b" "e" [3,] "c" "f" ## m is a 2 column character matrix > d <- data.frame(a=1:3,b=4:6) > d$c <- m > d a b c.x c.y 1 1 4 a d 2 2 5 b e 3 3 6 c f ## But please note (as was remarked
2023 Jan 31
Upgrading from Samba 4.8.2 to 4.15.5
31.01.2023 08:55, Matt Savin via samba ?????: > In group policies use DNS aliases, then you'll need to change only DNS > entries for these aliases to point to a new host(s). I'd say don't use simple dns aliases (cnames) in a DC, but use SPNs instead (see samba-tool spn). This will manage CNAMEs too, and also manages the KRB tickets and proper autentication of the server to the
2008 May 16
OT DNS Question
Hi Everyone, I am currently reviewing the DNS records for the organization I work for and have one area I would like other peoples thoughts on. Would there ever be a situation where you need to have multiple A records pointing to the same IP Address? Currently we have a small number of cases where one IP Address has multiple A Records. This seems like a bad idea to me and I would replace
2023 Jan 31
The link (or more particularity the lack of a link) between AD SPNs and DNS
On Tue, 2023-01-31 at 10:13 +0300, Michael Tokarev via samba wrote: > 31.01.2023 08:55, Matt Savin via samba ?????: > > In group policies use DNS aliases, then you'll need to change only > > DNS > > entries for these aliases to point to a new host(s). > > I'd say don't use simple dns aliases (cnames) in a DC, but use SPNs > instead > (see samba-tool
2004 Jul 30
pairwise difference operator
There was a BioConductor thread today where the poster wanted to find pairwise difference between columns of a matrix. I suggested the slow solution below, hoping that someone might suggest a faster and/or more elegant solution, but no other response. I tried unsuccessfully with the apply() family. Searching the mailing list was not very fruitful either. The closest I got to was a cryptic chunk
2006 Sep 07
plot image matrix with row/col labels
I'm working with an historical image that may be (one of?) the first uses of gray-scale shading to show the pattern of values in a matrix/table, later used by Bertin in his 'reorderable matrix' and sometimes called a scalogram. The image is at The rows refer to the arrondisements of Paris, the cols to various
2010 Aug 17
month <- "2010-August" list <- "r-help" ##list <- "r-sig-ecology" ##list <- "r-sig-mixed-models" ## month <- "2010q3" n <- 50 baseurl <- "" library(RCurl) z <- getURL(paste(baseurl,list,"/",month,"/author.html",sep="")) zz <-
2010 Aug 11
Sweeping a zoo series
Given a long zoo matrix, the goal is to "sweep" out a statistic from the entire length of the sequences. longzoomatrix<-zoo(matrix(rnorm(720),ncol=6),as.yearmon(outer(1900,seq(0,length=120)/12,"+"))) cnames<-c(12345,23456,34567,45678,56789,67890) colnames(longzoomatrix)<-cnames longzoomatrix[1:24,] 12345 23456 34567 45678
2015 Mar 12
bug in samba 4.1.17 ? changed CNAME record to other host
Hai, ? Im testing out with some dns things.. And i think i have seen more people about this.. ? Debian 7 ( wheezy )?samba 4.1.17 debian backports. only 1 DC, no member, just 1 DC. ? I have added multiple DNS records and zones with the windows tool. sofare good, works ok... ? in one of my zones changed the CNAME of a record. ? for example. ? websitename1.domain.tld?CNAME to
2013 Mar 06
Replacing Multiple Servers with One
We are replacing four servers, running mail, web, ftp, and dns, respectively, with a single server to run all four services. The new server will have a new IP address. It seems fairly straightforward to redirect mail, web, and ftp services to the new server via DNS CNAMES, but I'm not quite sure about how to do the change for the DNS service itself. Is there a need to maintain the old
2020 Aug 27
Win10 and NT mode: netlogon script seems does not run anymore.
On 27/08/2020 08:49, L.P.H. van Belle via samba wrote: > > @Rowland have a good look at this one. This one is hitting the list.. (i have seen this problem also). I think everyone knows my views on NT4-style domains, they were a good idea at the time, but that time is most
2019 Jul 31
GPO issues - getting SYSVOL cleaned up again
I forgot. dig a @ dig a @ Can you run these also for me. And there are no CNAMEs pointing to the AD-DCs ?
2018 Jan 14
consolidate three function into one
Hi Bert, I am sorry to bother you on weekend. I am still struggling on defining a correct function. I first defined the function RFS (see below), then run it by provide the two argument. m52.2cluster <-RFS(inputfile =allinfo_m52, N=2 ) I do not get error message, but no figure displays on screen. I do not know what is going on. Can you help me a little more on this issue? Thank you,
2018 Jan 15
consolidate three function into one
Hi Richard, Thank you so much!! I understand the problem now, I assign a name to the "ggsurvplot" object and then add print(fig) at bottom of function definition, now figure gets printed on screen. Ding # function to generate RFS curves RFS <- function( inputfile, N ) { cluster<- survfit(Surv(RFS_days2, OV_Had_a_Recurrence_CODE) ~ clusters, data =
2013 Dec 23
samba bind : samba b9_putrr: unhandled record type 0
hai, ? Wel after 2-3 days and a few reboots, im seeing the following message in my logs. ? ? named[8845]: samba b9_putrr: unhandled record type 0 ? Anybody knows whats going on now, nothing changed in my setup. Just installed the second DC, as first no errors. Now after a few reboots,? the same error as my first server. ? does anybody knows this error. ? I?did add a CNAME for my ntp server