Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "function for rank of a matrix ?"
2001 Jul 10
gls function, very old results
Hello R-users,
I am currently trying to learn how to use the function gls of the nlme
library. I fitted the following model:
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: response ~ array + dye + genes + variety + variety * genes +
array * genes + dye * genes
Data: data
I have 11 arrays, 2 dyes, 2 varieties, 3200 genes, and 2 replications
for each.
Therefore I should have the corresponding
2011 Nov 21
Programmer position in the Gottardo lab at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
The Gottardo lab at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle has an opening for a programmer.
To apply:
The position description is below:
About Us
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of three Nobel laureates,
2008 Apr 05
installing dotnet20 fails
I am trying to install dotnet20 in 0.9.58 with
sh winetricks dotnet20
It hangs after extracting a file with
sh winetricks dotnet20
Using system libcrypto, version 90709F
DLSYM: Failed to resolve FIPS_mode_set: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve FIPS_mode: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve SHA256: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve SHA512: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve EVP_sha224: 127
DLSYM: Failed to
2005 Nov 30
How to do a rollback
Hi. I''d like to know how can i do a rollback after a
thank you
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Mar 31
[Howto] custom and translated AR validation error messages
I''m putting the finishing touches on a multi-lingual application, and
just posted a blog entry on how I did translate validation errors
generated by ActiveRecord at: http://www.myowndb.com/blog/?p=4
I found it surprisingly easy, and thought I''d document it.
The translation is based on a plugin I plan to publish really really
soon, more info whith the upcoming announcement.
2005 Dec 19
multiple databases
I''m writing a translation plugin which takes the translations from a
database that is different than the application''s main database.
When in my plugin''s models I put this code:
all my application''s models use the plugin''s database....
Why are my
2014 Mar 20
io mode=native precisions
Before switching to io mode=native, I wanted to check if there are any
disadvantages or potential problem with this setting.
I virtio-blk data plane required to use this setting effectively? (as
illustrated here:
Is there a requirement on the host kernel (eg minimum version)?
Thanks in advance
2005 Aug 23
Voiceblue and slow dialling
I have recently started a job as a system administrator, and as part of my responsibilities I have to look after an asterisk system. Quite impressed with it, but have one or two niggling issues. One of the last things my predecessor here did, was install a VoiceBlue mobile gateway unit, and though it seems to work ok, nearl 20 seconds pass from dialling a number to the call connecting, which
2006 Apr 16
plugins problems with RoR 1.1 in production
I''m looking to upgrade an application based on rails 1.0, and I have a
problem with plugins working fine in development, but not in
production or test. Actually, it happens in all environments with
their dependency mechanism set to :load.
For example for the selenium on rails plugin, it needs the class
SeleniumOnRailsConfig, which triggers the dependency on
2006 Jan 07
datetime returned as string, sometimes....
I''m using postgresql 8.1, rails 1.0, and I have a strange problem on a
datetime field (timestamp without time zone in postgresql).
As shown below, the field "value" sometimes returns a string, and
sometimes a Time instance, depending of where the value is used....:
* breakpoint session _from inside an instance method_ of the object:
=> "1996-05-01
2006 Jan 02
ANN: new rails site/RoR praise
>From idea to launch in less than 48 hours (those 48 hours including
the new year party ;) , rails once again showed its effectiveness.
Last friday I read the news about a guy who sold a million pixels for
1$ each on his homepage. After slamming my head during half an hour
for not having thought of it [1], I thought I''d better spend some time
on a rails project, and more as a
2001 Jul 31
detecting blanks in read.table()
Hi everyone,
I am trying to read in a tab delimited data file to R that has outliers
marked by blank spaces. I would like to be able to tag those as "NA"
when the data is read in. I cannot figure out how to do this using the
read.table() options. Everything I have tried either puts all the NA on
the end of the row when there are missing values instead of on their
appropiate columns
2006 Jan 15
how to provide plugin configuration?
I''m finalising a translation plugin I use in one app. I''d like the
plugin the be configurable but am not sure how to provide this
configurability. For example, there''s a setting for the cookie name to
use when saving user''s prefered language. I thought of having a class
TranslationConfig like this:
class TranslationsConfig
def self.cookie_name
2012 Jan 26
adding additional information to histogram
I am a beginner with R, and I think the answer to my question will
seem obvious, but after searching and trying without success I've
decided to post to the list.
I am working with data loaded from a csv filewith these fields:
order_id, item_value
As an order can have multiple items, an order_id may be present
multiple times in the CSV.
I managed to compute the total value and the
2012 Nov 13
help formatting data for clustering
I'm a R beginner. I have data of this form:
user_id, brand_id1, brand_id2, .....
for example:
1 , 45 , 32, 45, 23
2 , 34
4, 11, 43, 45
I'm looking for the right procedure to be able to cluster users. I am
especially interested to know which functions to use at each step.
I am currently able to load the data in a data frame, each row's name being
the user id.
#extract user
2013 Feb 18
Uplift modeling with R ?
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
URL : <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20130218/1ef898cb/attachment.pl>
2014 Mar 24
Re: io mode=native precisions
On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Raphael Bauduin <rblists@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Before switching to io mode=native, I wanted to check if there are any
> disadvantages or potential problem with this setting.
> I virtio-blk data plane required to use this setting effectively? (as
> illustrated here:
2006 Apr 04
Myowndb: a web database built with rails
Hi all,
I wanted to announce on this list that I have launched http://myowndb.com which
is a web database built with Ruby on Rails.
The application lets the administrator users define the data structure through
a web interface like in a normal database, with:
- tables
- enhanced datatypes like emaili, web URL, and a choice in list
- relations (one to many, one to one) between tables
Once the
2014 Mar 26
host crashes "unable to handle paging request"
we have regular crashed of a kvm host with the error "unable to handle
paging request".
Can this be due to memory over-commitment even if some memory is still used
by the kernel for caches and buffers? (collectd graph shows no free
memory, with 15G used, very little buffers, and 1G cache). There are 32GB
of swap, of which only 150MB are used.
I suspect might be the direction to
2009 May 26
Help me...!!!
Hi to all...i'm a new R'user and i have to solve some exercies so i ask to
tou for an help...
1.) How i can demonstrate in R that the limit for x-->infinite of
(1+1/x)^x is equal to "e"?
2.) if i have a vector of values how can i create a function that, applied
to my vector, give me "median", "mean", "Var" and "length" togheter?