Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "No subject"
2002 Jan 09
Difference in Cat(...) function between S Plus and R ?
Dear All,
THis is my "data.char$excluded" object and I want to show its content in
my output screen.
> data.char$excluded
[1] "Species" "Target" "Sex"
[1] "DG"
[1] "R"
[1] "M"
When I run cat() in S Plus, I got:
> cat(data.char$excluded, "\n")
2002 Dec 03
Any difference in cbind() b/w SPLus and R??
Dear Experts,
I have a data object named "data.char".
When I use cbind(data.char) in SPlus, I got the following results:
> cbind(data.char)
data matrix, 2700
excluded list, 3
cluster.var character, 2
strata list, 3
xlog CT
link logit
gpcorr 1
missing.row numeric, 0
zero.row numeric, 22
infile perc.csv
2002 Feb 19
cdf of the standard normal distribution
Dear Experts,
I need to calculate the cdf of the standard normal distribution, i.e.
H(x) = 1/sqrt(2*pi) integral(exp(-z^2/2) dz), where z is b/w -infi to
I know there should be a way to do it in R, but did not know to do it.
I'd appreciate any help you could offer.
Charlie Liu
Graduate student intern at EPA/ECO
2002 Jan 15
returned values of glim() in S PLus and glm() in R
Dear Experts,
In glim() of S Plus, one of the returned values is "var", the estimated
variance matrix of coefficients. However, in glm() of R (there is no
glim() in R), "var" is not one of the returned values. Anyone know what
could I get the varience matrix of coefficients in glm() in R?
As a novice in R and S+, I'd appreciate your help
Charlie Liu
2003 Jan 14
How to change the label position in axis() ?
Dear R People,
I'm working on a plot function to produce the graph shown below. One of
the features my supervisor does not like is that the labels in the Y-
axix are shown vertically. Is there a way to change that to horizontally
This is the axix() function I used :
The labels (snames) are: SEV1:HU:C, SEV1:MU:C, SEV1:MU:L, SEV1:RT:C
and SEV1:RT:L,
2002 Jun 20
Questions on Instalation of SJava Package to R1.5.0
Dear Expects,
I tried to install the SJava package to the Library subdirectory of my
R1.5.0. However, when I tried it according to the instructions from
http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava/, I got the following error messages:
Error in .Defunct() : `.Alias' is defunct.
See ?Defunct.
Error: couldn't find function ".JavaInit"
I downloaded SJavaWin
2001 Dec 28
bug in the new version R1040
I just downloaded the latest version of R - 1040. I'm doing the project
of converting CATREG - a statistical software writen in S Plus to R.
However, when I copied my R codes to the 1040 bin directory and resource
my codes, I got the following error message, this never happened in my
1030 or 1010 versions of R. Anyone one know what's wrong with 1040?
CHarlie Liu
2004 May 26
2 way repeated measures ANOVA using R: syntax and reporting question
Dear Friends
I have a technical question about conducting 2 way repeated measures ANOVA analysis using R.
1. Data set: repeated measurement of activity over night (2 hr. intervals)
repeated (within subject)factor: Hours
Between subject: Species, Sex
Dependent variables: specimens
Here is how the data arranged for the analysis:
Subject Replicate Hour Sp. Specimens
1 1 1 a
2 1 1 a
2004 May 26
2 way repeated measures ANOVA using R: syntax and reportingquestion
Dear Gideon
Unless you are willing to accept uncorrelated measures in time and
homogeneity of variance I would go for a linear mixed model instead. You
might be surprised on how diffrent can be your results. Try;
I hope that this helps
>From: GIDEON WASSERBERG <wasserberg at wisc.edu>
>To: "R-help at lists.R-project.org" <R-help at
2007 Sep 14
unbalanced effects in aov
Hi, I have been having some trouble using aov to do an anova, probably because I'm not understanding how to use this function correctly. For some reason it always tells me that "Estimated effects may be unbalanced", though I'm not sure what this means. Is the formula I am using written incorrectly? Below is the code I am using along with the data:
> my.data
2001 Sep 12
error in nlme
I'm getting an error from nlme that has me stymied. I have a data set
,'mydata', with variables: AChE, Dose, sex, set, and mrid; 'set' and 'mrid'
indicate two levels of nesting, with 'set' nested within 'mrid'. I want to
fit the model:
mod <- nlme(AChE ~ Cexp(Dose, A, B, m), data=mydata, fixed = A+B+M~sex,
random=A+B+m~sex | mrid/set,
2018 May 26
TukeyHSD for multiple response
Hi Sergio
Doing those tests 30 times is going to give you a huge Type I error
rate, even if there was a function that did that. There is a reason
why TukeyHSD doesn't make it easy.
In general, if there are useful comparisons among the species, you are
better off setting up and testing contrasts than doing all-pairwise
Tukey tests.
Also, the PCA scores are ordered in terms of variance
2018 May 25
TukeyHSD for multiple response
Dear all,
I'm testing the effect of species and sex in my sample by using the principal component scores of a PCA analysis.
I have 30 PCs and I tried to see if there is any significant difference from males to females, given that there is a significant effect of phylogeny (factor with several species).
I didi it like this:
fit <- manova(Y ~ sp*sex)
2007 Nov 06
I am a true R novice aonly using it for this function ;)
I am trying to use color2D.matplot to form a image of my data using the
following conditions
color2D.matplot(fi1, c(dr), c(dg), c(db), nslices=7, ylab='Species',
xlab="gene", show.legend=TRUE) where fi1 is my matrix.
I have a matrix with 36 columns and 130 rows. most entries are 1 or 0 and I
am trying to get this
2012 Dec 10
splitting dataset based on variable and re-combining
I have a dataset and I wish to use two different models to predict. Both models are SVM. The reason for two different models is based
on the sex of the observation. I wish to be able to make predictions and have the results be in the same order as my original dataset. To
illustrate I will use iris:
# Take Iris and create a dataframe of just two Species, setosa and versicolor, shuffle them
2011 Feb 15
quick question about binary data
Dear all,This is both an R and a statistics question. I want to test whether males and females of a given species tend to co-occur in a given sampling unit more frequently than expected by chance. I'm thinking about using a binomial distribution with p as the sex ratio of the entire population. So, even though the population sex ratio is close to 50:50, each sampling unit would have
2008 Mar 13
Convert a List of Distances to a Distance Matrix
Is there an easy function for switching list to matrix. My list is of
genetic distances between species pairs:
A A 0
A B .5
A C .25
B C .5
and I want a distance matrix such as:
A 0 .5 .25
B .5 0 .5
C .25 .5 0
for use in a mantel test.
Thank you for the help!
Charles G. Willis
Department of Organismic
2010 Aug 05
multiple comparisons after glm
Dear list members,
I have a question concerning multiple comparisons after using glm.
My response variable is days until emergence of an insect species. The explanatory variables are sex (two levels), parasitoids added (two levels) and populations (34 levels). I would like to know now which populations are different in days until insect emergence.
For this I used multiple comparisons as
2012 Apr 11
row.names in dunes and dunes.env?
I've got a small dataset on box turtle shell measurements that I would like to perform a detrended correspondence analysis on. I thought that it would be interesting to examine the morphometrics for each species in the area of overlap and in areas where neither species occurs.
I've taken a look at the dune and dune.env datasets in vegan. Using the str() command gives me
2009 Jun 30
Question regarding SIP 183 "Session Progress" handling in Asterisk
Dear Asterisk community!
I am having trouble with a project concerning the 183 Session Progress SIP messages. Asterisk seems to only accept these when there is also a Session Description (SDP) included in the message.
I also verified this by looking at the code.
However for a project we are working with a trunk to a third party system (Alcatel) and they are insisting that this behavior is