similar to: gls

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "gls"

2008 May 09
Which gls models to use?
Hi, I need to correct for ar(1) behavior of my residuals of my model. I noticed that there are multiple gls models in R. I am wondering if anyone has experience in choosing between gls models. For example, how should one decide whether to use lm.gls in MASS, or gls in nlme for correcting ar(1)? Does anyone have a preference? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks, -- Tom [[alternative HTML
2008 Apr 29
function to generate weights for lm?
Hi, I would like to use a weighted lm model to reduce heteroscendasticity. I am wondering if the only way to generate the weights in R is through the laborious process of trial and error by hand. Does anyone know if R has a function that would automatically generate the weights need for lm? Thanks, -- Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Nov 06
question about function "gls" in library "nlme"
Hi: The gls function I used in my code is the following fm<-gls(y~x,correlation=corARMA(p=2) ) My question is how to extact the AR(2) parameters from "fm". The object "fm" is the following. How can I extract the correlation parameters Phi1 and Phi2 from "fm"? These two parametrs is not in the "coef" componenet of "fm". Thanks a
2002 Mar 12
Case weights in nlme models
Greetings- I am in the process of constructing a nonlinear model using nlme. The model is attempting to fit a nested data structure from some public-opinion data (the data are from individuals nested within organizations). The question I have is fairly simple (I hope). The data were collected in two stages: a 15,000-subject randomly-sampled telephone interview (the SCREEN), with 2,517 subjects
2004 Oct 28
Auxilliary args in gls
I am trying to fit a B-spline regression model with a corStruct using gls. I am using bs() and specifying the knots myself. If I make the knots data-dependent, this works but has undesirable side-effects. I prefer to reference an auxilliary variable "knots" in my model formula. It should not be part of the data frame, as it is a vector of a different length. How can this be done? The
2007 Nov 02
GLS with nlme
Hello All, This is my third time attempting to post this message. I don't see it in the archive, so I'm guessing it is not getting through. If I am wrong, my apologies. I am trying to do a GLS regression, (X'V^-1X)^-1X'V^-1y, using the gls() function from the nlme package. I have the covariance matrix V. I have been searching for a way to specify the correlation structure
2004 Jul 01
Individual log likelihoods of nlsList objects.
Hello all. I was wondering if the logLike.nls() and logLike.nlme() functions are still being used. Neither function seems to be available in the most recent release of R (1.9.1). The following is contained in the help file for logLik(): "classes which already have methods for this function include: 'glm', 'lm', 'nls' and 'gls', 'lme' and others in
2004 Dec 29
gls model and matrix operations
Dear List: I am estimating a gls model and am having to make some rather unconventional modifications to handle a particular problem I have identified. My aim is to fit a GLS with an AR1 structure, obtain the variance-covariance matrix (V), modify it as needed given my research problem, and then reestimate the GLS by brute force using matrix operations. All seems to be working almost perfectly,
2008 Mar 27
Cannot update packages on F8
Dear All, I have just updated R to the version 2.6.2 on F8 (with the official F8 rpm). However, when running as root the following command: update.packages(checkBuilt=T) I get a bunch of errors like the ones below. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Paul ----------------------------------------------- * Installing *source* package 'nlme' ... ** libs gcc -m32 -std=gnu99 -I/usr/include/R
2006 Jul 13
Extracting Phi from gls/lme
I am trying to extract into a scalar the value of Phi from the printed output of gls or lme using corAR1 correlation. ie I want the estimate of the autocorrelation. I can't see how to do this and haven't seen it anywhere in str(model.lme). I can get all the other information - fixed and random effects etc. Is there an obvious way so that I can save the brick wall some damage? TIA
2009 Jan 28
gls prediction using the correlation structure in nlme
How does one coerce predict.gls to incorporate the fitted correlation structure from the gls object into predictions? In the example below the AR(1) process with phi=0.545 is not used with predict.gls. Is there another function that does this? I'm going to want to fit a few dozen models varying in order from AR(1) to AR(3) and would like to look at the fits with the correlation structure
2002 Jan 02
Does R contain a regression function that doesn't assume that measurements of the independent variable are error-free, as in standard linear regression? In other words, I'm looking for a function which solves directly for the coefficients in the linear model y = a + b*x for the case when both x and y are considered independent random variables with zero-mean noise characterized by sd(x)
2009 Feb 24
Initialize varFunc in R
Hi, I am running R2.8.1 under Linux, and I am having trouble using the variance functions in nlme My basic model was something like: model0 <- lme( log(growth) ~ light * , data=data, random=~light|species ) # with 20 odd species divided in 2 groups Following the methods in Pinheiro&Bates I tried to put a variance function in the model: model1 <- update(model0,
2006 Jan 09
trouble with extraction/interpretation of variance structure para meters from a model built using gnls and varConstPower
I have been using gnls with the weights argument (and varConstPower) to specify a variance structure for curve fits. In attempting to extract the parameters for the variance model I am seeing results I don't understand. When I simply display the model (or use "summary" on the model), I get what seem like reasonable values for both "power" and "const". When I
2009 Aug 24
lme, lmer, gls, and spatial autocorrelation
Hello folks, I have some data where spatial autocorrelation seems to be a serious problem, and I'm unclear on how to deal with it in R. I've tried to do my homework - read through 'The R Book,' use the online help in R, search the internet, etc. - and I still have some unanswered questions. I'd greatly appreciate any help you could offer. The super-super short explanation is
2006 Mar 07
lme and gls : accessing values from correlation structure and variance functions
Dear R-users I am relatively new to R, i hope my many novice questions are welcome. I have problems accessing some objects (specifically the random effects, correlation structure and variance function) from an object of class gls and lme. I used the following models: yah <- gls (outcome~ -1 + as.factor(Trial):as.factor(endpoint)+
2007 Jun 28
unequal variance assumption for lme (mixed effect model)
Dear Douglas and R-help, Does lme assume normal distribution AND equal variance among groups like anova() does? If it does, is there any method like unequal variance T-test (Welch T) in lme when each group has unequal variance in my data? Thanks, Shirley
2005 Jan 24
lme and varFunc()
Dear R users, I am currently analyzing a dataset using lme(). The model I use has the following structure: model<-lme(response~Covariate+TreatmentA+TreatmentB,random=~1|Block/Plot,method="ML") When I plot the residuals against the fitted values, I see a clear positive trend (meaning that the variance increases with the mean). I tried to solve this issue using weights=varPower(),
2002 Aug 29
lme() with known level-one variances
Greetings, I have a meta-analysis problem in which I have fixed effects regression coefficients (and estimated standard errors) from identical models fit to different data sets. I would like to use these results to create pooled estimated regression coefficients and estimated standard errors for these pooled coefficients. In particular, I would like to estimate the model \beta_{i} = \mu +
2006 Feb 06
question about corStruct
dear list, I am wondering if one can find examples and/or more detailed descriptions of modifications needed when going beyond standard corStruct classes (i.e. those already provided for use in lme/nlme)? When I looked at pages 238-239 of Pinheiro/Bates (2000): Mixed-effects models in S and S-plus, I found that I would need a bit more explicit guidance what to do for implementing a new