Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "QC add-on package"
2017 Jul 08
CRAN I-MR / Xbar-R / Xbar-S control chart package ?
I have no experience with I-MR charts but a google search found package
qcc. Maybe it's what you're looking for.
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 08-07-2017 09:07, Tim Smith escreveu:
> Hi,
> I've had a quick look through the package list, and unless I've missed
> something, I can't seem to find anything that will do I-MR / Xbar-R /
> Xbar-S control
2010 Feb 04
problems with SPC charts in R
Hi all,
I am using SPC techniques of plotting Xbar, R, S, P and C charts in R.For
this I am using qcc package in R and also using the following document for
But while plotting S chart, R chartchart and also C chart I am getting
following errors.
I have plotted the Xbar chart successfully using following command
obj <-
2017 Jul 08
CRAN I-MR / Xbar-R / Xbar-S control chart package ?
I've had a quick look through the package list, and unless I've missed
something, I can't seem to find anything that will do I-MR / Xbar-R /
Xbar-S control charts ?
Assuming there is something out there, can anyone point me in the
right direction ?
Thanks !
2010 Aug 20
plotting moving range control chart with qcc. . .
This regards an old post that posed the question:
Tom Hodgess wrote:
"The problem is the (apparent?) inability to produce moving range
process behavior (a.k.a. "control") charts with individuals data in the
package "qcc" (v. 2.0). I have also struggled with the same limitation
in package "IQCC" (v. 1.0).
The package "qAnalyst" (v. 0.6.0) provides an
2007 Jul 25
Constructing bar charts with standard error bars
I am new to R.
I want to graph group data using a "Traditional Bar Chart with Standard
Error Bar", like the kind shown here:
Is there a simple way to do this?
So far, I have only figured out how to plot the bars using barplot.
testdata <- scan(, list(group=0,xbar=0,se=0))
400 0.36038 0.02154
200 0.35927
2010 Jan 13
plotting moving range control chart
I have been having the same problem as poster Hodgess, below. It appears
that her question was never answered, so I would like to share a solution
with the community.
The problem is the (apparent?) inability to produce moving range process
behavior (a.k.a. "control") charts with individuals data in the package
"qcc" (v. 2.0). I have also struggled with the same limitation in
2006 Apr 27
GD2 to Make Charts
I''m just getting started with GD2 and have successfully made a few
dynamic PNGs. I need to make some fairly detailed line graphs on the
fly and I know that GD2 is capable of what I want but I strongly suspect
I''m reinventing the wheel badly. Are there gems or other projects that
help creating complex charts? I''ve used GDChart in the distant past
but I
2013 Feb 08
qcc package
My data looks like:
> p3.18
s xbar subgroup
1 0.84 12.2 1
2 1.64 11.2 2
3 2.07 10.6 3
4 2.49 12.2 4
5 0.84 11.2 5
Using the command
> qcc(p3.18$xbar,type="xbar",sizes=5,center=mean(p3.18$xbar),std.dev=mean(p3.18$s)/0.94,title="X-bar Chart for Paper Sheet Length Data")
I get the x-bar chart I expect.
2008 Sep 02
qcc help
Hi Gents,
I need to get the control limits from qcc function.
As follows:
qcc(MDI, type = "xbar.one")
qcc(data = MDI, type = "xbar.one")
xbar.one chart for MDI
Summary of group statistics:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.3266 0.4249 0.4371 0.4333 0.4451 0.4858
Group sample size: 1
Number of groups: 383
2009 Aug 13
Limited number of replicates in qcc()?
Dear R-users,
I'm encoutering some problems with the qcc()-function. When there are
more than 25 replicates per "sample" the estimate for the standard
deviation becomes NA, implying that nothing is plotted (error message:
"Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values")
On the forum I found a way to work around the error message, but this
does not
2007 Jan 26
plotting results from tapply
Hi, there
I'm trying to plot what is returned from a call to tapply, and can't figure
out how to do it. My guess is that it has something to do with the
inclusion of row names when you ask for the values you're interested in,
but if anyone has any ideas on how to get it to work, that would be
stellar. Here's some example code:
y1<-rnorm(40, 2)
x1<-rep(1:2, each=20)
2005 Nov 06
"qc-usb" kernel module src.rpm for CentOs 4.2 compile issues
Hi Ignacio,
I'm running Centos 4.2 on some machines and just wonder which is the
correct procedure to build one of your packages i've fonund in the
fedora.ivazquez.net for FC4 but for CentOs for kernel-modules:
2014 Jul 06
request for "minor" fix to src/library/tools/QC.r
hi. i was hoping to automatically set the Version: number in my package
description file (image2k-package.Rd) in the man directory by using a
.in file in the same directory. "R CMD build" excludes the .in file
because the routine .check_package_subdirs() in QC.R (which build calls)
doesn't like that file.
.check_package_subdirs() also checks files in R/, and at *that* point in
2009 Apr 21
Quality control and possible QC in R book?
Dear R People:
Is there a Quality Control in R book that would be accessible for
undergraduates, please?
I'm teaching a QC course in the fall semester and would be happy to
have a Use R book or something like that, please.
Thanks in advance,
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: erinm.hodgess at
2008 Oct 05
Sample mean in R
I am having issues with the following:
(muhat = 1/n^2(sum of all the xi's) )
essentially if xbar = the sample mean, muhat = sample mean but square the n.
Use R to run a Monte Carlo simulation which compares the finite-sample
performance of xbar and muhat. Specifically generate 1000 samples n=30 from
a standard normal distribution. For each sample calculate xbar and muhat. I
2012 Aug 25
Can someone make an rpm package for qc-usb-0.6.6.tar.gz on 2.6.18-308.el5.
2003 Jul 22
greek in main title
I have written a function that demonstrates the CLT by
generating samples following the exponential distribution,
calculating the means, plotting the histogram, and drawing
the limiting normal curve as an overlay. I have the title
of each histogram state the sample size and rate (1/theta)
for the exponential (the output is actually 4 histograms),
but I can't get the greek letter theta
2009 Feb 13
The effect of MLE and MME to probability of rejection
Hi I am beginner with R
I would like to compare the performance of Maximum likelihood Estimator
(MLE) and Method of Moment Estimator (MME) effect probability of rejection,
p. My MLE is
x=rlnorm(10,meanlog = 2, sdlog =5)
s2 = log((ssqrt+xbar^2)/xbar^2)
2007 Dec 30
Histogram with different colors for different portions
Dear Rusers,
I would like to color different sections of a histogram different colors.
I have an example that was done by "brute force" given below. Has anyone
implemented something like this in general? If not, any suggestions/pointers
on how to write a general function to do so would be most appreciated.
2013 Feb 12
error message from predict.coxph
In one particular situation predict.coxph gives an error message. Namely: stratified data, predict='expected', new data, se=TRUE. I think I found the error but I'll leave that to you to decide.
######## CODE
nn <- 10 # sample size in each group
lambda0 <- 0.1 # event rate in group 0
lambda1 <- 0.2 # event rate in group 1