Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Newbe Q: Some plotting diffculty.."
2002 Dec 08
strange QQ-Plot
i am working on a data set with EDA. That includes QQ-Plots of
residuals vs expected normal distribution.
What puzzles me is that the range of ordinate and abscissae is
so different: while the theoretical quantiles range from [-2, 2]
the sample quantiles on the ordinate do extent from [-20, 50].
Quite obviously some kind of transformation is done.
Although i intensively RTFM i could not
2008 Mar 05
Reversed but positive axis in trellis plots?
In my discpipline, it is common to plot one acoustic property on a
positive scale but from top to bottom on the ordinate and the same for
another measurement on the abscissa.
So, the origin of the plot is on the top right of the plot, with
increasing values to the left /down. This is to highlight the
correlation between the acoustic measurement and the position of the
forming structure, for
2011 Mar 26
2 questions about probplot in package e1071
The contributed package e1071 does exactly what I want except that I
need to have (1) the abscissa and ordinate axes swapped, with the
probability scale on the bottom and the quantiles scale on the LHS.
Using the following example:
x <- rnorm(100, mean=5)
probplot(x, line=FALSE)
and (2) I need to have lines connecting the plotted symbols, as you get
2005 Jul 16
Confidence Intervals for Arbitrary Functions
I have a rather basic background in statistics, and am looking for
assistance in solving what I expect is a common type of problem.
I have measurements of physical processes, and mathematical models of
those processes that I want to feed the measurements into. A simple case
is using measurements of electric power entering and leaving a
power conversion device, sampled at regular intervals, and
2006 Feb 09
converting lat-long coordinates to Albers Conical Equal Area coordinates
We have used maptools to construct state, county, township, census-tract,
and zipcode
level R maps with an Albers Conical Equal Area projection. We would like
to be able to
plot the location of weather stations or other point locations on the
maps. The data
the point locations are in latitude-longitude units
2013 Oct 11
labeling abscissa using a function of the plotted scale
Is it easy or difficult to label the abscissa of a scatter graph as
1/trueScaleValue at that point?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/labeling-abscissa-using-a-function-of-the-plotted-scale-tp4678075.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2005 Oct 10
plot - no main title and missing abscissa value
Hi all.
I have defined a plot thus:
par(mar=c(5,5,4,5),las=1, xpd=NA)
plot(Day, Ym1Imp, ylim=c(0,100), type="b", bty="l", main="Ym1
Expression", cex=1.3, xaxt="n", yaxt="n") #plot implant data
axis(side=1, at=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21), labels=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21)) #
label x axis
mtext("Day", side =1, at=10, line=3, cex=1.2) # title x
2009 Aug 24
Two lines, two scales, one graph
First of all, thanks to everyone who answers these questions - it's
most helpful.
I'm new to R and despite searching have not found an example of what I
want to do (there are some good beginner's guides and a lot of complex
plots, but I haven't found this).
I would like to plot two variables against the same abscissa values. They
have different scales. I've found how to make
2009 Jan 08
interpolation to abscissa
I have looked at various documents hosted on the web site; I couldn't
find anything on interpolation. So I started r and accessed the help
(help.start()). (by the way is it possible to configure r to open help
in opera instead of firefox?) Initially I read the help for the akima
package but couldn't understand it. Next I tried the asplines package
I tried to copy the
2011 Nov 23
Suggested alternative to rgdal for Mac for making bubble plots with R 2.14?
I'm new to making bubble plots with R, so I was going to try the following:
Unfortunately, it looks like rgdal is not part of 2.14. I'm not sure if it was the mirror I selected or something else is going on.
> install.packages("rgdal")
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
2006 Aug 07
Unit testing diffculty
ok, let me show you my "products" fixtures file:
id: 1
title: RAM
description: ECC RAM Registered, 512MB
image_url: images/test.jpg
price: 29.95
date_available: 2005-01-25 00:00:00
id: 2
title: Busted Arsehole
description: I have an arsehole, it is-e busted
image_url: images/test.jpg
price: 999.95
2007 Jun 21
abline plots at wrong abscissae after boxplot
Hi folks,
I'm using R 2.5.0 under ESS under Windows XP. (This also happens using
the Rgui application.)
I'm trying to add lines to a plot originally made with "boxplot", but
the lines appear in the wrong place. Below is a script that
illustrates the problem
# boxablinetest.R - script to show problem with abline on box plot
x <- c( 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4)
2003 Jun 05
dynamics of functions
Dear list,
I would like to study the dynamics of
functions using R (instead of mathematica e.g.),
i.e. the behavior of points under iteration
of a function.
So I tried (in vain) writing a function
myfunction <- function(f,n,x){...}
in order to compute f^{n}(x), f^{n}(x) being
the function f composed with itself n-1 times.
n is a natural number, and the argument x is
the abscissa of the point I
2000 Mar 26
very simple repeated measures, newbie questions
Suppose I do a psychology experiment in which each of six
subjects does several items in each of five fixed conditions, A,
B, C, D, and E. The items are randomized separately for each
subject, so I can ignore order. All I want to know is whether
the five conditions differ. The data look like this. Each row
is a subject, and each number is the score in the given
4 1
2005 Apr 14
Strange behavior of atan2
Dear all,
I've got a problem with the function atan2. For a couple of coordinates
x and y,
This function returns the angle between the vector of coordinates (x, y)
and the
abscissa axis, i.e. it is the same as atan(y/x) (as indicated on the
help page).
If we consider the vector with coordinates x = 0 and y = 0, we have
the following result:
> atan(0/0)
[1] NaN
This is expected.
2007 Mar 08
chronological scatterplots
Greets Folks,
I've been wrestling with how to better control plotting of time data and
just can't seem to see the right path. My dataset has thousands of points
distributes across a number of years. I would like to plot the responses
according to increasing time with nice boundaries - perhaps integer months
- along the abscissa. However, the earliest time occurs mid-month and I
2006 Dec 27
Question about predict function
I am working with a non-parametic smoothing operation using a
Generalized Additive Model. It is a bivariate data set. I know how to
do the smooth, and out comes a nice smooth curve.
Now I want to find the value of the smoothed curve for several values
of x (the abscissa). This can be done (please correct me if I am
wrong) by using the predict.gam function. You feed the predict.gam
function a
1999 Nov 13
May I raise the issue of the behaviour of image()? In image() dim(z) is
supposed to be c(length(x), length(y)). This suggests that the user is
supplying the midpoints of the rectangles. For all but the outer
rectangles this is true. The outer rectangles, however, are only
displayed in half width. So it is not possible to show correctly an image
plot of equally-spaced abscissa. I would hazard
2009 Dec 08
problem with split eating giga-bytes of memory
I'm having trouble using split on a very large data-set with ~1400 levels of
the factor to be split. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce it with the simple
self-contained example below. As you can see, splitting the artificial
dataframe of size ~13MB results in a split dataframe of ~ 144MB, with an
increase memory allocation of ~10 fold for the split object. If split scales
linearly, then my
2011 May 26
Reference Classes: getter and setter functions/methods and possible shortcuts
Hi everyone,
just wanted to ask what's the smartest/recommended way of defining
getter and setter function *shortcuts* (i.e. something like "[", "[<-")
for Reference Class objects?
Or is it desired to not use this stuff, but define methods like
'obj$getSubset(row=1:3, col=1)' and 'obj$setSubset(value=x)' instead?
I have some example code that might