similar to: question regarding to The tree Package for R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "question regarding to The tree Package for R"

2009 Apr 09
request: maximum depth reached problem
Dear R community Hope all of you are fine. I have a question regarding the an error message. Actually, I am trying to generate classification trees using "tree" package. It works well but for some datasets e.g., wine, yeast, boston housing etc. it gives an error message. Error in tree(V14 ~ ., data =, method = c("recursive.partitioning"), : maximum
2009 Apr 01
Request: Optimum value of cost complexity parameter "k" in "tree" package
Dear R community I have a question regarding the value of cost complexity parameter "k" used in "tree" package for pruning purpose. Any help in finding the optimum value of "k" is requested. Please give some suggestion in this regard. In the example below i used k=0 but i don't know why? But if i use k=NULL, then it will not plot the resultant tree.
2009 Mar 19
Minimum cutsets
The minCut function in RBGL package returns only a value or the minimum cut. I would be really greatful if any knows of any R function or package available for finding all minimal cut sets ( i.e., components whose failure will results in a network failure) between any given pair of vertices.
2017 Sep 24
predict y tree
Estimados compañeros hace unos días instale la versión última de R (3.4.1) en windows 10 y hoy me tiene loco el siguiente error cuando ejecuto predict para un árbol de clasificación-regresión. El problema da incluso con el ejemplo del comando predict library(tree) data(shuttle, package="MASS") <- tree(use ~ ., shuttle, subset=1:253, mindev=1e-6,
2002 May 22
Hi. I'm trying to get a tree, that fits all the lines of the training set ( a tree with no error in classification) data(iris) tree.control(150,mindev=3D-1,minsize=3D2) <- tree(Species ~., iris) summary( I'm trying to use this as a test, but it still have some examples that are classified wrongly... Anyone could tell me what's the problem?
2002 Jul 07
Error in tree package
Hi. I'm using the tree package to fit one tree from a training set. I'm using the command: <-tree(X1~.,teste2, mindev = 0, minsize = 2) and i get the error: Error in "row.names<"(*tmp*, value = fit$node[1:n]) : duplicate row.names are not allowed the frameset, has 180 columns and 16000 rows. The
2017 Sep 24
predict y tree
Gracias Carlos miraré el fix y en su defecto intentaré mandar un mensaje al autor. De todas las maneras espero que alguien lo pruebe en windows 10 Saludos, Juan El 24/09/2017 a las 20:32, Carlos Ortega escribió: > Hola Juan Antonio, > > Acabo de instalar "tree" en Mac OSX y no aparece este error... > > > shuttle1 <- shuttle[254:256, ]  # 3 missing cases >
2010 Nov 04
cross-validation for choosing regression trees
Dear All, We came across a problem when using the "tree" package to analyze our data set. First, in the "tree" function, if we use the default value "mindev=0.01", the resulting regression tree has a single node. So, we set "mindev=0", and obtain a tree with 931 terminal nodes. However, when we further use the "cv.tree" function to run a 10-fold
2002 Jun 20
tree construction crashes (PR#1698)
Full_Name: Petr Savicky Version: 1.5.0 OS: SuSE 7.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( The function tree() from the tree package crashes for certain input data. All the information needed to reproduce the error (data, script, expected error message) may be found at Exactly the same error appeared at another computer running some RedHat
2001 Jun 09
tree() - Tree is too big
I am using tree() in the library tree to learn regression trees. Once in a while I am getting the error "Tree is too big". From the same data set, but with randomized subsets I am learning several tree model and in the end of the day I would like to look at some of the properties across trees. My problem: I have for loop containing a call to tree(). However, since tree() returns an
2002 Aug 23
why delete.response?
Hi all, I am running R1.5.0 under unix. I recently used the function 'predict.tree' to make predictions with a tree object and a dataframe of numeric items. The predict.tree internally, calls a function 'delete.response'. When I removed this function call from the source code of predict.tree, it ran 10 times faster without any differences in the result obtained. The
2004 Jul 16
rpart and TREE, can be the same?
Hi, all, I am wondering if it is possible to set parameters of 'rpart' and 'tree' such that they will produce the exact same tree? Thanks. Auston Wei Statistical Analyst Department of Biostatistics and Applied Mathematics The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Tel: 713-563-4281 Email: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jun 18
igraph 0.6 released
Dear All, we have released version 0.6 of the igraph package today. This is a major new version, with a lot of new features, and (sadly) it is not completely compatible with code that was written for the previous igraph versions. (See "Major new features" below for details.) I have included below a list of (bigger) changes. Please see the details in the release notes and the NEWS
2012 Jun 18
igraph 0.6 released
Dear All, we have released version 0.6 of the igraph package today. This is a major new version, with a lot of new features, and (sadly) it is not completely compatible with code that was written for the previous igraph versions. (See "Major new features" below for details.) I have included below a list of (bigger) changes. Please see the details in the release notes and the NEWS
2002 Mar 21
Hi, I have a dataframe, y, with 1000 rows and 266 columns. The first column of y is a 2 level factor response; columns 2:266 are each ordinal variables that can take on one of the values 1, 2, or 3. I'm trying to fit a model with the calls: (A) y.tree <- tree(pref~.,data=y,mindev=0,minsize=2) and (B) y.tree <- tree(pref~.,data=y,split='gini') pref is the name of the factor
2015 May 30
[LLVMdev] Error in building Gold on FreeBSD
Hi I followed the steps on to build the gold plugin on FreeBSD but ! Heres a link to the screenshot of the error: This is the error message that it shows and so I am also unable to get ld-new. I checked and no CFLAGS were set in etc/make.conf. How to proceed with the installation? I am using the deault
2008 Feb 05
system gets suspended automatically!
Hello! I am running CentOS-5 with latest kernel available by deault (2.6.23). I installed it on a Dell XPS machine having Intel Quad processors (4 parallel cpus). I use it to run a computational program and I need to keep the program running for 1-2 months continuously. I generally boot it in runlevel-3 with network ON without X and use ssh from another machine to connect and run the program
2007 Dec 20
Asterisk.NET API --help required
Hello all, Here is the requirement from my side to use Asterisk.NET API to generate an automated call (outgoing) from asterisk and then link to one of the extensions which plays a sound file for the callee. For this i have worked out in the follwing way 1)modified manager.conf to facilitate this API to talk to asterisk 2)used the command Originate to call a Registered user under
2007 Aug 01
yum-updatesd.conf on centos 5
Hi All, I am running CentOS5 . Yum pkg was installed by deault fresh installation. pls see below for installed yum pkgs. [root at mailgw ~]# rpm -qa |grep yum yum-updatesd-3.0.5-1.el5.centos.2 yum-3.0.5-1.el5.centos.2 later, I installed below pkg for protection. yum-protectbase-1.0.4-2.el5.centos Now, everything works. But, in this vershion of yum, It has no crontab running. It has a file
2015 May 31
[LLVMdev] Error in building Gold on FreeBSD
I triend the command make all-gold -k But the error message that it says now is: /usr/binutils/gold/system.h:38:11:fatal error: 'libintl.h' file not found #include <libintl.h> On Saturday, May 30, 2015, John Criswell <jtcriswel at> wrote: > Dear Aditya, > > Regarding the error, it looks like binutils is trying to build its > documentation. For