Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Better idea than Poisson?"
2005 Jul 27
Question on glm for Poisson distribution.
Good afternoon,
I REALLY try to answer to my question as an autonomous student searching in
the huge pile of papers on my desk and on the Internet but I can't find out
the solution.
Would you mind giving me some help? Please.
I'm trying to use glm with factors:
> Pyr.1.glm<-glm(Pyrale~Trait,DataRav,family=poisson)
If I have correctly
2013 Jan 31
glm poisson and quasipoisson
I have a question about modelling via glm. I have a dataset (see dput)
that looks like as if it where poisson distributed (actually I would
appreciate that) but it isnt because mean unequals var.
> mean (x)
[1] 901.7827
> var (x)
[1] 132439.3
Anyway, I tried to model it via poisson and quasipoisson. Actually, just to
get an impression how glm works. But I dont know how to
2003 Aug 18
R and Poisson
Hi, I wonder if anyone can answer the following or point me in the direction of
how to obtain answers to the questions. Below is Output from R and further down
are the questions raised and explanation of the study.
Output from R:
glm(formula = CB95TO00 ~ URB + INC, family = poisson)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.2272 -1.1290 0.2709 0.4272 2.1376
2008 May 08
poisson regression with robust error variance ('eyestudy
Ted Harding said:
> I can get the estimated RRs from
> RRs <- exp(summary(GLM)$coef[,1])
> but do not see how to implement confidence intervals based
> on "robust error variances" using the output in GLM.
Thanks for the link to the data. Here's my best guess. If you use
the following approach, with the HC0 type of robust standard errors in
2008 Mar 02
Poisson regression in R
I have these questions:
(1) Use Poisson regression to estimate the main effects of car, age, and
dist (each treated as categorical and modelled using indicator variables)
and interaction terms.
(2) It was determined by one study that all the interactions were
unimportant and decided that age and car could be treated as though they
were continuous variables. Fit a model incorporating these
2007 Jul 31
choosing between Poisson regression models: no interactions vs. interactions
R gurus,
I'm working on data analysis for a small project. My response
variable is total vines per tree (median = 0, mean = 1.65, min = 0,
max = 24). My predictors are two categorical variables (four sites
and four species) and one continuous (tree diameter at breast height
(DBH)). The main question I'm attempting to answer is whether or not
the species identity of a tree has
2010 Dec 01
Poisson GLM warning message
I receive the following warning message when I run a poisson GLM in R:
"glm.fit: fitted rates numerically 0 occurred"
The model summary is shown below. The variable 'Species' consists of
counts of different species ranging from 0 to 4. I suspect this may
have something to do with the warning message but I'm not sure. Can
anybody help?
Thank you!
2000 May 09
Dispersion in summary.glm() with binomial & poisson link
Following p.206 of "Statistical Models in S", I wish to change
the code for summary.glm() so that it estimates the dispersion
for binomial & poisson models when the parameter dispersion is
set to zero. The following changes [insertion of ||dispersion==0
at one point; and !is.null(dispersion) at another] will do the trick:
"summary.glm" <-
function(object, dispersion =
2012 Jul 27
producing a graph with glm poisson distributed respons count data and categorical independant variables
I am working on my thesis and can't really figure out how to produce a
reasonable graph from the output from my glm.,
I could just give the R-output in my results and then discuss them, but it
would be more interesting if I could visualise what is going on.
My research is how bees react to different fieldmargins, for this I have 4
different types of field margin (A,B,C & D) and
2006 Mar 27
Glm poisson
I am using the glm model with a poisson distribution. The model runs
just fine but when I try to get the null deviance for the model of the
null degrees of freedom I get the following errors:
> null.deviance(pAmeir_1)
Error: couldn't find function "null.deviance"
> df.null(pAmeir_1)
Error: couldn't find function "df.null"
When I do:
2012 Apr 09
Overall model significance for poisson GLM
I am running glm models for species counts using a poisson link function.
Normal summary functions for this provide summary statistics in the form of
the deviance, AIC, and p-values for individual predictors. I would like to
obtain the p-value for the overall model. So far, I have been using an
analysis of deviance table to check a model against the null model with the
intercept as
2008 Mar 18
glm poisson, method='ML' (PR#10985)
Full_Name: saraux
Version: 2.6.1
OS: Windows vista
Submission from: (NULL) (
I would like to compute a glm with a distribution of poisson, using a maximum of
likelihood method. But it seems not to work with a distribution of poisson. The
same code with another distrubution (binomial for example) works.
Here is the command I typed:
2002 Mar 21
Underdispersion with anova testing methods
Using anova of a glm with test = "Chisq", I get this:
Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: poisson, link: log
Response: Days
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|)
NULL 373 370.56
Block 3 71.05 370 299.51 2.543e-15
Variety 1 94.04 369
2007 Jan 26
Form of the equation produced by a GLM with Poisson family and log link function
Hi everyone,
My background is not math and I am trying to figure out exactly what equation to use to map a response variable in GIS based on the coefficients obtained from the GLM and the values of the independent variables in each grid cell of my study area. Most specifically, I want to know how to incorporate the Poisson family and log link function in the equation. I would really appreciate if
2013 May 14
Post hoc test for GLM with poisson distribution
Hi R-people,
I performed controlled experiments to evaluated the seeds germination of
two palms under four levels of water treatments. I conducted a generalized
linear model (GLM) with a Poisson distribution to verify whether there were
significant differences in the number of seed germination (NS-count
variable) between treatments and species (explanatory variables). Thus, my
model and output
2005 Feb 02
anova.glm (PR#7624)
There may be a bug in the anova.glm function.
deathstar[32] R
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R is a collaborative project
2007 Apr 10
When to use quasipoisson instead of poisson family
It seems that MASS suggest to judge on the basis of
sum(residuals(mode,type="pearson"))/df.residual(mode). My question: Is
there any rule of thumb of the cutpoiont value?
The paper "On the Use of Corrections for Overdispersion" suggests
overdispersion exists if the deviance is at least twice the number of
degrees of freedom.
Are there any further hints? Thanks.
2011 Jan 27
Quasi-poisson glm and calculating a qAIC and qAICc...trying to modilfy Bolker et al. 2009 function to work for a glm model
Sorry about re-posting this, it never went out to the mailing list when I
posted this to r-help forum on Nabble and was pending for a few days, now
that I am subscribe to the mailing list I hope that this goes out:
I've been a viewer of this forum for a while and it has helped out a lot,
but this is my first time posting something.
I am running glm models for richness and abundances. For
2003 Mar 12
quasipoisson, glm.nb and AIC values
Dear R users,
I am having problems trying to fit quasipoisson and negative binomials glm.
My data set
contains abundance (counts) of a species under different management regimens.
First, I tried to fit a poisson glm:
> summary(model.p<-glm(abund~mgmtcat,poisson))
glm(formula = abund ~ mgmtcat, family = poisson)
(Dispersion parameter
2004 Mar 16
glm questions
Greetings, everybody. Can I ask some glm questions?
1. How do you find out -2*lnL(saturated model)?
In the output from glm, I find:
Null deviance: which I think is -2[lnL(null) - lnL(saturated)]
Residual deviance: -2[lnL(fitted) - lnL(saturated)]
The Null model is the one that includes the constant only (plus offset
if specified). Right?
I can use the Null and Residual deviance to