Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Help with Bootstrap function."
2001 Sep 30
(No Subject)
Dear all
I am very beginner user of R I want to calculate the power of t-test using power.t.test function. It is stated in the manual that the argument (n) is the number of observations per group. Infact I have a differens number of observations in each group(ie n1<>n2) and another thing is SD the pooled standard deviation of the observations in the two data sets under investigation.
2001 Mar 07
smbmount - file permissions on RH7
Greetings in Christ our Saviour.
I am having an enormous amount of difficulties trying to do something that
should be quite easy. Obviously, I am missing something. I have read
everything I can find on this, and have tried everything I can think of and
I am trying to mount a Win98 drive on my Redhat 7.0 box. The mounting is no
problem. However, when I log into my user account and try
2006 Jun 15
Standard Deviation Distribution
I'm having trouble with the standard deviation distribution
as shown on http://mathworld.wolfram.com/StandardDeviationDistribution.html .
(Eric Weisstein references Kenney and Keeping 1951, which I can't check.)
I believe the graphs they show, but when I code the function in R, according to the listed formula,
I get very different graphs.
Would someone please point out my error or tell
2009 Jul 29
[LLVMdev] building llvm using gcc 3.4.2
Can I build llvm with gcc 3.4.2 !!!!
I'm getting the following error when I trying to build llvm 2.5 and
also 2.4
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/remote/users/hsenussi/edifact/llvm-2.4/
make[3]: Entering directory `/remote/users/hsenussi/edifact/llvm-2.4/
llvm[3]: Linking Release Loadable
2009 Jun 22
The gradient of a multivariate normal density with respect to its parameters
Does anybody know of a function that implements the derivative (gradient) of
the multivariate normal density with respect to the *parameters*?
It?s easy enough to implement myself, but I?d like to avoid reinventing the
wheel (with some bugs) if possible. Here?s a simple example of the result
I?d like, using numerical differentiation:
f=function(pars, xx, yy)
2005 Nov 09
About: Error in FUN(X[[1]], ...) : symbol print-name too long
I??m trying to use the Win2BUGS package from R and I have a similar problem
that reurns with the message:
Error in FUN(X[[1]], ...) : symbol print-name too long
But, there is no stray ` character in the file ( Sugestions given by: Duncan
Temple Lang <duncan>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:31:08 -0700 )
The progam in R is:
dat <-
2003 Apr 16
Jackknife and rpart
First, thanks to those who helped me see my gross misunderstanding of
randomForest. I worked through a baging tutorial and now understand the
"many tree" approach. However, it is not what I want to do! My bagged
errors are accpetable but I need to use the actual tree and need a single
tree application.
I am using rpart for a classification tree but am interested in a more
2003 Apr 10
How to plot several graphs in a single 2-D figure?
Hi, R-listers
I tried to plot several graphs in a sigle x-y coordinate settings, like the
|(y) s
| ****** s
| ***** s
| sssssssssssssssssss
where "*" and "s" denote two diffrent plots.
However, when I used
plot(data1); % data1 is the data points of "*"
2011 Sep 09
Manhattan Plot
To whom it may concern:
My name is Jillian Weinfeld. I am currently and undergraduate student at New York University and working at Mount Sinai School of Medicine doing research with epilepsy patients.
At the moment I am creating a manhattan plot with my data set. After reading many forums and such, I have appropriately plotted my data, however, I wanted to see how I can change the colors of the
2008 Nov 22
Need some help in R programming code
Dear R guru,
I am Saikat Sarkar working as a researcher of Economics in Tampere
University, Finland. I am trying to estimate some Garch related tests with
Bayesian analysis by R programme.
I am not good in R but trying to survive.
Anyway I have the coding but not working properly. I have tried to find the
problem but failed. I am writing to all R gurus to help me out.
Could you please look at
2010 Mar 25
*** caught segfault *** address 0x18, cause 'memory not mapped'
Hello R Community,
I've been run the following codes. However, I've been getting an
unusual segfault
that I'm unable to trace its origin. Please give me a light to
decipher the "caught segfault"
Thanks for you attention.
> options(STERM='iESS', editor='emacsclient')
> rm(list = ls())
> > source("fgenIGLD.R") #RNG
2011 Sep 28
GAMs in R : How to put the new data into the model?
I have 5 GAMs ( model1, model2, model3, model4 and model5)
Before I use some data X(predictor -January to June data) to form a equation
and calculate the expected value of Y (predictand -January to June). After
variable selection, GAMs (Model 1)were bulit up! R-square :0.40
NOW, I want to use new X'( predictor -July - December data) and put into
Model 1, then get the expected value of Y'
2013 May 17
Error with adehabitatHR and kernelbb
Dear all,
I'm trying to get a Brownian bridge kernel (kernelbb) for each combination of two consecutive animal locations (see commands below) and put them, with a loop, inside a list. It works well at the beginning but after 42 runs, it appears the following warning :
>Error in seq.default(yli[1], yli[2], by = diff(xg[1:2])) :
> invalid (to - from)/by in seq(.)
I looked at the
2006 Apr 11
Bootstrap and Jackknife Bias using Survey Package
Dear R users,
I?m student of Master in Statistic and Data analysis, in New University of Lisbon. And now i?m writting my dissertation in variance estimation.So i?m using Survey Package to compute the principal estimators and theirs variances.
My data is from Incoming and Expendire Survey. This is stratified Multi-stage Survey care out by National Statistic Institute of Mozambique. My domain of
2009 Jan 04
POSIXct and chron issues with tz
Dear All-
I am trying to merge two data files - they have different date formats
and different times zones. I need to match up the date/time of the
datasets and then invoke a conditional statement, such as: if dataC$mph
is >= 12 then keep dataM$co23 for the corresponding time/date stamp.
snippets of data files:
LST in mph Deg DegF DegF2 % volts Deg
2003 Jun 05
partial residuals in plot.gam()
Sorry for bombarding you with GAM related questions, but...
I know a partial residual option in plot.gam() is on Simon Wood's todo
list, but since I'm in the midst of a project and not yet having acquired
sufficient R knowledge to code something usable myself I'll have to put my
trust in you. Anybody got some code lying around for doing this? Or if
someone can supply me with
2011 Jul 27
Inserting weights in ltm package
Afternoon R help,
I want to run Rasch/IRT analyses using the ltm package, however, I am
using large scale survey data which requires weighting for accurate
results. I attempted to create a weighted object to insert into the
formulae of the ltm packages, however, the survey data only includes
30 replicate weights and a sampling weight. The svrepdesign requires
additional information such as
2012 Jun 07
select subrows based on a specific column in a matrix
Hi all,
I have a matrix with 10000 rows and 10 columns. The last columns contains another identifiers but the values are not uniques so that I want to generate another matrix with rows with unique values in the last column.
If I did
this will give me 8560 unique entries so the ideal matrix will be 8560X10 columns now then.
I tried
2001 Sep 26
can't load user.dll
i'm running Wine release 20001202 on redhat 7.0. When i run my
application i get:
Cannot load user32.dll
During installation of wine i got conflict errors like:
wine requires xpm4g package.
I installed wine without it because i couldn't find the required
thanks in advance
the wine.conf:
[Drive A]
2007 Apr 03
Testing additive nonparametric model
I have estimated a multiple nonparametric regression using the loess
command in R. I have also estimated an additive version of the model using
the gam function. Is there a way of using the output of these two models to
test the restrictions imposed by the additive model?