Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "modifying xtable output"
2002 Jan 28
Type III Sums of Squares
I am trying to reproduce an analysis done in SAS from which Type III Sums of
squares are used. How can you get Type III sums of squares in an aov similar
to what SAS provides?
With best wishes and kind regards I am
Corey A. Moffet
Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management
Mail Stop 2125
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas 79409-2125
(806) 742-2843 Voice
2004 Jan 18
xtable feature addition suggestion
Hi, attached follows a patch to add a feature that I think it would be useful having in the print.xtable function of the xtable package. It adds the option 'tabular.environment' to that function, which could be used to set an alternative tabular environment, as the name already suggests.
This is particulary useful when dealing with long tables, which do not fit in a single page. In the
2002 Apr 29
Lotos 1-2-3 date to POSIXct
I have some data that was created for import into a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet
and on of the columns is time. The
time is akin to Julian were the value 1 is mapped "01-Jan-00 12:00:00 AM" in
Lotus 1-2-3. Is there a function in an R package that can convert this
numeric vector to a POSIXct vector?
With best wishes and kind regards I am
Corey A. Moffet
2010 Jul 22
pagebreak in xtable and columns'width
Dear list,
I'm using the Sweave function in order to get some report.
Here one chunk:
report<-lapply(repor, function(x) {
(print(xtable(data.frame(x[1:2,]), align="|l|rrr|"),floating=FALSE,tabular.
2009 Jan 08
longtable example
Could someone try to run this example? I can't make it work.
## Not run:
cat(paste(c('c', rep('cc', 34/2-1), 'c'), collapse='@{\hspace{2pt}}'))
2002 Apr 17
Problem w/ axis and distortion in a plotting function
I have a function for plotting soil texture that I am having a problem with.
The function is:
plot.psd <- function(sand, clay, ...) {
conv.ter <- function(x, y) {
x.con <- 100 - x - y*cos(1/3*pi)
y.con <- y*sin(1/3*pi)
data.frame(x=x.con, y=y.con)
plot(conv.ter(sand, clay), xlim = c(0,100), ylim = c(0,100*sin(1/3*pi)),
axes = FALSE, xlab="",
2002 Jan 10
Test if beta is different from something other than 0
Is there a function/package that will allow you to test the hypothesis beta1
= x in a
simple linear regression, where x is a constant? The AOV tests if beta1 in
different from
0 but what if I want to know if beta1 one is different from 1?
With best wishes and kind regards I am
Corey A. Moffet
Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management
Mail Stop 2125
2009 Jan 08
I am going through some of the xtable examples and I can't make the one below work. I need to create a longtable on the fly keeping the column headers for all the pages and I thought this example could give some ideas on how to do it. I am using Sweave and xtable to create my tables and graphics. I wonder if someone could tell me what's wrong. Thanks
## Not run:
2009 Jan 10
Hmisc-xtable label
Dear all:
Does anybody know about label conflicts between xtable and Hmisc? I found a couple of e-mails similar to this problem but is not clear to me how to get around the label problem.
The first table(longtable below) is generated with the latex function from Hmisc but for some reason when I try to hyperlink to it,it takes me to the top of the document. The second table created with the xtable
2009 Aug 07
RE xtable, sweave and resizebox
In doc of xtable.pdf at page 7 :
## Demonstration of longtable support.
## Remember to insert \usepackage{longtable} on your LaTeX preamble
x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol = 10)
x.big <- xtable(x,label='tabbig',caption='Example of longtable spanning
several pages')
x <- x[1:30,]
2008 Sep 24
paste in xtable
Dear R help:
I am trying to use paste(), within an ifelse() statement to insert latex
commands into an object that has been created using xtable(). I cannot
make the strings behave as I would like, the '\t' is creating a tab, the
usual method of '\\t' is not working either - nor is any series of
backslashes. The xtable object, I think, automatically alters the
strings. How
2011 Oct 28
xtable with \begin{tabular} and only.contents
I have found that I like having my captions and labels in my latex document
rather than having them contained in my xtable output file (I haven't fully
gone to sweave yet). I know I can do something like this by using the
'only.contents' argument in xtable. Unfortunately, the only.contents
argument also removes the \begin{tabular}{rrrrrr} & \end{tabular} (in the
example below) of
2007 Dec 05
Export to LaTeX using xtable() - Control the digits to the right of the separator [solved]
Hello everyone,
The thread title speaks for itself. Here's the code that worked for me:
> numSummary(finance[,"Employees"], statistics=c("mean", "sd", "quantiles"))
mean sd 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% n NA
11492.92 29373.14 1777 3040 4267 6553 179774 53 5
> str(numSummary(finance[,"Employees"],
2010 Nov 22
Problem setting the number of digits in xtable
DEar list members,
I am currently using Sweave with LaTeX which is great.
I can use xtable for formatting outp of tables but I have a problem setting the number of decimals in xtables when used with dataframe.
I have found an example on the net ith matrix and it works.
For example this works :
> > tmp <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3)
> > xtmp <- xtable(tmp)
> > digits(xtmp)
2009 Jun 17
vertical line in xtable
Hi everyone
I have created a function that uses xtable to print table of frequencies and
percentages with a heading and some sample information (the sample size and
missing values). The function and example data is below.
I want a vertical line that separates the results from the sample
information i.e. a vertical line on the bottom of the line second from last
2009 Jun 17
Horisontal line in xtable
Hi everyone (Pardon the incorrect terminology of my previous post: "vertical
I have created a function that uses xtable to print table of frequencies and
percentages with a heading and some sample information (the sample size and
missing values). The function and example data is below.
I want a horisontal line that separates the results from the sample
information i.e. a
2007 Sep 13
Problem using xtable on an array
Hi all
I know about producing a minimal example to show my problem. But I'm
having trouble producing a minimal example that displays this
behaviour, so please bear with me to begin with.
Observe: I create an array called model.mat. Some details on this:
> str(model.mat)
num [1:18, 1:4] -0.170 -0.304 -2.617 2.025 -1.610 ...
- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
..$ : chr
2007 Jun 20
"xtable" results doesn't correspond to data.frame
Dear useRs,
Am trying to use xtable on the following data.frame and I don't get what I
example.table <- data.frame(rbind(
c("Gender"," "," "," "),
cbind(rep(" ",2),c("Male","Female"),c(3.0,4.0),c(3/7,4/7))
colnames(example.table) <- c(" "," ","number of
2004 Aug 28
Handling of special characters by xtable
It seems that xtable does not escape special characters such as % (which indicates a comment line in LaTeX).
Try these few lines for example:
> library(xtable)
> q<-data.frame(quantile(rnorm(100)))
> xtable(q)
This produces:
% latex table generated in R 1.9.1 by xtable 1.2-3 package
% Sat Aug 28 16:11:05 2004
2013 May 24
xtable() with booktabs option problem
I could have sworn that yesterday xtable(file, booktabs = TRUE) was giving me toprule , midrule and bottomrule outout. Today :
aa <- table( sample(letters[1:9], 100, replace = TRUE))
booktabs = TRUE)
gives me
& V1 \\
a & 15 \\
b & 11 \\
c & 13 \\
d &